Decision 2016 - Speeches of the Presidential Election

By Alexander Jones

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Welcome to Decision 2016 - Speeches of the Presidential Election! On this podcast you will find every speech from all the Democratic and Republican candidates as well as each of the debates in full. Decision 2016 - Your home to the Presidential Election! Share and Enjoy!

Episode Date
Decision 2016 - Episode 15 - Bernie Sanders Speech 'The American People Are Angry' 27/06/15
Oct 24, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 14 - Hillary Clinton Opening Statement Benghazi Hearing 23/10/15
Oct 24, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 13 - Ted Cruz Speech The Real Story of What Is Happening in Washington
Oct 22, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 12 - Ben Carson Speech at National Press Club Luncheon 10-9-15
Oct 22, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 11 - Donald Trump Anderson, SC Rally 19/10/15
Oct 22, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 10 - Marco Rubio Speech Value Voter Summit 25/9/15
Oct 22, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 9 - Jeb Bush Speech at Iowa Rally 10/6/15
Oct 22, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 8 - Jim Webb Withdrawal Speech
Oct 22, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 7 - Joe Biden Not Running Speech
Oct 22, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 6 - Marco Rubio Announcement Speech
Oct 22, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 5 - Bernie Sanders Announcement Speech
Oct 18, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 4 - Second Republican Debate
Oct 18, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 3 - First Democratic Debate
Oct 16, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 2 - Jeb Bush Announcment Speech
Oct 14, 2015
Decision 2016 - Episode 1 - Hillary Clinton Announcment Speech
Oct 10, 2015