The Zen Studies Podcast

By Domyo Burk

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Image by Domyo Burk

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Episodes: 286


Learn about traditional Zen and Buddhist teachings, practices, and history through episodes recorded specifically for podcast listeners. Host Domyo Burk is a Soto Zen priest and teacher.

Episode Date
275 - Ten Fields of Zen, Field Five – Precepts: Transcending Self-Attachment (3 of 3)
Jul 13, 2024
274 - Ten Fields of Zen, Field Five – Precepts: Transcending Self-Attachment (2 of 3)
Jun 28, 2024
273 - Ten Fields of Zen, Field Five – Precepts: Transcending Self-Attachment (1 of 3)
Jun 26, 2024
272 - Keizan's Denkoroku Chapter 3: Ananda and the Flagpole
Jun 19, 2024
271 - Ten Fields of Zen, Field Four - Dharma Study: Wrestling with the Teachings (2 of 2)
May 30, 2024
270 - Ten Fields of Zen, Field Four - Dharma Study: Wrestling with the Teachings (1 of 2)
May 22, 2024
269 - Making a Vow of Inner Nonviolence and Complete Acceptance
May 14, 2024
268 - Teisho, An Encouragement Talk During Zazen
Apr 30, 2024
267 - Ten Fields of Zen, Field Three - Mindfulness: Cultivating Awareness Every Moment
Apr 22, 2024
266 - What Would the Buddha Say About the Suffering in the World?
Apr 15, 2024
265 - Ten Fields of Zen, Field Two - Zazen: Our Total Response to Life (3 of 3)
Mar 30, 2024
264 - Ten Fields of Zen, Field Two - Zazen: Our Total Response to Life (2 of 3)
Mar 26, 2024
263 - Ten Fields of Zen, Field Two - Zazen: Our Total Response to Life (1 of 3)
Mar 18, 2024
262 - The Value, Care, and Feeding of Dharma Friendships (2 of 2)
Mar 01, 2024
261 – The Value, Care, and Feeding of Dharma Friendships (1 of 2)
Feb 25, 2024
260 – Ten Fields of Zen, Field One – Bodhicitta: Way-Seeking Mind
Feb 17, 2024
259 – Ten Fields of Zen, Introduction – What Is Zen Practice?
Feb 01, 2024
258 - One Reality, Many Descriptions Part 6: The Two Truths of Absolute and Relative 2
Jan 09, 2024
257 - One Reality, Many Descriptions Part 5: The Two Truths of Absolute and Relative – Part 1
Dec 31, 2023
256 - Do Your Own Practice: Spiritual Translation Versus Transformation
Dec 17, 2023
255 – The Medicine of Emptiness When Witnessing Suffering and Injustice
Dec 02, 2023
254 - Practice is How You Live Each and Every Moment – Part 2
Nov 25, 2023
253 - Practice is How You Live Each and Every Moment – Part 1
Nov 15, 2023
252 - Reflections on Dogen’s “Bussho, The Buddha-Nature” Part 2: Total Existence
Oct 31, 2023
251 – Reflections on Dogen’s “Bussho, The Buddha-Nature” Part 1: Being
Oct 27, 2023
250 - In Zazen We Stop Imposing Ourselves on the World and Meet It Instead
Oct 15, 2023
249 - Are the Buddha’s Teachings on Renunciation Relevant for Householders? – Part 2
Oct 01, 2023
248 - Are the Buddha’s Teachings on Renunciation Relevant for Householders? – Part 1
Sep 28, 2023
247 - Sangha Challenges: How and Why to Open Up to the Treasure of Sangha – Part 3
Sep 16, 2023
Two Episodes Recommended by Listeners
Aug 31, 2023
Recommended Episodes on Zazen
Aug 25, 2023
Announcement and Recommendation
Aug 17, 2023
246 - Sangha Challenges: How and Why to Open Up to the Treasure of Sangha – Part 2
Jul 31, 2023
245 - Sangha Challenges: How and Why to Open Up to the Treasure of Sangha – Part 1
Jul 27, 2023
244 - Zazen as a Religious Act
Jul 17, 2023
243 - The Buddha’s Life Story as Archetype and Teaching
Jun 30, 2023
242 - Reflections on Sansuikyo, Dogen’s Mountains and Waters Sutra
Jun 23, 2023
241 - What Does It Mean to Waste Time?
Jun 16, 2023
240 – One Reality, Many Descriptions Part 4: Buddha-Nature 2
May 31, 2023
239 – One Reality, Many Descriptions Part 3: Buddha-Nature 1
May 28, 2023
238 - Eco-Anxiety and Buddhism – Part 2
May 12, 2023
237 - Eco-Anxiety and Buddhism – Part 1
Apr 29, 2023
236 - Spiritual Inquiry Part 5: Koans and Awakening
Apr 19, 2023
235 – One Reality, Many Descriptions Part 2: Suchness or Thusness
Apr 12, 2023
234 – Spiritual Inquiry Part 4: Investigating and Resolving Karmic Issues
Mar 30, 2023
233 – Spiritual Inquiry Part 3: Identifying our Karmic Issues
Mar 18, 2023
232 – Spiritual Inquiry Part 2: Resistance to Questions and Karma Work Versus Awakening
Mar 06, 2023
231 – Spiritual Inquiry Part 1: What Spiritual Questions Are and Why They Matter
Feb 27, 2023
230 – The Importance of Bodhi-Mind, or Way-Seeking Mind
Feb 15, 2023
229 – One Reality, Many Descriptions Part 1: Emptiness
Jan 31, 2023
228 – Skillful Self-Discipline Part 2: Clarity of Purpose and Patient Determination
Jan 19, 2023
227 – Skillful Self-Discipline Part 1: Balancing Discipline and Gentleness
Jan 09, 2023
226 – How to Relate to Worldly Pleasure as a Buddhist – Part 2
Dec 25, 2022
225 – How to Relate to Worldly Pleasure as a Buddhist – Part 1
Dec 25, 2022
224 – Human Nature: Why Aren't We Born Enlightened?
Dec 16, 2022
223 – Integrating Insights
Dec 01, 2022
222 – Confronting the Buddha’s Sexist Discourse – Part 2
Nov 23, 2022
221 – Confronting the Buddha’s Sexist Discourse – Part 1
Nov 16, 2022
220 - Being the Only Buddhist in Your Family – Part 2
Oct 29, 2022
219 – Being the Only Buddhist in Your Family – Part 1
Oct 21, 2022
218 - The Fourfold Bodhisattva Vow Part 3: Entering Dharma Gates & Attaining Buddhahood
Oct 15, 2022
217 - The Fourfold Bodhisattva Vow Part 2: Ending All Delusions
Sep 30, 2022
216 - The Fourfold Bodhisattva Vow Part 1: Freeing All Beings
Sep 22, 2022
215 - We Will Die Soon: Using Impermanence to Motivate Practice
Sep 12, 2022
214 - How Do You DO Zazen, Anyway?
Aug 31, 2022
213 – Deconstructing Self: Which Aspects Are Fine, and Which Cause Suffering?
Aug 19, 2022
212 - The Wisdom of Play
Aug 11, 2022
211 - Book Review: Kosho Uchiyama's “Opening the Hand of Thought”
Jul 31, 2022
210 - Book Review: Kyogen Carlson’s “You Are Still Here”
Jul 21, 2022
209 - Book Review: Issho Fujita's "Polishing a Tile"
Jul 11, 2022
208 - Nine Benefits of Practice in Difficult Times
Jun 30, 2022
207 - Dirt Zendo, Cloud Zendo, One Sangha: Buddhist Community in the Digital Age
Jun 25, 2022
206 - Dirt Zendo, Cloud Zendo, One Sangha: Buddhist Community in the Digital Age – Part 1
Jun 07, 2022
205 - Motivation for Practice: What Do You Love Most Deeply?
May 28, 2022
204 - Buddha-Nature: What the Heck is It and How Do We Realize It? Part 2
May 21, 2022
203 - Buddha-Nature: What the Heck is It and How Do We Realize It? Part 1
May 13, 2022
202 - Two Truths: Everything is Okay and Everything is NOT Okay at the Same Time
Apr 28, 2022
201 – Story of My Spiritual Journey Part 5: Finding What I Was Looking For
Apr 23, 2022
200 – Story of My Spiritual Journey Part 4: Enlightenments
Apr 15, 2022
199 - Is My Practice Languishing? If So, What Can I Do About It?
Mar 30, 2022
198 - Renunciation as an Act of Love
Mar 22, 2022
197 – Neither Avoidance nor Identification: Being with the Reality of Painful Situations
Mar 11, 2022
196 - Death and the Emptiness of Self: What's the Meaning of Life If You've Got No Soul?
Feb 27, 2022
195 - Hongzhi’s “Wander into the Center of the Circle of Wonder”
Feb 21, 2022
194 - Pain in Meditation 2: Adjustments to Posture and When to Tolerate Discomfort
Feb 15, 2022
193 - Pain in Meditation 1: Why the Seated Posture?
Jan 28, 2022
192 – The Eight Worldly Winds: Gain, Loss, Status, Disgrace, Praise, Censure, Pleasure, Pain
Jan 22, 2022
191 – Contemplating the Future: The Middle Way Between Dread and Hope
Jan 06, 2022
190 – Leaping Beyond Fear of Rejection: Giving the Gift of Self
Dec 23, 2021
189 – Collecting the Heart-Mind: A Celebration of Sesshin – Part 1
Dec 17, 2021
188 - What Does Practice Look Like When Your Country Is Broken?
Dec 01, 2021
187 - Lotus Sutra 5: Step Right Up to Get YOUR Prediction of Buddhahood
Nov 20, 2021
186 - Making Peace with Ghosts: Unresolved Karma and the Sejiki (Segaki) Festival
Nov 12, 2021
185 – 14 Ways to Enliven Your Zazen – Part 2
Oct 29, 2021
184 – 14 Ways to Enliven Your Zazen – Part 1
Oct 22, 2021
183 – Natural Koans: Engaging Our Limitations as Dharma Gates
Oct 11, 2021
182 - Answers to Interview Questions from Eastern Horizon Magazine
Sep 29, 2021
181 - Bodhicitta: Way-Seeking Mind, or the Mind of Enlightenment
Sep 22, 2021
180 - The Dharma of Staying Calm When Facing Challenges
Sep 10, 2021
179 - Inadequacy to Abundance: Rewriting Our Self-Narrative
Aug 30, 2021
178 – Declaring War on Global Heating and What That Means to a Buddhist
Aug 21, 2021
177 - Unconditional Strength and Gratitude: The Medicine of Suchness
Aug 13, 2021
176 - A Story of My Spiritual Journey Part 3: A Phoenix Rises from the Ashes of Despair
Jul 29, 2021
175 – A Story of My Spiritual Journey Part 2: Why I Think Buddhism Is Awesome
Jul 21, 2021
174 - A Story of My Spiritual Journey Part 1: Conveyor Belt to Death
Jul 07, 2021
173 - True Satisfaction: Dogen's Everyday Activity (Kajo) - Part 2
Jun 29, 2021
172 - The Profound and Difficult Practice of Putting Everything Down
Jun 25, 2021
171 - Five Requirements for Effective Practice with Any Issue
Jun 09, 2021
170 - Looking to Buddhism to Support Values and Beliefs We Already Hold - Part 2
May 28, 2021
169 - Looking to Buddhism to Support Values and Beliefs We Already Hold – Part 1
May 25, 2021
168 - Is This IT? Dogen's Everyday Activity (Kajo) - Part 1
May 13, 2021
167 - If You're Not Making Mistakes, You're Not Practicing
Apr 28, 2021
166 - The Ceremony of Wesak: Celebrating and Expressing Gratitude for Our Teachers
Apr 20, 2021
165 - The Buddhist Moral Precepts as a Practice for Studying the Buddha Way
Apr 09, 2021
164 – Gratitude as a Dharma Gate
Mar 19, 2021
163 - Lotus Sutra 4: Parable of the Plants - Superior, Middling, or Inferior Beings and the Dharma
Mar 12, 2021
162 – Am I a Good Buddhist?
Mar 01, 2021
161 - The Parinirvana Ceremony and the Teaching of the Buddha's Dying and Death
Feb 15, 2021
160 - Bearing Witness without Burning Out
Feb 10, 2021
159 – Active Receptivity in Zazen: Surrounded by a Symphony
Jan 24, 2021
158 – Social Strife and the Forgotten Virtue of Decorum
Jan 15, 2021
157 – Bodhicitta: The Critical Importance of Dissatisfaction
Jan 01, 2021
156 – Ebb and Flow in Buddhist Practice: Cycles of Energy, Inspiration, and Focus
Dec 23, 2020
155 - Avatamsaka Sutra - Each One of Us Has Unique Bodhisattva Gifts to Offer - 2
Dec 08, 2020
154 - Avatamsaka Sutra - Each One of Us Has Unique Bodhisattva Gifts to Offer – Part 1
Dec 01, 2020
153 - Kshanti, The Perfection of Endurance: Life's Not Always a Bed of Roses
Nov 18, 2020
152 - Lotus Sutra 3: This Means YOU - The Parable of the Lost Son
Nov 11, 2020
151 - The Emptiness of Self and Why It Matters
Oct 26, 2020
150 - Zazen as the Dharma Gate of Joyful Ease
Oct 17, 2020
149 - Understanding People's Actions Through the Six Realms Teaching
Oct 08, 2020
148 – Three Ingredients for a Generous Life in a Crazy World
Sep 30, 2020
147 - Loving-Kindness (Metta) Practice as an Antidote to Fear and Anxiety
Sep 19, 2020
146 - Respect Even for Terrible People: What Does It Mean?
Sep 12, 2020
145 - No Matter What Happens to You, You Have Choice in the Matter
Aug 26, 2020
144 - Lotus Sutra 2: Wake Up! The Parable of the Burning House
Aug 13, 2020
143 - The Experience of Enlightenment and Why It’s for All of Us
Aug 03, 2020
142 - Direct Experience Is Liberation: When There Are No Stories, There Is No "You"
Jul 24, 2020
141 - The Practice of Vow 2: Choosing the Direction We Want Our Lives to Take
Jul 15, 2020
140 – Sustainable Buddhist Practice: Creating Form But Keeping It Flexible
Jul 04, 2020
139 - Suchness: Awakening to the Preciousness of Things-As-It-Is
Jun 23, 2020
138 - Buddhist Images of Fierceness and Compassionate Anger
Jun 12, 2020
137 - Sustainable Bodhisattva Practice when the World is (Literally) on Fire
Jun 01, 2020
136 - Grief in Buddhism 2: Some Buddhist Practices Helpful for Facing and Integrating Grief
May 21, 2020
Mini Episode - A Four "S" Approach to Shikantaza: Sit Upright, Still, Silent, Simply Be
May 16, 2020
135 - Grief in Buddhism 1: Buddhist Teachings on Grief and the Danger of Spiritual Bypassing
May 11, 2020
134 - Lotus Sutra 1: What Is Devotion, and How Does It Fulfill the Buddha Way?
Apr 30, 2020
133 - Restoring Wonder: Hongzhi's Guidepost of Silent Illumination - Part 2
Apr 22, 2020
132 - Restoring Wonder: Hongzhi's Guidepost of Silent Illumination - Part 1
Apr 08, 2020
131 – Facing Impermanence? Fortunately, Buddhism Is All About Life and Death
Mar 26, 2020
130 – A Buddhist Approach to Practicing with Fear
Mar 16, 2020
129 - Why Is Self-Esteem Essential When the Self is Empty?
Feb 29, 2020
128 – Taking Action: Getting Out of the House and Helping Others (Crisis Buddhism Part 3)
Feb 19, 2020
127 - Crisis Buddhism - Part 2: Bearing Witness
Feb 11, 2020
126 - Crisis Buddhism: Sustainable Bodhisattva Practice in a World on Fire – Part 1
Jan 29, 2020
125 - Liberation Through Understanding the Five Wisdom Energies
Jan 21, 2020
124 - Giving Shape to Our Lives: The Buddhist Practice of Vow
Jan 07, 2020
123 – Engaging Our Climate Emergency as a Koan and Opportunity
Dec 23, 2019
122 - Meditation Is NOT About Stopping Thoughts
Dec 16, 2019
Facing Extinction 2: A Personal Journal (Nov 14-22)
Dec 12, 2019
121 – The Practical Value of Awakening to the Absolute Aspect of Reality
Dec 01, 2019
120 - Dogen's Four Ways Bodhisattvas Embrace Living Beings - Part 5 - Identity Action
Nov 26, 2019
119 - Brightening the Mind: Refusing to be Tyrannized by Negative States
Nov 17, 2019
Facing Extinction 1: Nov. 3rd - 9th, 2019
Nov 13, 2019
118 - Buddha's Teachings 15: Nirvana as the Ultimate Goal of Original Buddhism
Nov 02, 2019
117 - Clarifying the Mind Ground According to Keizan's “Zazen-Yojinki”
Oct 28, 2019
116 - Do You Need a Zen or Buddhist Teacher?
Oct 20, 2019
115 - Dogen's Four Ways Bodhisattvas Embrace Living Beings - Part 4 - Beneficial Action
Oct 06, 2019
114 - Why Your (Real) Happiness Benefits Others
Sep 28, 2019
113 – Clarification: It’s Okay to Use Multiple Types of Meditation
Sep 20, 2019
2019-09-11 Off-Week Announcement about SFZC Talk
Sep 11, 2019
112 - Dogen's "Four Ways Bodhisattvas Embrace Living Beings" - Part 3 – Loving Words
Sep 06, 2019
111 – You Can't Hold on to Stillness: Practice in Activity
Sep 01, 2019
110 - How Understanding Impermanence Can Lead to Great Appreciation
Aug 16, 2019
109 - What Does Buddhism Have to Say About Mass Shootings?
Aug 10, 2019
108 - Buddha's Teachings 14: The Five Skandhas as Focus for the Practice of Not-Self (Anatta)
Jul 30, 2019
107 - Finding and Enacting Our Best Response to the World's Suffering
Jul 19, 2019
106 - Dogen's Shishobo: The Four Ways Bodhisattvas Embrace Living Beings – Part 2
Jul 13, 2019
105 - Dogen's Shishobo: The Four Ways Bodhisattvas Embrace Living Beings
Jul 07, 2019
104 – Buddhists: It’s Time to Address the Climate Emergency
Jun 29, 2019
103 – Twelve Pali Canon Suttas Every Buddhist Should Know – Part 3
Jun 14, 2019
102 – Nine Fields of Zen Practice: A Framework for Letting Practice Permeate Your Life – Part 3
Jun 07, 2019
101 – The Koan of Awakening: Do You Know the Essential Truth Yet, Or Not?
Jun 03, 2019
100 – Twelve Pali Canon Suttas Every Buddhist Should Know – Part 2
May 17, 2019
99 – Nine Fields of Zen Practice: A Framework for Letting Practice Permeate Your Life – Part 2
May 10, 2019
98 – Nine Fields of Zen Practice: A Framework for Letting Practice Permeate Your Life – Part 1
May 03, 2019
97 – Twelve Pali Canon Suttas Every Buddhist Should Know – Part 1
Apr 26, 2019
Off-Week Editorial - It’s Not Enough to Respond to What’s Right in Front of You
Apr 19, 2019
96 - Zazen Pamphlet: Essential (and Brief) Instructions for the Practice of Zazen
Apr 12, 2019
95 - Lineage in Buddhism: The Intersection Between the Individual and the Collective Tradition
Apr 07, 2019
94 - Buddha's Teachings 13 - The Five Hindrances - Part 3
Mar 30, 2019
93 - Buddha's Teachings 12: The Five Hindrances – Part 2
Mar 23, 2019
2019-03-15 Off-Week Book Review: Why Buddhism Is True
Mar 15, 2019
92 - Buddha's Teachings 11: The Five Hindrances – Part 1
Mar 09, 2019
91 – Unethical Buddhist Teachers: Were They Ever Really Enlightened?
Mar 01, 2019
90 - Buddhist History 11: Early Indian Buddhism - Stupas and Devotional Practice - Part 2
Feb 23, 2019
89 – Buddhist Practice as a Lifelong Path of Growth and Transformation
Feb 15, 2019
88 – Nyoho: Making Even Our Smallest, Mundane Actions Accord with the Dharma – Part 2
Feb 02, 2019
87 – Nyoho: Making Even Our Smallest, Mundane Actions Accord with the Dharma – Part 1
Jan 28, 2019
86 - Samvega and Pasada: Two Buddhist Emotions Indispensable for Practice
Jan 18, 2019
85 – I Shouldn’t Feel Like This: A Practitioner’s Conundrum
Jan 11, 2019
84 – Two Paths to Meditative Concentration: Directed Effort Versus Letting Go – Part 2
Dec 24, 2018
83 – Two Paths to Meditative Concentration: Directed Effort Versus Letting Go – Part 1
Dec 14, 2018
82 - Buddhist History 10: Early Indian Buddhism - Stupas and Devotional Practice - Part 1
Dec 01, 2018
81 – Five Steps for Positive Change without Waging War on the Self
Nov 24, 2018
80 - Four Foundations of Mindfulness Practice and Similarities in Zen
Nov 17, 2018
79 - Buddha's Teachings 10: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
Nov 13, 2018
78 – The Ten Oxherding Pictures: Stages of Practice When You’re Going Nowhere
Nov 01, 2018
77 - Western Zen Grows Up and Faces the Koan of Race – Part 2
Oct 28, 2018
76 - Western Zen Grows Up and Faces the Koan of Race – Part 1
Oct 12, 2018
75 – Sekito Kisen’s Sandokai: The Identity of Relative and Absolute – Part 2
Oct 04, 2018
74 – Sekito Kisen’s Sandokai: The Identity of Relative and Absolute – Part 1
Sep 27, 2018
73 – Is Buddhism Secular, Spiritual, or Religious?
Sep 11, 2018
72 – Taking Care of Our Lives: More About the Karma Relationship Side of Practice
Sep 01, 2018
71 - Buddha's Teachings 9: The Four Brahmaviharas, or Sublime Social Attitudes - Part 3
Aug 26, 2018
70 - Buddhist Practice: Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts and Emotions
Aug 18, 2018
69 - The Soto Zen Goal of Goallessness: How to Awaken Without Trying
Aug 04, 2018
68 – Relating to Buddhist Teachings 2: Wrestling with the Teachings
Jul 29, 2018
67 – Relating to Buddhist Teachings 1: Their Abundance, Diversity & Authenticity
Jul 21, 2018
66 - Buddha's Teachings 8: Four Brahmaviharas, or Sublime Social Attitudes - Part 2
Jul 14, 2018
65 – Dealing with Fear, Anger, and Hatred as a Buddhist
Jul 02, 2018
64 - Shikantaza: Having the Guts to Just Sit and Let Go of Doing Anything
Jun 23, 2018
63 - Buddha's Teachings 7: The Four Brahmaviharas, or Sublime Social Attitudes - Part 1
Jun 19, 2018
62 - Listener's Questions: Practicing with Mental Illness
Jun 08, 2018
61 - Taking Refuge and Precepts: The Significance of Becoming a Buddhist – Part 2
May 25, 2018
60 - Taking Refuge and Precepts: The Significance of Becoming a Buddhist – Part 1
May 18, 2018
59 - The Buddha's Teachings Part 6: The Three Poisons as the Root of All Evil
May 12, 2018
58 - Dogen's Bendowa Part 2: Inconceivable Dharma, Practice, and Realization
May 04, 2018
57 - Dogen's Bendowa Part 1: What's the Big Deal about Zazen?
Apr 30, 2018
56 - Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and the Power of Compassion
Apr 22, 2018
55 - Listener's Questions: Enlightened Behavior, Openings, Chanting, Recommended Books
Apr 12, 2018
54 – You Don’t Need to Improve or Get Anything to Fulfill the Buddha Way
Mar 30, 2018
53 - Buddha's Teachings Part 5: Karma, the Law of Moral Cause-and-Effect
Mar 23, 2018
52 - Profound, Practical, Mutable: Dharma Transmission in Zen – Part 2
Mar 15, 2018
51 - Profound, Practical, Mutable: Dharma Transmission in Zen – Part 1
Mar 10, 2018
50 - Buddhist History 8: Aśoka, First Buddhist Emperor – Facts and Legend Part 2
Mar 04, 2018
49 - Buddhist History 8: Aśoka, First Buddhist Emperor – Facts and Legend – Part 1
Feb 27, 2018
48 - How to Guide Your Own Meditation Part 2: First-Person Stories
Feb 09, 2018
47 - How to Guide Your Own Meditation Part 1: Do Something, Don’t Just Fall Asleep
Feb 02, 2018
46 - Dogen’s Genjokoan Part 5: Birds Fly, Fish Swim, a Zen Master Waves a Fan
Jan 26, 2018
45 - The Value of Buddhist Prayer Part 3: Prayer for Personal Transformation
Jan 20, 2018
44 - The Value of Buddhist Prayer Part 2: Aid-Seeking If There’s No God
Jan 12, 2018
43 - The Value of Buddhist Prayer Part 1: Paradox of Prayer in a Nontheistic Spiritual Tradition
Jan 06, 2018
42 - Buddha's Teachings Part 4: Right Speech - Factual, Helpful, Kind, Pleasant, and Timely
Dec 21, 2017
41 -Dogen’s Genjokoan Part 4: Moon in a Dewdrop and Views of the Ocean
Dec 15, 2017
40 - Being Beneficial Instead of Right: The Buddhist Concept of Skillful Means
Dec 07, 2017
39 - Buddhist History 7: Indian Buddhism After the Buddha - The First 200 Years
Nov 30, 2017
38 - The Two Sides of Practice: Samadhi Power and Karma Relationship
Nov 18, 2017
37 - Dogen’s Genjokoan Part 3: Seeking, Self, and the Matter of Life-and-Death
Nov 10, 2017
36 - Buddha's Teachings Part 3: The Noble Eightfold Path
Nov 03, 2017
35 - Dogen’s Genjokoan: A Verse by Verse Exploration – Part 2
Oct 26, 2017
34 - Dogen’s Genjokoan: A Verse by Verse Exploration – Part 1
Oct 19, 2017
October Break Message
Oct 12, 2017
33 – Life of Shakyamuni Buddha Part 4: Further Teachings and Colorful Stories
Oct 05, 2017
32 - The Practice of Not-Knowing: Relief, Intimacy, and Ground for Effective Action
Sep 28, 2017
31 - Six Realms of Existence Part 3: Hungry Ghost and Human Realms
Sep 21, 2017
30 - Six Realms of Existence Part 2: Asura, Beast, and Hell Realms
Sep 14, 2017
29 - Six Realms of Existence Part 1: Introduction and the Heaven Realm
Sep 07, 2017
Labor Day Message
Aug 31, 2017
28 - Q&A: The Teaching of Rebirth and Too Much Thinking During Zazen
Aug 24, 2017
27 - The Buddha's Teachings Part 2 – The Four Noble Truths
Aug 17, 2017
26 – Work as Spiritual Practice According to Dogen's “Instructions to the Cook” – Part 2
Aug 10, 2017
25 – Work as Spiritual Practice According to Dogen's “Instructions to the Cook” - Part 1
Aug 03, 2017
24 – Deepen Your Zazen by Not Getting Stuck in Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction
Jul 27, 2017
23 - How Buddhists Should Behave: Evolution of the Buddhist Precepts Part 2
Jul 21, 2017
22 - How Buddhists Should Behave: Evolution of the Buddhist Precepts Part 1
Jul 13, 2017
21 – Sesshin: 24-7 Silent Meditation Retreats
Jun 29, 2017
20 - The Heart Sutra Part 2: Line by Line Explanation, Continued
Jun 21, 2017
19 - The Heart Sutra Part 1: Introduction to the Most Common Mahayana Text
Jun 15, 2017
18 - Zen Forms (Customs and Rituals) and Why They Matter
Jun 08, 2017
Life of Shakyamuni Buddha Part 3: First Sermons and Students, and the Early Sangha
Jun 01, 2017
Sangha: The Joys, Challenges, and Value of Practicing in a Buddhist Community
May 25, 2017
To Study Buddhism Is to Study the Self (and Why That’s Not Selfish)
May 18, 2017
Buddha's Teachings Part 1: The Three Marks and the Teaching of Not-Self (Anatta)
May 11, 2017
What Zen “Acceptance” and “Non-Attachment” Really Are
May 04, 2017
Life of Shakyamuni Buddha Part 2: Spiritual Struggle, Enlightenment, Teaching, and Death
Apr 27, 2017
Life of Shakyamuni Buddha Part 1: Source Texts, and Birth Through Homeleaving
Apr 20, 2017
What Is "Zen Practice," Anyway?
Apr 13, 2017
Shakyamuni Buddha's Enlightenment: What Did He Realize?
Apr 06, 2017
It-with-a-Capital-I: The Zen Version of God
Mar 30, 2017
Dharma Talk - Beyond Mindfulness: The Radical Practice of Undivided Presence
Mar 23, 2017
Arising of Buddhism Part 2: New Religious Questions and Answers Around 500 BCE
Mar 16, 2017
Arising of Buddhism Part 1: Historical and Religious Context in India
Mar 09, 2017
Zazen Part 2: How to Deal with Thinking, Stay Engaged, and Maintain a Practice
Mar 02, 2017
Zazen (Seated Meditation) Part 1: What Zazen Is and How to Do It
Jan 25, 2017
The Three Treasures of Buddhism: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha
Jan 17, 2017
How Does Zen Fit Within the Context of Buddhism as a Whole?
Jan 17, 2017