History Unplugged Podcast

By Scott Rank, PhD

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Episodes: 897

 May 5, 2023

 Feb 4, 2023
loved the content and flow, great podcast if you are interested in Roman history.

 Nov 29, 2022

 Dec 9, 2021

 May 25, 2021
great stories and narration


For history lovers who listen to podcasts, History Unplugged is the most comprehensive show of its kind. It's the only show that dedicates episodes to both interviewing experts and answering questions from its audience. First, it features a call-in show where you can ask our resident historian (Scott Rank, PhD) absolutely anything (What was it like to be a Turkish sultan with four wives and twelve concubines? If you were sent back in time, how would you kill Hitler?). Second, it features long-form interviews with best-selling authors who have written about everything. Topics include gruff World War II generals who flew with airmen on bombing raids, a war horse who gained the rank of sergeant, and presidents who gave their best speeches while drunk.

Episode Date
Eisenhower’s Logistics and Diplomatic Nightmare: Planning and Executing D-Day
Jul 25, 2024
53 Days on Starvation Island: How The US Marines Fought on Guadalcanal While Completely Surrounded
Jul 23, 2024
Taiwan’s 100-Year Rise From Japanese Colony to Monopoly Producer of Microchips
Jul 18, 2024
When States Rights Were Emancipatory and Federalism was Restrictive: The Interbellum Constitution of 1812-1865
Jul 16, 2024
Is America Going Through a Late Roman Moment of Its Own?
Jul 11, 2024
How Five Castaways Survived After Being Left for Dead on the Falklands in 1812
Jul 09, 2024
The Capetians: The Dynasty That Made Medieval France and Gave Us the Fleur-De-Lys
Jul 04, 2024
Why the Book is Humanity’s Most Important Invention
Jul 02, 2024
How and Why Humans Started Speaking
Jun 27, 2024
The American Detective Who Fought the Kaiser’s Spy Ring and an Anarchist Bombing Syndicate
Jun 25, 2024
Patton’s Tactician: Geoffrey Keys, “The Best Tactical Mind” of WWII
Jun 20, 2024
The Seven Cleopatras Who Ruled Egypt
Jun 18, 2024
Modern Black Ops Warfare Began with a British WW2 Operation to Steal Boats Off Africa’s Coast
Jun 13, 2024
The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World Were Colossal, Prone to Destruction, and Not All May Have Existed
Jun 11, 2024
Being the Ultimate Constitutional Originalist in 2024 Means Donning a Tricorn Hat and Applying to Practice Piracy
Jun 06, 2024
The Last Time Humanity Believed in Unstoppable Progress: Paris in the Belle Époque (1871-1914)
Jun 04, 2024
The Silk Road Travel Adventures of a 16th Century Mughal Princess and Her Massive Royal Retinue
May 30, 2024
The Months Leading up to the Civil War That Inflamed North-South Tensions from Animosity to Murderous Hatred
May 28, 2024
LSD’s Origins in Nazi Germany Brain-Washing Experiments, the CIA’s MKUltra Program, and the Dawn of the Psychedelic Age
May 23, 2024
How Duke Ellington and Other Jazzmen Became America’s First Globally Famous Musicians
May 21, 2024
Why America Could Have a Presidential Succession Crisis
May 17, 2024
Dunkirk from the German Perspective
May 16, 2024
The Global Manhunt For The Confederate Ship That Sunk Union Supply Vessels, From the Caribbean to the South Pacific
May 14, 2024
Which Statues Should We Take Down? How To Fairly Judge Historical Figures by Today’s Standards
May 09, 2024
The 160-Minute Race to Save the Titanic
May 07, 2024
Vikings Went Everywhere in the Middle Ages, From Baghdad to Constantinople to….. Oklahoma?
May 02, 2024
The 15-Hour Work Week Was Standard For Nearly All of History. What Happened?
Apr 30, 2024
Pancho Villa’s 1916 Raid on New Mexico: The Pearl Harbor Bombing of Its Time
Apr 25, 2024
A Radical Abolitionist Youth Movement Consumed America in 1860, Elected Lincoln, Then Disappeared Completely
Apr 23, 2024
Socrates May Have Been Executed For Revealing Secrets of Athens’ Religious Rituals
Apr 18, 2024
The Age of Discovery Through American-Indian Eyes
Apr 16, 2024
A Short History of the Sioux Wars (1862-1890)
Apr 12, 2024
The Deerfield Massacre: The Infamous 1704 Indian Raid That Left Hundreds Dead and More Captured
Apr 11, 2024
The Dangerous and Thrilling Life of a 19th-Century Whaler
Apr 09, 2024
Fiorello LaGuardia: Immigrant Son and Ellis Island Interpreter Who Became America’s Mayor
Apr 04, 2024
How the West Tried and Failed to Stop the Russian Revolution
Apr 02, 2024
Kings Were Inevitable and Untouchable Until They Suddenly Weren’t After a Few 1700s Revolutions
Mar 28, 2024
The Fall Of Japanese-held Hong Kong in January 1945
Mar 26, 2024
WW1 German Spies Infiltrated America and Attempted to Start a Race War
Mar 21, 2024
The Air Battles of the 1945 Eastern Front Forged Air Force Doctrines of the Cold War
Mar 19, 2024
The First Pre-Columbian Explorers to Reach North America
Mar 15, 2024
A Classicist Believes that Homer Directly Dictated the Iliad, and Was Also an Excellent Horseman
Mar 14, 2024
In 1860, Damascus Nearly Committed Genocide Against Christians. How Did it Pull Back?
Mar 12, 2024
Silk: The History of a Fabric That Was Civilization’s First Burial Cloth, Body Armor, and Much More
Mar 07, 2024
Frank Lloyd Wrong – When America’s Greatest Architect Created His Masterpiece While Written-Off as a Has-Been
Mar 05, 2024
Frederick Rutland, Britain’s Most Beloved WW1 Pilot, Became a Spy for Imperial Japan
Feb 29, 2024
The Rise and Fall of the Global Age of Piracy (17-19th Centuries)
Feb 27, 2024
A WW2 Polish Diplomat Forged Thousands of Paraguayan Passports to Save Jews from the Holocaust
Feb 22, 2024
Stories From Captives on The Last Slave Ship to America
Feb 20, 2024
Was Union Support in the Confederacy Actually Widespread? The Alabamans Who Fought for Sherman Say 'Yes'
Feb 15, 2024
The Heroes, Legends, and Liars Who Fought in WW2
Feb 13, 2024
Turning Okies Into New Dealers: How 1930s Technocrats Pushed Progressivism on Dust Bowl Refugees in Federal Farm Camps
Feb 08, 2024
Whistle-Stop Tours: When Trains Ruled American Presidential Elections
Feb 06, 2024
The Jewish Bankers Who Built Wall Street, Financed the American Century, and Spawned Countless Conspiracy Theories
Feb 01, 2024
The Ghost Army of World War 2
Jan 30, 2024
How Free Time Transformed From Strolls Through Aristocratic Gardens to Doomscrolling on TikTok
Jan 25, 2024
Everyday Life In a War Zone: How To Live For Years With Air Raid Sirens and Tanks in the Street
Jan 23, 2024
Behind the Bulldog: Winston Churchill's Public Image vs. Private Reality, Based on Those Who Knew Him
Jan 18, 2024
American Anarchy of the Early 1900s and The First U.S. War Against Domestic Extremists
Jan 16, 2024
Why Armies Stopped Burning Libraries and Weaponized Them Instead
Jan 11, 2024
Shining Light on the British Dark Ages: Anglo-Saxon Warfare, 400-1070
Jan 09, 2024
The Last Ship From Hamburg: How Russian Jews Escaped Death on the Eve of World War I
Jan 04, 2024
James Longstreet: The Confederate General Who Defied The South And Was Scapegoated for Its Loss
Jan 02, 2024
The Septuagint – It Really is Greek to Me
Dec 30, 2023
Benedict Arnold Was America’s Greatest Hero Before He Became Its Worst Villain
Dec 28, 2023
The Sacking of Rome in 410: Caused By Sclerotic Bureaucrats or Unassimilated Barbarians?
Dec 26, 2023
How Scientists Learned to Stop Deuling With Each Other (Literally) and Start Cooperating
Dec 21, 2023
Victory to Defeat: The British Army, 1918–40
Dec 19, 2023
The Most Interesting American: Personal Encounters, Quotations, and First-Hand Impressions of Theodore Roosevelt
Dec 14, 2023
The History of Equality, and How Close Different Civilizations Were to Attaining It
Dec 12, 2023
How the Catholic Church Maintained Civilization in the Lowest Points of the Middle Ages
Dec 07, 2023
Marty Glickman: The New York Sports Legend Who Lost His Spot in the 1936 Olympics For Being Jewish
Dec 05, 2023
Tecumseh and William Henry Harrison’s Struggle for the Destiny of a Nation
Nov 30, 2023
The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 and Rebuilding The Windy City Into a World Metropolis
Nov 28, 2023
Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of JFK's Assassination
Nov 27, 2023
Hitler, Stalin, and a Jewish Couple Who Met After Surviving Their Extermination Programs
Nov 23, 2023
Crown, Cloak, and Dagger: How the British Royal Family Spied on Others and Was Spied on in Turn
Nov 21, 2023
Joshua Chamberlain: From Stuttering Child to Civil War Hero to Polyglot Governor of Maine
Nov 16, 2023
White House Wild Child: How Alice Roosevelt Charmed Early 1900s America
Nov 14, 2023
The First Attempted Nazi Takeover of Germany: The Beer Hall Putsch of 1923
Nov 09, 2023
The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 and the Making of Modern European Warfare
Nov 07, 2023
How Ancient Religions Affect What We Do and Don’t Eat in 2023
Nov 02, 2023
Life in Rome at the Very Height of Its Power
Oct 31, 2023
How Russians Survive the 900-Day-Long Siege of Leningrad
Oct 26, 2023
The Origins of the KKK and its First Death in the 1870s
Oct 24, 2023
A Nazi Defector Revealed Germany’s Infiltration in All Major Governments in His 1945 Memoir
Oct 19, 2023
From Orphan to RAF Hero
Oct 17, 2023
The Life and Tragic Death of R101, The World’s Largest Flying Machine
Oct 12, 2023
The Postwar Lives of WW2 Leaders, Both Axis and Allies
Oct 11, 2023
Why Robert E. Lee was America’s Most Admired General For Over a Century
Oct 10, 2023
Parthenon Roundtable: Which Person From History Deserves a Movie?
Oct 05, 2023
Charlie Chaplin vs. America
Oct 03, 2023
Joe McCarthy, the Hydrogen Bomb, and Ten Fateful Months That Kicked Off the Cold War
Sep 28, 2023
The SAS Began as a Lie but Became Britain’s Most Elite WW2 Commando Unit
Sep 26, 2023
Eyewitnesses of History Share Stories of the 1980 Miracle on Ice, Pablo Escobar, Jonestown, and Much More
Sep 22, 2023
In 1864, Nine Union Officers Escaped from a POW Camp and Trekked 300 Miles to the North
Sep 21, 2023
Teddy Roosevelt Nearly Died in a Cavalry Charge Against German Machine Guns in WW1
Sep 19, 2023
Beyond the Wall: What Life Was Really Like in East Germany
Sep 14, 2023
How An Unlikely Cohort of Black Nurses at a New York Sanatorium Helped Cure Tuberculosis
Sep 12, 2023
The Mississippi Was First Mapped by a Polyglot Priest and a College Dropout-Turned-Fur Trapper
Sep 07, 2023
The Eurasian Steppes Gave Us Atilla the Hun, Genghis Khan, Global Trade and Hybrid Camels
Sep 05, 2023
Decades of Turbulent Decolonization After WW2 Launched With The Dutch-Indonesian Wars of 1945-49
Aug 31, 2023
Could the Pacific War of WW2 Have Been Entirely Avoided if Not For U.S. Diplomats in Over Their Heads?
Aug 29, 2023
The WW2 Pacific Theatre of January-May 1942: When Japan Was Omnipotent and America Was a Fearful Underdog
Aug 24, 2023
The History of America’s Ice Obsession: Why The U.S. Loves Frozen Drinks and Ice Rinks
Aug 22, 2023
Introducing Mark Vinet's New Show: Historical Jesus
Aug 20, 2023
Leyte Gulf: The Largest Naval Battle in History and the Downfall of the Japanese Navy
Aug 17, 2023
Britain Controlled the Globe by Farming Out Colonial Governance to the East Indian Company and other Corporations
Aug 15, 2023
How the Monroe Doctrine Led to America Occupying Cuba, Panama, Hawaii, and Haiti
Aug 10, 2023
A 1943 Translation Blunder Saved FDR, Churchill, and Eisenhower From Being Assassinated
Aug 08, 2023
James Garfield – Overlooked for his Short Presidency – Was the Most Beloved Politician of Reconstruction
Aug 03, 2023
Road Tripping with Henry Ford and Thomas Edison Through Rural America In Beat-Up Model Ts
Aug 01, 2023
Did the South Lose the Entire Civil War Because One General Got Lost at the Battle of Gettysburg?
Jul 27, 2023
Alexander the Great’s Final Battle Nearly Killed Him with Drowning and War Elephants
Jul 25, 2023
In 1938, America Underwent a 7-Year Transformation From an Weak, Pacifist Nation to the Arsenal of Democracy
Jul 20, 2023
Exploring the Aztec Empire and Indigenous Mexico
Jul 19, 2023
The First War on Terror: How Europe Fought Anarchist Suicide Attacks, From 1850 to WW1
Jul 18, 2023
The Italian Squad: A Group of 1920s NYPD Immigrant Detectives Who Fought the Rise of the Mafia
Jul 13, 2023
Conspiracy Theories Haunt the Assassination of MLK 55 Years After His Death
Jul 11, 2023
Early 1800s Newspaperman William Hunter Was a British Soldier’s Son Who Built Early America
Jul 06, 2023
Long Before Seabiscuit, a Civil War-era Racehorse Smashed Records and Sired Thousands of Colts
Jul 04, 2023
How the 1910 Return of Halley's Comet (Almost) Destroyed Civilization
Jun 29, 2023
The Coronation of Charles III and the Meaning Behind His Vestments, 5-Pound Crown, and the "Sovereign Orb"
Jun 27, 2023
Why Did WW2 Advance Civil Rights When WW1 Reversed Them? Here's What WEB DuBois Said
Jun 22, 2023
What It Was Like to be a WW2 Paratrooper
Jun 20, 2023
Vlad the Impaler is the (Partial) Inspiration for Count Dracula
Jun 15, 2023
In the Premodern Era, Survival Meant Overcoming Earthquakes, Sieges, Global Cooling, Asteroid Strikes, and Cannibalism
Jun 13, 2023
The Time in 1943 That Eleanor Roosevelt Disappeared for 10 Days in the South Pacific
Jun 08, 2023
"Witches" Weren't Burned During The Middle Ages. That Actually Happened in the Renaissance Period.
Jun 06, 2023
Pandemics Cause Misery and Death, But They Also Created Agriculture and Put Humans on Top of the Food Chain
Jun 01, 2023
The 1920s Female Hungarian Murder Ring That Left 160 Dead
May 30, 2023
How a Flying Ace Survived 24 Days Lost at Sea on the Pacific
May 25, 2023
Civil War Barons: The Tycoons, Entrepreneurs, and Inventors and Visionaries Who Forged Victory and Shaped a Nation
May 25, 2023
The Forage War of 1777 Saw George Washington Launch Numerous Hit-and-Run Assaults on the British that Crippled the Army
May 23, 2023
Medieval Gender Roles Were Much More -- and Less -- Strict Than We Can Imagine
May 18, 2023
Firsthand Account of the Vietnam War from a "Tunnel Rat"
May 17, 2023
Why Do We Consider Assyria The Most Sadistically Violent Empire When Oftentimes It Wasn't?
May 16, 2023
Moral Panics and Mass Hysteria: The Dancing Plague, Salem Witch Trials, and The Tulip Market Bubble
May 11, 2023
A French Archeologist – Considered the Female Indiana Jones – Saved Dozens of Ancient Egyptian Temples From Flooding
May 09, 2023
Eugenics is Considered a Form of Scientific Fascism Today, But 100 Years Ago It Was Universally Popular
May 04, 2023
James Early Launches New Series: The Second World War in Europe
May 03, 2023
Light-Horse Harry Lee: A Founding Father's Journey From Glory to Ruin
May 02, 2023
Abraham Lincoln’s Religious Transformation Mirrored Larger Revival Trends of 1860s America
Apr 27, 2023
Augustine Built the Medieval World With the Help of His Mother, Concubine, Empress, and 10-Year-Old Fiancé
Apr 25, 2023
When Irish Vets of the American Civil War Invaded Canada in 1866
Apr 20, 2023
The Destructive Power of the Family, From Oedipus to the Godfather
Apr 18, 2023
A 15th-Century Islamic Scholar Has Surprisingly Contemporary Advice on Handling Pandemics
Apr 13, 2023
Andrew Jackson’s Victory in the Creek War Set the Stage for Southern Secession 50 Years Later
Apr 11, 2023
After Woodrow Wilson Suffered a Stroke, His Wife Edith Secretly Served As President for a Year
Apr 06, 2023
Victory Gardens Produced Nearly Half of America’s Fresh Produce in WW2. With Today's Supply-Chain Meltdowns, Are They Ready for a Comeback?
Apr 04, 2023
Despite the Spartans’ Last Stand at Thermopylae, They Are Still the Most Overrated Warriors of the Ancient World
Mar 30, 2023
The Real-Life King Arthur May Have Been a Roman Equestrian Who Served Marcus Aurelius
Mar 28, 2023
How Botany Was Weaponized in the 19th Century For Imperial Expansion of Plantations, And How Humble Gardeners Pushed Back
Mar 23, 2023
Nicolas Said was an Enslaved Africa Who Gain Emancipation, Traveled to Europe’s Royal Courts, and Fought in the Civil War
Mar 21, 2023
Pizza, Pinocchio and the Papacy: Finding the Very Best and Very Worst of Italy
Mar 20, 2023
This 1791 US Military Defeat Was 3x Worse than Little Bighorn And Nearly Destroyed the Army
Mar 16, 2023
The KGB Agent Who Lived Incognito in New York for 10 Years That Was Exchanged at the Bridge of Spies
Mar 09, 2023
How a Slave Coupled Escaped the Antebellum South in Disguise
Mar 07, 2023
Operation Torch: WW2’s first Paratrooper Missions Were On One-Way Flights With Drops Into Total Darkness
Mar 02, 2023
Anne Frank Was Only One of Thousands in Occupied Netherlands That Kept Diaries. Others Include Dutch Nazis, Farmers, and Resisters
Feb 28, 2023
How Shakespeare Impacted U.S. Presidents, from John Adams to JFK
Feb 23, 2023
The Unexpected Turbulence of the Eisenhower Years
Feb 22, 2023
A Union Spy's Mission to Stop the Confederates From Building a Secret Navy in Britain
Feb 21, 2023
WW2 Bombing Raids on Germany Were Bloodbaths for the Allies Until a Futurist Fighter Plane (the P-51) Was Developed
Feb 16, 2023
John Burgoyne: The British Playboy Who Lost the Revolutionary War
Feb 14, 2023
How Britain Stole Intelligence from Nazi High Command Via Their German Drinking Buddies
Feb 09, 2023
The Encyclopedia: One Book’s Quest to Hold the Sum of All Knowledge
Feb 07, 2023
How Much Can One Individual Alter History? More and Less Than You Think
Feb 02, 2023
The Mongol Storm: Making and Breaking Empires in the Medieval Near East
Jan 31, 2023
Weather Itself Was WW2's Fiercest Enemy: The Sinking of the USS Macaw
Jan 26, 2023
A Short History of War
Jan 24, 2023
Stories From 300 British Men Executed For Cowardice During WW1
Jan 19, 2023
The 1911 McNamara Bros. Murder Trial was the OJ Simpson/Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard Case of Its Time
Jan 19, 2023
Daniel Webster -- Perhaps History’s Greatest Orator -- Turned Virginians and New Yorkers Into Americans
Jan 17, 2023
How Ottoman Sultan Suleyman Conquered Most of Europe and the Mediterranean While Avoiding Assassination
Jan 12, 2023
Yoga Came to America via an Indian Monk at the 1893 Worlds Fair
Jan 10, 2023
A Modern-Day Knight Discusses What Knightly Service Means in 2023 (Essentially, Less Crusading and More Volunteering)
Jan 05, 2023
J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies
Jan 03, 2023
The Irish Conquered the World With Plentiful Cheap Labor and Pints of Guinness
Dec 29, 2022
Two British Sisters – A Typist and a Romance Novelist – Save Jewish Artists from the Holocaust With a Clever Con Involving Opera
Dec 27, 2022
The Double Victory Campaign: Over 1 Million Black Americans Enlisted in WW2 To Fight Fascism Abroad and Win Equality at Home
Dec 22, 2022
Everyone Loves Free Markets. But This Meant One Thing To Romans And Something Completely Different to Milton Friedman
Dec 20, 2022
Failed Futures: Russia's Plans to Defeat the U.S. in the Cold War
Dec 15, 2022
Failed Futures: The Confederacy Had Colossal Plans After the Civil War to Spread Slavery Across the Globe And Become Fabulously Wealthy
Dec 13, 2022
Failed Futures: If Alexander The Great Hadn’t Died, He Might Have Conquered Europe, Circumnavigated Africa, and Built His Own Silk Road
Dec 08, 2022
Failed Futures: The Post-War Plans of Alexander the Great, the Confederacy, and the Soviet Union that Never Happened
Dec 07, 2022
Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and the Other Brilliant But Eccentric Characters That Electrified Our World
Dec 06, 2022
Republicans Controlled 1920s America But Were Later Crushed By the New Deal Coalition. How Do These Realignments Happen?
Dec 01, 2022
F. Scott Fitzgerald was Every Bit the Alcoholic, Grandiose Delusional Dreamer as His Fictional Character Jay Gatsby
Nov 29, 2022
The Most Underrated People in History Include a U.S. President, Soviet Officer, and a Farmer Who Saved 2 Billion Lives
Nov 24, 2022
How a Founding Father and His Family Went From Slave Owners to Radical Abolitionists
Nov 22, 2022
Growing Up as the Daughter of WW2 Spies
Nov 17, 2022
Entrepreneurs in the Ancient World: From Neolithic Fashion Tycoons to Babylon’s 'Silicon Valley' Startup Founders
Nov 15, 2022
The Abolitionist Who Was Chaplain to Black Civil War Soldiers and Started a College Burned Down by the KKK
Nov 10, 2022
The Russian-Jewish Woman Who Voluntarily Interred Herself in a WW2 Japanese Internment Camp
Nov 08, 2022
In 1963, A Stuttering, Nebbish Magazine Editor Negotiated a Secret Deal Between JFK and Khrushchev, Averting Nuclear War
Nov 03, 2022
A Traumatized Civil War Vet -- Suffering Crippling Alcoholism and PTSD -- Spent 40 Years Wandering America as a Hobo
Nov 01, 2022
The Secret Role of Japanese Americans Who Fought in the WW2 Pacific Theatre
Oct 27, 2022
FDR’s Polio Made Him Wheelchair Bound, But Also an Incredible Orator and Strategic Mastermind
Oct 25, 2022
John Donne: The Genius Priest/Poet Who Saw Infinity and Triggered Stampedes At His Sermons
Oct 20, 2022
Sigmund Freud Deluded Himself Into Thinking The Nazis Weren’t A Threat Until It Was Nearly Too Late
Oct 18, 2022
The Most Important Diplomat in 1700s North America was a Cherokee Woman Who Saved Washington’s Life and Introduced Dairy to Her Tribe
Oct 13, 2022
Do Racial Preferences in U.S. College Admissions Process Date Back to Ivy League Attempts to Limit Jewish Enrollment?
Oct 11, 2022
Uber Succeed in the US but Failed in the UK and China Because of Jefferson and Hamilton’s Fight Over State Licensing
Oct 06, 2022
James Early Explains Why the War of 1812 Turned America Into an Expansionist Military Power
Sep 29, 2022
How to Escape From a Nazi Prison Fortress
Sep 27, 2022
Thomas Jefferson’s European Travel Guide Includes Architectural Sketches, Farming Tips, and an Astronomical Wine Expense Report
Sep 22, 2022
The Michigan Politician Who Created a Proto-New Deal, Defeated the KKK in Court, and Defended Interred Japanese-Americans
Sep 20, 2022
The Rag-Tag Art Renegades that Brought Picasso and Modernist Art to the United States
Sep 15, 2022
The Oldest Stories of King Arthur Have Female Warriors, Black Knights, and Whole Lot of Supernatural Encounters
Sep 13, 2022
Steve Guerra on Freemasonry, The Catholic Church, and the Modern World
Sep 09, 2022
Mata Hari Was Either the World’s Greatest Female Spy or a WWI Exotic Dancer Way In Over Her Head
Sep 08, 2022
Vikings Definitely Came to the New World Before Columbus. Did Celtic Monks, the Chinese, and Phoenicians Do So Also?
Sep 06, 2022
How America Chooses to Remember Itself: 200 Years of U.S. Museums, and Presenting the Civil War, Spanish Flu, and the Culture Wars
Sep 01, 2022
The Many Ways To Die While Building an Aircraft Carrier
Aug 30, 2022
The Divorce Colony: Why Women Fled to South Dakota in the 1880s to End Their Troubled Marriages
Aug 25, 2022
America's Universal Education System Exists From a Coalition of Progressives, the Know-Nothing Party, and the Ku Klux Klan
Aug 23, 2022
How 2 Men Escaped Auschwitz, Exposed the Holocaust to the World, and Saved Hundreds of Thousands of Hungarian Jews
Aug 18, 2022
Josie Underwood: The Civil War-Era Socialite Who Owned Slaves, Hated Lincoln, and Loved the Union
Aug 16, 2022
The American Revolution Would Have Been Lost Without a Ragtag Fleet of Thousands of Privateers
Aug 11, 2022
Gen. George Marshall and Henry Stimson Built America’s WW2 War Machine and Created the Postwar Global Order
Aug 09, 2022
Bruce Lee Became a Global Celebrity by Embodying 400 Years of Western-Chinese Cultural Trade
Aug 04, 2022
John McWhorter Describes Human Language's 20,000-Year Journey from Proto-Sumerian to Ebonics
Aug 02, 2022
No Supply Chain Was More Complicated Than the Allies’ During WW2. How Did They Maintain It?
Jul 28, 2022
New Yorkers Feared Jack the Ripper Invaded the City in 1891 After a Prostitute Was Found Brutally Murdered
Jul 26, 2022
When a Soldier’s Bravery is So Great His Comrades Fear Him: The Story of Band of Brothers’ Ronald “Killer “ Spiers
Jul 21, 2022
Did Pope Pius XII Collaborate With the Nazis? This Historian Viewed the Vatican Archives and Has the Answer
Jul 19, 2022
Eating Roman Mouse-on-a-Stick, Shakespeare's Tavern Bread, and Other Forgotten Culinary "Treats" From the Past
Jul 14, 2022
Beyond Camelot: What It Was Like to Live Through the JFK Era
Jul 12, 2022
After Custer’s Last Stand, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse Fought an Impossible Battle To Preserve the Sioux Nation
Jul 07, 2022
Introducing the Vlogging Through History Podcast
Jul 06, 2022
How a WW2 Soldier Persevered Through Concentration Camps, Death Marches, and Starvation
Jul 05, 2022
Did Thomas Edison Murder The Real Inventor of the Motion Picture Camera and Steal His Invention?
Jun 30, 2022
Cars Are the Id of the Countries that Built Them. What Do The Model T and Pontiac Aztek Tell Us About the US?
Jun 28, 2022
Making Sense of America’s Worst Moments: Jon Meacham on Understanding -- But Not Excusing -- Slavery and the Indian Removal Act
Jun 23, 2022
Parthenon Roundtable: Which Single Event Would You Eliminate From History
Jun 21, 2022
The Worst Movie Ever Made Cast John Wayne as Genghis Khan and Exposed the Cast to Nuclear Radiation
Jun 16, 2022
The Arsenal of Democracy: How the Revolver and Repeating Rifle Democratized Gun Ownership and Armed the United States
Jun 14, 2022
Seeking Hitler’s Horses: How a WW2 Infantryman Rescued Equines Caught Up Germany’s “Super Horse” Breeding Program
Jun 09, 2022
Almost President: Stephen Douglas, Thomas Dewey, and Other Failed Candidates That Would’ve Altered History Most by Winning
Jun 07, 2022
4 Foreign Correspondents Spent the 30s Warning About European Fascism. Why Didn't More Listen?
Jun 02, 2022
In 1970, a Cyclone Killed 500,000 in Pakistan, Triggered a Genocide, and Nearly Started a Nuclear War.
May 31, 2022
Nazi Billionaires: The Business Dynasties That Built Hitler’s War Machine and Still Profit Today
May 26, 2022
War Isn’t the Natural State of Human Affairs: It Shouldn’t Happen, and Most of the Time It Doesn't.
May 24, 2022
Western Religion of the 19th Century Competed with Darwin and Marx By Dabbling in Hinduism, Occultism, and Wellness
May 19, 2022
The 1541 Spanish Expedition Down the Amazon to Find the Imaginary “El Dorado” and Valley of Cinnamon
May 17, 2022
Lost Airmen: The Epic Rescue of WWII U.S. Bomber Crews Stranded in the Yugoslavian Mountains
May 12, 2022
The Way that Lincoln Financed the Civil War Led to Transcontinental Railroads, Public Colleges, the Homestead Act, and Income Tax
May 10, 2022
Lt. Sonia Vagliano Helped Liberate Concentration Camp Victims, Repatriate WW2 Refugees, All While Avoiding Landmines and Kidnapping
May 05, 2022
Little Slaughterhouse on the Prairie: The Serial Killer Family Who Terrorized 1870s Kansas
May 03, 2022
Benjamin Franklin – In the 200 Years After His Death – Funded New Businesses, Supported Boston and Philadelphia, and Play Pranks
Apr 28, 2022
The Rise and Fall of 1970s Mob-Run Chicago
Apr 26, 2022
An Antebellum-Era Irish Maid’s Incredible Determination and Business Savvy Led to the Creation of the Kennedy Dynasty
Apr 21, 2022
Six Kentucky Nuns Founded a Hospital in 1940s War-Torn India That Saved Hundreds of Thousands of Lives
Apr 19, 2022
A 1719 Prison Ship Transported Dozens of Women Accused of Sex Crimes to New Orleans. They Became the Founding Mothers of the Gulf
Apr 14, 2022
Introducing the Eyewitness History Podcast
Apr 13, 2022
The Global Manhunt For The Confederate Ship That Sunk Union Supply Vessels, From the Caribbean to the South Pacific
Apr 12, 2022
Most Historians Consider Warren G. Harding America’s Worst President. This One Thinks He Belongs in the Top 10
Apr 07, 2022
Why the Information Revolution Would Happened in Europe Even Without the Printing Press
Apr 05, 2022
Deeply-Held Religious Beliefs Can’t Be Easily Eradicated. That’s Why Stalin Co-Opted Russian Orthodoxy As a Ruler.
Mar 31, 2022
What “Dear John” Letters Tell Us About the Fragility of Wartime Relationships…and How They Unexpectedly Lead to Greater Camaraderie
Mar 29, 2022
Cassie Chadwick Scammed the Gilded Age Elite Out of Millions and Convinced The World She Was Andrew Carnegie’s Bastard Daughter
Mar 24, 2022
How China Changed Its Language From Archaic Confucian Bureaucracy to the Lingua Franca of Globalization
Mar 21, 2022
Which Statues Should We Take Down? How To Fairly Judge Historical Figures by Today’s Standards
Mar 17, 2022
On the Eve of World War One, Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, and the Suffragette Jane Addams Sought to Prevent Armageddon
Mar 15, 2022
A Union Woman in Civil War Kentucky
Mar 10, 2022
Does Waging War Viciously Actually Save Lives? A Look at the WW2 Decisions to Firebomb Tokyo and Drop Atomic Bombs
Mar 08, 2022
Successes and Failures of The Last Century of U.S. Presidents, From Harding to Trump
Mar 03, 2022
Teaser: Key Battles of WW2 Pacific - The Rise of Imperial Japan
Mar 02, 2022
Mutiny on the Rising Sun: A Tragic Tale of Slavery, Smuggling, and Chocolate
Mar 01, 2022
A Real-Life French Serial Killer Inspired Dostoyevsky to Write “Crime and Punishment”
Feb 24, 2022
The NAACP Leader Who Passed As White, Infiltrated Lynching Rings, Architected ‘Brown v. Board of Education’, and Ended His Life in Scandal
Feb 22, 2022
How Clocks Created Earth’s First Global Supply Chain in the 1700s – And Keep GPS Alive Today
Feb 17, 2022
Parthenon Roundtable: Which Person From History Would You Keep From Dying Too Soon? (And You Can’t Choose JFK)
Feb 15, 2022
Assassination Attempts of U.S. President – From JFK to Joe Biden
Feb 10, 2022
No, the Ancient Greeks Weren’t Color Blind. They Justed Had Unique Ways to Describe the World
Feb 08, 2022
The Severing Of a Sea Captain’s Ear Led to a Global War Between Spain and Britain in the 1740s
Feb 03, 2022
Future History: The Story Behind '2001: A Space Odyssey'
Feb 02, 2022
The Last King of America: George III, His Battles With Madness, and Being a Thoroughly Underrated Monarch
Feb 01, 2022
Dragons Exist In Nearly Every Culture’s Mythology As a Mirror of Their Fears. What Are Ours?
Jan 27, 2022
Harry Guggenheim: The Elon Musk of the Gilded Age
Jan 25, 2022
Are Cities Humanity’s Greatest Invention or an Incubator of Disease, Crime, and Horrific Exploitation?
Jan 20, 2022
Revolutionary Monsters: Why Lenin, Mao, Castro, and Others Turned Liberation into Tyranny
Jan 18, 2022
Robert E. Lee Was America’s Most Gallant, Decorated Traitor
Jan 13, 2022
Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the Contentious Path to Emancipation
Jan 11, 2022
Henry Kissinger Used Cold Realpolitik to Create Order in the Middle East. Did it Work?
Jan 06, 2022
Europe’s Babylon: 16th-Century Antwerp was a City of Wealth, Vice, Heresy, and Freedom
Jan 04, 2022
Parthenon Podcast Roundtable: Who Would You Eliminate From History? (And No, You Can’t Choose Hitler)
Jan 01, 2022
WASPs: The Splendors and Miseries of an American Aristocracy
Dec 30, 2021
The Untold History of Earth: Hobbits Really Existed, Dinosaurs Had Feathers, and Yetis Roamed Our Planet
Dec 28, 2021
George Washington’s 1789 Road Trip Across the New United States
Dec 23, 2021
The Allied Race to Retake Paris in 1945 Before the Nazis Could Destroy It
Dec 21, 2021
The Son of Mississippi Slaves Who Fled to Russia and Brought Jazz to Istanbul
Dec 16, 2021
What the Middle Ages Can Teach Us About Pandemics, Mass Migration, and Tech Disruption
Dec 14, 2021
Marine Raiders: The WW2 Special Forces Who Conquered Pacific Islands One Knife Fight At a Time
Dec 09, 2021
The Boer Wars: The South African Conflict That Created Winston Churchill and (Possibly) Concentration Camps
Dec 07, 2021
Kim Philby: The KGB Mole Who Nearly Became the Leader of Britain’s MI6
Dec 02, 2021
George Washington: The First American Action Hero
Dec 01, 2021
Why the 1619 Project is Dangerous and Should Be Totally Rejected
Nov 30, 2021
Rebroadcast: Turkey is Both a Bird and a Country. Which Came First?
Nov 25, 2021
The 160-Minute Race to Save the Titanic
Nov 23, 2021
Age of Discovery 2.0, Part 6: Will SpaceX Control Mars Like the British East India Company Controlled the Indian Subcontinent?
Nov 18, 2021
Age of Discovery 2.0, Part 5: Death Has Always Been an Inevitable Part of Discovery, Whether on Magellan’s Voyage or a Trip to Mars
Nov 16, 2021
Age of Discovery 2.0, Part 4: How Lessons From U.S. History Will Help Space Colonies Be More Like Star Trek and Less Like Blade Runner
Nov 11, 2021
Age of Discovery 2.0, Part 3: Space Colonization Will Reinvigorate Humanity More Than the New World Discovery 500 Years Ago
Nov 09, 2021
Age of Discovery 2.0, Part 2: America’s New Destiny in Space, With Glenn Reynolds
Nov 04, 2021
Welcome to the Age of Discovery 2.0
Nov 02, 2021
American’s Political Polarization Traces Back to 18th-Century Enlightenment Factions That Never Resolved Their Differences
Oct 28, 2021
The Iowa Boy Who Loved Baseball, Leaked Atomic Secrets to the USSR, and Jump Started the Cold War
Oct 26, 2021
Winston Churchill: Political Master, Military Commander
Oct 21, 2021
How This Union General Who Executed Guerrillas and Imprisoned Political Foes Became the Most Hated Man in Kentucky
Oct 21, 2021
The Escape of Jack the Ripper: History’s Most Infamous Serial Killer, and the Cover-up to Protect His Identity
Oct 19, 2021
Two Revolutions and the Constitution
Oct 14, 2021
Alfred Hubbard Was a 1920s Inventor, Bootlegger, and Psychedelic Pioneer Who Became the Patron Saint of Silicon Valley
Oct 12, 2021
The Normans: A History of Conquest
Oct 07, 2021
Electric City: Ford and Edison’s Vision of Creating a Steampunk Utopia
Oct 05, 2021
Half Lives: The Unlikely History of Radium
Sep 30, 2021
An Alternate History of the Lincoln Assassination Plot
Sep 28, 2021
What if Tsarist Russia Hadn’t Gone Communist? Revolutionaries Like Boris Savinkov Tried to Accomplish This
Sep 23, 2021
Reviving Lost WW2 Stories With An M1 Rifle
Sep 21, 2021
Hollywood Hates History: El Cid (1961)
Sep 16, 2021
Hollywood Hates History: The Messenger – The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)
Sep 14, 2021
American Dunkirk – How Half a Million New Yorkers Were Evacuated from Manhattan Island on 9/11
Sep 09, 2021
Columbus of the Pacific: The Forgotten Portuguese Sailor Who Opened Up Earth’s Largest Ocean in 1564
Sep 07, 2021
Brown Brothers Harriman: The Shadowy Investment Bank That Built America’s Financial System
Sep 02, 2021
Drunk: How We Singed, Danced, and Stumbled Our Ways to Civilization
Aug 31, 2021
Teaser: Key Battles of WW2 Pacific - Guadalcanal, Part 1
Aug 27, 2021
Vikings Went Everywhere in the Middle Ages, From Baghdad to Constantinople to….. Oklahoma?
Aug 26, 2021
A Small Island in the English Channel Was the Birthplace of the Russian Revolution
Aug 24, 2021
The Best-Selling Books in American History Include Self-Help Shams and ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’
Aug 19, 2021
The Common Factors That Cause Societies To Die, From Viking Greenland to Modern Somalia
Aug 17, 2021
America Won the Space Race Because of a Horrible Accident That Killed 3 Astronauts
Aug 12, 2021
The Daring WW1 Prison Break That Required an Ouija Board and a Life-or-Death Ruse
Aug 10, 2021
How the Broken Marriage of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln Saved the Civil War
Aug 05, 2021
The Roman Brexit: How Civilization Collapsed in Britain After the Legions Withdrew in 409 AD
Aug 03, 2021
The Dive: The Untold Story of the World's Deepest Submarine Rescue
Jul 29, 2021
The Civil War Battle That Resembled Dante’s Inferno
Jul 27, 2021
X-Troop: The Secret Jewish Commandos of World War II
Jul 22, 2021
The 1919 Tour de France That Took Place in the Bombed-Out Ruins of WW1
Jul 20, 2021
The Apollo Program Had a Surprising Close Relationship With 1960s Counterculture
Jul 15, 2021
Travelers & Explorers, Epilogue – What is the Point of Exploration in the 21st Century?
Jul 13, 2021
Travelers and Explorers, Part 8: Ernest Shackleton's Frozen March at the Bottom of the World
Jul 08, 2021
Travelers and Explorers, Part 7: Sir Henry Stanley (1841-1904) – “Dr. Livingstone, I Presume?”
Jul 06, 2021
Travelers and Explorers, Part 6: James Cook (1728-1797), England's Poseidon
Jul 01, 2021
Travelers and Explorers, Part 5: Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) and His Terrifying Voyage Across an Endless Ocean
Jun 29, 2021
Announcement: “Beyond the Big Screen” – a New Movie Podcast – Launches Next Week
Jun 28, 2021
Travelers and Explorers, Part 4: Zheng He -- the Admiral Who Turned the Indian Ocean Into a Chinese Lake
Jun 24, 2021
Travelers and Explorers, Part 3: Ibn Battuta (1304-1368) -- The Everlasting Pilgrim
Jun 22, 2021
Travelers and Explorers, Part 2: Marco Polo (1254-1324) -- Opening the Door to the East
Jun 17, 2021
Explorers Who Pushed the Boundary of the Known World, Part 1: Rabban Bar Sauma (1220-1294) – the Reverse Marco Polo
Jun 15, 2021
What Egyptian Crocodile Mummies Tell us About Life, Death, and Taxes Thousands of Years Ago
Jun 10, 2021
The 1911 Meeting of Albert Einstein and Marie Curie that Changed Physics Forever
Jun 08, 2021
Pancho Villa’s 1916 Raid on New Mexico: The Pearl Harbor Bombing of Its Time
Jun 03, 2021
How a Member of Easy Company’s “Band of Brothers” Found an Unlikely Friendship with a Former Nazi
Jun 01, 2021
U.S. Presidents and Their 160-Year Love/Hate Relationship With the Camera
May 27, 2021
Announcement: Steve Guerra’s History of the Papacy Podcast is Joining Forces with History Unplugged – Free Giveaway!
May 26, 2021
Lincolnomics: How President Lincoln Constructed the Great American Economy
May 25, 2021
The Gulf of Time Separating You From Napoleon III is Bridged By One Brandy Bottle
May 20, 2021
The Japanese-Americans Who Fought Nazis in Europe
May 18, 2021
Meet the Four Congressmen Who Won the Civil War and Shaped Reconstruction
May 13, 2021
Madhouse at the End of the Earth: The Belgica’s 1897 Journey into the Dark Antarctic Night
May 11, 2021
Teaser: Key Battles of WW2 Pacific - The Rise Of Imperial Japan
May 07, 2021
Gold Fever and Disaster in the Great Klondike Stampede of 1897-98.
May 06, 2021
From the River to the Sea: The Railroad War of the 1870s that Made the West
May 04, 2021
Lady Bird Johnson: The Most Underestimated – and Most Powerful? – First Lady of the 20th Century
Apr 29, 2021
American Espionage Was Born in the Dark Taverns of Philadelphia
Apr 27, 2021
The Jazz Age Tale of America’s First Gangster Couple, Margaret and Richard Whittemore
Apr 22, 2021
Announcement: Next Week James Early and I Launch "Key Battles of the Pacific Theatre (WW2)"
Apr 21, 2021
For Centuries, America’s Best Friend in the Middle East Was…Iran?
Apr 20, 2021
George Washington Became Great Because He Spent Years in the Political Wilderness as a Washed-Up Has-Been
Apr 15, 2021
The Nazi’s Granddaughter -- Discovering War Crimes in Your Family's Past
Apr 13, 2021
The 15-Hour Work Week Was Standard For Nearly All of History. What Happened?
Apr 08, 2021
Low Troop Morale Can Literally Destroy a Nation. That’s Why the USO Was Formed in 1941.
Apr 06, 2021
Defining Treason – Why Are Founding Fathers Heroes But Confederate Leaders Not?
Apr 01, 2021
“Fire Eaters” of the Confederacy: The Foot Soldiers of the South Who Made Secession Possible
Mar 30, 2021
Witnessing The Final Destruction of Hitler’s War Machine
Mar 25, 2021
The USS Plunkett: The Unsinkable Navy Destroyer That Fought at Manzio, D-Day, and Southern France
Mar 23, 2021
How Ex-Slaves Built New Lives for Themselves – and America – After the Civil War
Mar 18, 2021
George Washington’s Final (And Most Important?) Battle Was Uniting America By Building a New Capital
Mar 16, 2021
Lessons Companies Should Learn From Mobsters' Business Practices
Mar 11, 2021
All of Human History, Civilization, and Culture Converge in One Place: Turkish Food
Mar 09, 2021
The Forgotten Fourteenth Colony of British North America
Mar 04, 2021
How to Recover Family Treasure The Nazis Plundered in the 1940s
Mar 02, 2021
How 9 Former Slaves Started a Proto University in Alabama in 1867
Feb 25, 2021
The Pen or the Sword? How Lincoln and John Brown Disagreed on Achieving Emancipation
Feb 23, 2021
How States Got Their Shapes
Feb 18, 2021
Great News! Frequent Guest James Early Has Launched His Own Podcast - Key Battles of American History.
Feb 17, 2021
When to Let the Past Die: The Case of Obersalzberg and Denazification
Feb 16, 2021
The Mountain Man Was Once Considered To Be The Purest Distillation of the American Spirit
Feb 11, 2021
Sally Rand Was America's Sex Symbol, From the Roaring 20s to the Apollo Era
Feb 09, 2021
If the 1700s American Fur Trade Had Turned Out Differently, Californians Would Be Speaking Russian Today
Feb 04, 2021
The Most Giant Leap in the Evolution of Modern Warfare was...the Jeep?
Feb 02, 2021
Abraham Lincoln Survived and Thrived in the Anarchy of Antebellum America
Jan 28, 2021
The Cuban Missile Crisis Was Horrifyling Close to Becoming a Nuclear Holocaust
Jan 26, 2021
Atomic Bombs, Ancient Women Warriors, and Alien Conspiracy Theories of WW2
Jan 21, 2021
How Ancient Egypt Lives On
Jan 19, 2021
In 1813, a Shawnee "Prophet" Launched a War to Conquer the Great Lakes Region
Jan 14, 2021
Millions Were Left Homeless After WW2. What Happened To Those Who Were Permanently Exiled?
Jan 12, 2021
The Mafia Was the Glue That Held Entire American Cities Together in the 20th Century
Jan 07, 2021
Iron Empires: Robber Barons, Railroads, and the Making of Modern America
Jan 05, 2021
An Army Without a Country: Prussia’s Cult of the Military and the Road to World War One
Dec 31, 2020
William Miller Predicted Christ’s Return in 1844. Here's What Happened After His Prophecy Failed
Dec 29, 2020
This Civil War-Era Luke Skywalker Destroyed an Ironclad Death Star
Dec 24, 2020
The Greek Triple Agent: Alcibiades, The Strategist Who Fought On 3 Sides of the Peloponnesian War
Dec 22, 2020
America’s Worst President Can Teach Us Much About Writing Raunchy Poetry and Dying Suspiciously
Dec 17, 2020
The Eternal Legacy of the First World War
Dec 15, 2020
The Sad Afterlives of WW1's Leaders: The Humbling (and Exiling) of Generals, Emperors, and Sultans
Dec 10, 2020
The 1919 Paris Peace Conference Laid The First Bricks of the Road to World War Two
Dec 08, 2020
WW1 Ends with Armistice: The Moment of Silence That Sounded Like the Voice of God
Dec 03, 2020
The 1918 Battle of Meggido Shattered the Ottoman Empire and Created the Modern Middle East
Dec 01, 2020
The Pilgrims and Native Americans Were Both On the Verge of Death Upon Meeting. Here's How They Saved Each Others' Lives.
Nov 26, 2020
Thanksgiving Owes Its Existence To The 19th Century's Biggest Social Media Influencer
Nov 24, 2020
The Empire Strikes Back: Germany's Final Push to Win WW1 in Spring 1918
Nov 19, 2020
Tank Warfare--How Military Tech Took a Quantum Leap at the Battle of Cambrai (1917)
Nov 17, 2020
The Yanks Are Coming -- America Enters World War One
Nov 12, 2020
The Slog of War -- the Passchendaele Campaign of 1917
Nov 10, 2020
Teaser: Forging a President, Part 6: The Newly-Minted Cowboy
Nov 06, 2020
The Russian Revolutions of 1917-1923--A Bigger Threat Than the Kaiser?
Nov 05, 2020
The Election of 1800 Was Worse Than 2020 in Every Way Imaginable
Nov 03, 2020
Why WW1 Was the Graveyard of Empires (Russian, Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian)
Oct 29, 2020
The Battle of the Somme Caused 1 Million Casualties But Was a Turning Point for WW1
Oct 27, 2020
The Flying Aces of World War One
Oct 22, 2020
The Brusilov Offensive: Russia's Mortal Blow to Austria-Hungary
Oct 20, 2020
Teaser: Forging a President, Part 5: Four-Eyes
Oct 16, 2020
WW1 At Sea: The Battle of Jutland (1916)
Oct 15, 2020
Verdun - The 299-Day Battle That Killed 300K Soldiers And Still Scars The Earth With Unexploded Shells
Oct 13, 2020
1915: World War One's Year of Poison Gas, Genocide, and Millions of Refugees
Oct 08, 2020
The Battle of Gallipoli (1915) How Ataturk and the Ottomans Hurled the Allies (Including Winston Churchill) Into the Sea
Oct 06, 2020
Teaser: Forging a President, Part 4, Man vs. Beast
Oct 02, 2020
World War 1 Trenches Were A Labyrinth of Rats, Disease, Decaying Flesh, and the Omnipresent Threat of Death
Oct 01, 2020
The Average WW1 Soldier Was a 110-Pound Villager Who Suffered Disease, Hunger, and PTSD
Sep 29, 2020
Germany's Plans For Total French Defeat in 1914 Failed at the Battle of the Marne
Sep 24, 2020
Germany So Completely Annihilated Russia At the WW1 Battle of Tannenberg That A Russian General Committed Suicide
Sep 22, 2020
Teaser: Forging a President, Part 3, Teddy Roosevelt's First Buffalo Hunt
Sep 18, 2020
Europe's Pre-WW1 Alliances Were a Doomsday Machine That Pulled the Entire Continent Into War
Sep 17, 2020
Introducing "Key Battles of World War One": Why Europe in 1914 Had Absolutely No Idea It Was About To Enter The Most Hellish War Ever
Sep 15, 2020
2 Announcements: Key Battles of WW1 Begins Soon; History Unplugged Launches Youtube Channel
Sep 11, 2020
Dreams of India's Vast Wealth Made Everyone From Ancient Greeks to Renaissance Portuguese Risk Death To Reach It
Sep 10, 2020
Why 1776 -- Not 1619 -- Matters More Than Ever in 2020
Sep 03, 2020
A Jewish Family Couldn’t Flee Nazi Germany. So They Wrote Letters to Strangers in America Asking For Help
Sep 01, 2020
Teaser: Forging a President, Part 2
Aug 28, 2020
The Fall of Constantinople in 1453 Ended the European Middle Ages and Sealed the Rise of the Ottomans
Aug 27, 2020
George Washington's Dream of Eternal Harmony Between White Settlers and Indians, and Why It Failed
Aug 25, 2020
Adolf Hitler Didn’t Survive WW2 or Secretly Flee to Argentina. Here’s Why So Many Think He Did
Aug 20, 2020
God's Shadow: Why A 16th-Century Ottoman Sultan Created the Modern World
Aug 18, 2020
Teaser: Forging a President, Part 1
Aug 14, 2020
Making a Book in the Middle Ages Took Years and Was Literally Physical Torture
Aug 13, 2020
Martha Dodd: The American Soviet Spy and Hitler’s Would-Be Lover Who Dreamed of a Communist World
Aug 11, 2020
America’s First Black Fighter Pilot Was Also a Boxer, Night Club Owner, and WW2 Spy in France
Aug 06, 2020
Sam Colt's Six-Shooter Launched The American Industrial Revolution and Sped Western Settlement
Aug 04, 2020
The Nazi Spy Ring in America: The Third Reich's Agents, the FBI, and the Case That Stirred the Nation
Jul 30, 2020
In 1200 AD, This Indian City on the Mississippi Was Larger Than London And On the Verge Of Starting an Advanced Civilization
Jul 28, 2020
America's Hub of Global Trade and Culture Was and Is....the Midwest?
Jul 23, 2020
How Hollywood First Depicted the Atomic Bomb and the Manhattan Project
Jul 21, 2020
A Time of Perfect American National Unity is a Myth, But Some US Origin Stories Are Better Than Others
Jul 16, 2020
40 Thieves on Saipan: The Elite Marine Scout-Snipers in One of WWII’s Bloodiest Battles
Jul 14, 2020
George Washington’s Team of Rivals: How His Cabinet Forefathered One of America’s Most Powerful Institutions
Jul 09, 2020
Lessons From James Monroe, Who Defeated a Pandemic and Overcame Partisanship
Jul 07, 2020
Empires of the Sky: Zeppelins, Airplanes, and Two Men’s Epic Duel to Rule the World
Jul 02, 2020
Nazis Nearly Assassinated Stalin, Churchill, and FDR in 1943. What If They Had Succeeded?
Jun 30, 2020
In the 1850s, A Mormon Renegade Started a Massive Pirate Colony in Michigan
Jun 25, 2020
The Good Assassin: A Mossad Agent's Hunt For WW2’s “Butcher of Latvia”
Jun 23, 2020
Death From Above - How Paratroopers Evolved From a WW1 Pipe Dream To A Key Part of Combined-Arms Assault
Jun 18, 2020
Want to Star Your Own Nation? That's What a Family Did in 1967 When it Created "Sealand"
Jun 16, 2020
Why the Galileo Affair is One of History's Most Misunderstood Events
Jun 11, 2020
Henry Knox's Noble Train: How a Boston Bookseller’s Expedition Saved the American Revolution
Jun 09, 2020
Dewey Defeats Truman: The 1948 Election and the Battle for America's Soul
Jun 04, 2020
History’s First Global Manhunt: The Search for 18th Century Pirate Henry Every
Jun 02, 2020
History's Most Insane Rulers, Part 5: Ludwig II of Bavaria
May 28, 2020
History's Most Insane Rulers, Part 4: George III
May 26, 2020
History's Most Insane Rulers, Part 3: Ibrahim I -- The Sultan Who Loved Fur and Drowned His Harem
May 21, 2020
History's Most Insane Rulers, Part 2: Charles VI -- The King Who Thought He Was Made of Glass
May 19, 2020
History's Most Insane Rulers, Part 1: Emperor Caligula--Bankrupting Rome By Appointing Your Horse Senator
May 14, 2020
These Are History's Nine Most Insane Rulers
May 12, 2020
D-Day Girls: The Female Spies Who Armed the French Resistance, Sabotaged the Nazis, and Made the Normandy Invasion Possible
May 07, 2020
How Economies Bounce Back From Total Collapse: The German Economic Miracle (1948-1957)
May 05, 2020
Discovering Your Grandfather Was Joseph Stalin's Bodyguard
Apr 30, 2020
A Confederate Civil War Submarine Was Lost 150 Years Ago. Its Reappearance Was An Unsolved Mystery...Until Now
Apr 28, 2020
Reconstruction: America’s Terrible National Hangover After the Civil War
Apr 23, 2020
The Lincoln Assassination: Did John Wilkes Booth Act Alone Or Was it a Confederacy-Ordered Hit?
Apr 21, 2020
Japan Developed an Atomic Bomb in WW2. It Laid the Groundwork for North Korea's Nuclear Program
Apr 16, 2020
The Celebrity Power Couple Who Mapped the West and Helped Cause the Civil War
Apr 14, 2020
Nazi Super Science: The Third Reich's Plans for Transatlantic Bombers, Atomic Weapons, and Orbital Death Rays
Apr 09, 2020
Why Dan Carlin Believes That The End is Always Near
Apr 07, 2020
American Sherlock -- Meet The 1920s Forensic Scientist Who Created Modern CSI
Apr 02, 2020
How Does a Nation Have an Identity When Its People Speak Different Languages? Ask Canada (Quebec Specifically)
Mar 31, 2020
Scott's Book "History's 9 Most Insane Rulers" Launch Update and Bonus Offer
Mar 30, 2020
How the Florida of the Roaring 20s Created Modern America and Triggered the Great Depression
Mar 26, 2020
History Has Lots of Great Ideas About What To Do During a Quarantine
Mar 24, 2020
The Civil War in the American West: When Multi-Racial Armies Fought Over Gold Mines and Indian Lands
Mar 19, 2020
St. Patrick Didn't Get Rid of Any Snakes, But He Is The Patron Saint of Exterminators
Mar 17, 2020
COVID-19 is Nothing Compared to the 1918 Spanish Flu
Mar 12, 2020
The Lost History of James Madison's Black Family
Mar 10, 2020
The Cold War -- Not WW2 -- Was Arguably the Defining Event of the 20th Century
Mar 05, 2020
Fight House: Cutthroat White House Rivalries From Truman to Trump
Mar 03, 2020
How An American Tank Gunner Successfully Dueled with Panzers in World War Two
Feb 27, 2020
New York Has Been America's Capital of Spying Since the Beginning of the U.S.
Feb 25, 2020
The 1881 Expedition to Reach Farthest North Led to Starvation, Madness, and Glory
Feb 20, 2020
The Terrifying Conquests of Hannibal of Carthage
Feb 18, 2020
The Negro Leagues Made Baseball a Global Sport and Kickstarted the Civil Rights Movement
Feb 13, 2020
The Royal Touch: When British and French Kings Were Thought to Have Healing Powers
Feb 11, 2020
The Worst Gambling Scandal in NCAA History Led to an Unlikely Story of Redemption
Feb 06, 2020
The Confederate States of America, An Alternate History: 1865-2020
Feb 04, 2020
An Admiral's List of the 10 Greatest Admirals in History
Jan 30, 2020
Pearl Harbor May Have Been Avoided If a Lone US Diplomat Had Gotten His Way
Jan 28, 2020
How 20K Marines Held Out Against 300K Chinese Soldiers At The Chosin Reservoir, The Korean War's Greatest Battle
Jan 23, 2020
Dragons Never Existed. So Why Are They Found in Absolutely Every Ancient Folklore?
Jan 21, 2020
The Crusades, From Both Arab and European Perspectives
Jan 16, 2020
How the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda Radicalized Germany
Jan 14, 2020
Star Spangled Scandal: The Antebellum Murder Trial that Changed America
Jan 09, 2020
237 Years After the Revolutionary War, Some Say It Was a Mistake. Are They Right?
Jan 07, 2020
George Washington's Spies: The Culper Ring, Nathan Hale, and the Plot to Capture Benedict Arnold
Jan 02, 2020
The Revolutionary War Comes to an End
Dec 31, 2019
The Battle of Yorktown: Britain's Surrender in the Revolutionary War
Dec 26, 2019
The Siege of Yorktown: American and France Corner Britain
Dec 24, 2019
King’s Mountain: The Revolutionary War's Largest 'All-American Fight'
Dec 19, 2019
The Treason of Benedict Arnold
Dec 17, 2019
How France and America Cooperated During the Revolutionary War
Dec 12, 2019
American Politicians Nearly Had George Washington Fired During the Revolutionary War
Dec 10, 2019
The Philadelphia Campaign: When Britain Took Over Ben Franklin's House
Dec 05, 2019
The Battle of Saratoga—Benedict Arnold, An American Hero
Dec 03, 2019
Rebroadcast: Turkey is Both a Bird and a Country. Which Came First?
Nov 28, 2019
The Saratoga Campaign: Turning Point of the Revolutionary War
Nov 27, 2019
The Battle of Princeton Proves George Washington Was So Lucky, It Was Almost Supernatural
Nov 26, 2019
19th-Century American Radicals: Vegans, Abolitionists, and Free Love Advocates
Nov 21, 2019
Benedict Arnold, Vidkun Quisling, and Other Historical Villains—When is Someone Misunderstood vs. Truly Bad?
Nov 19, 2019
When Does A Scorched-Earth Policy Work? A Look at the Civil War's Final Year
Nov 14, 2019
Medic! First Aid in Combat, From WW1 Trenches to Operation Iraqi Freedom
Nov 12, 2019
The Confederacy Dominated the Early Civil War. So Why Did It Ultimately Lose?
Nov 07, 2019
Constantine's Conversion to Christianity: Opportunism or a Sincere Gesture?
Nov 05, 2019
Was the US Involvement in World War One a Mistake?
Oct 31, 2019
Hans Kammler, Nazi Architect of Auschwitz, Defector to the US?
Oct 29, 2019
Announcement: Mid-Season Break for "Key Battles of the Revolutionary War"
Oct 26, 2019
Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, Part 12: Crossing the Delaware
Oct 24, 2019
Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, Part 11: New York Campaign (2/2)
Oct 22, 2019
Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, Part 10: The New York Campaign (1/2)
Oct 17, 2019
Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, Part 9: Sidetrack Episode -- the Declaration of Independence
Oct 15, 2019
Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, Part 8: The Battle of Quebec
Oct 10, 2019
Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, Part 7: The Quebec Campaign
Oct 08, 2019
Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, Part 6: Bunker Hill (2/2)
Oct 03, 2019
Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, Part 5: Bunker Hill (1/2)
Oct 01, 2019
Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, Part 4: British and Continental Soldiers
Sep 26, 2019
Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, Part 3: Lexington and Concord
Sep 24, 2019
Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, Part 2: Background to the War
Sep 19, 2019
Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, Part 1: The World of the American Revolution
Sep 17, 2019
Announcement: Key Battles of the Revolutionary War Starts Next Week
Sep 14, 2019
Opium: How an Ancient Flower Shaped and Poisoned Our World
Sep 12, 2019
Eisenhower's Interstates: The Modern-Day Roman Roads
Sep 10, 2019
After Watergate, Richard Nixon Created the Career Path for All Ex-Presidents
Sep 05, 2019
Women Warriors: How Females Have Fought in Combat Since History's Beginning
Sep 03, 2019
Hollywood Hates History, Part 8: Dracula Untold (2014)
Aug 29, 2019
Hollywood Hates History, Part 7: The Alamo (2004)
Aug 27, 2019
Teaser: Rendezvous With Death, Part 8
Aug 24, 2019
Hollywood Hates History, Part 6: The Scarlet Letter (1995)
Aug 22, 2019
Hollywood Hates History, Part 5—The Conqueror (1956)
Aug 20, 2019
Hollywood Hates History, Part 4—The Green Berets (1968)
Aug 15, 2019
Hollywood Hates History, Part 3—The Da Vinci Code (2006)
Aug 13, 2019
Hollywood Hates History, Part 2: Agora (2009)
Aug 08, 2019
Hollywood Hates History, Part 1: Kingdom of Heaven
Aug 06, 2019
Announcement: 'Hollywood Hates History' Starts Next Week
Aug 03, 2019
A Vote of No Confidence: How to Obliterate Your Current Government
Aug 01, 2019
George Washington as Man, General, Leader, and Mule Pioneer
Jul 30, 2019
A Shred to End All Shreds: World War I Meets Swedish Metal
Jul 25, 2019
Has The Lost Colony of Roanoke Been Found?
Jul 23, 2019
Einstein's War: How Relativity Triumphed Amid the Vicious Nationalism of World War I
Jul 18, 2019
The Forgotten Assassin – Sirhan Sirhan and the Killing of Robert F. Kennedy
Jul 16, 2019
Chief Executives in the Cockpit—When Presidents Take to the Skies
Jul 11, 2019
George Mason: The Most Important Founding Father Nobody Remembers
Jul 09, 2019
Teaser: Rendezvous With Death, Part 7
Jul 06, 2019
Spies in the Ancient World, Part 2: On His Roman Emperor's Secret Service
Jul 04, 2019
Spies in the Ancient World, Part 1: How a Bronze-Age Tribe Infiltrated Jericho
Jul 02, 2019
Teaser: Rendezvous With Death, Part 6
Jun 29, 2019
The Real Oregon Trail: Beyond Dysentery and the Apple II Game
Jun 27, 2019
How to Get Processed Through Ellis Island In 2 Hours or Less
Jun 25, 2019
Special Announcement: Check Out My New Show 'Ottoman Lives'
Jun 22, 2019
George Armstrong Custer: Cocky Military Officer or America's Version of Leonidas at Thermopylae?
Jun 20, 2019
An Interview with 95-Year-Old Tuskegee Airman Lt. Col. Harry Stewart
Jun 18, 2019
Vlad the Impaler is the (Partial) Inspiration for Count Dracula
Jun 13, 2019
'A Woman of No Importance': The One-Legged WW2 Spy Virginia Hall
Jun 11, 2019
The 4,000-Year-Old Question: Is Judaism a Religion, Ethnicity, Race, or Culture?
Jun 06, 2019
The 500-Year Story of a Gutenberg Bible And Everyone Who Owned It
Jun 04, 2019
Teaser: Rendezvous With Death, Part 5
Jun 01, 2019
Hitler’s “Desert Fox”: The Military Career of Erwin Rommel
May 30, 2019
When Irish Vets of the American Civil War Invaded Canada in 1866
May 28, 2019
The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present
May 23, 2019
How Industrialists Plotted to Overthrow FDR Over The New Deal in 1934
May 21, 2019
Teaser: Rendezvous With Death, Part 4
May 18, 2019
Making Your Death Memorable: The Oldest Tombs We Can Trace To One Person
May 16, 2019
The Kremlin Letters: Stalin's Wartime Correspondence with Churchill and Roosevelt
May 14, 2019
The RAF Won the Battle of Britain With Strategy But Also Plenty of Luck
May 09, 2019
Why The Printing Press Appeared in the Middle East 400 Years After Europe
May 07, 2019
Teaser: Rendezvous With Death, Part 3
May 04, 2019
Last Night on the Titanic: Conclusion
May 02, 2019
Last Night on the Titanic: Doctors and Con Artists
Apr 30, 2019
Last Night on the Titanic: The Musicians
Apr 25, 2019
Last Night on the Titanic: The Trend Setters
Apr 23, 2019
Teaser: Rendezvous With Death, Part 2
Apr 20, 2019
Last Night on the Titanic: The Life Savers
Apr 18, 2019
Last Night on the Titanic: The Cooks
Apr 16, 2019
Sneak Peek of the New Podcast Series "Espionage"
Apr 13, 2019
Last Night on the Titanic: The Writers
Apr 11, 2019
Last Night on the Titanic: The Popcorn Vendor
Apr 09, 2019
Teaser: Rendezvous With Death
Apr 06, 2019
Last Night on the Titanic: The Bakers
Apr 04, 2019
The Last Night on the Titanic: Overview of the 1,500 Passengers and Crew Who Lost Their Lives
Apr 02, 2019
ANNOUNCEMENT: Special Series 'Last Night on the Titanic' Starts Next Week
Mar 30, 2019
Light-Horse Harry Lee: A Founding Father's Journey From Glory to Ruin
Mar 28, 2019
Bad Puns and Dirty Jokes in Rome and Ancient Greece
Mar 26, 2019
Wright Brothers, Wrong Story? Why Some Say Wilbur—Not Orville—Discovered Manned Flight
Mar 21, 2019
When Danzig Became Gdańsk: What Happens to a City When Its Demographics Change Completely
Mar 19, 2019
The Revolution Before the Revolution: How 1776 Happened
Mar 14, 2019
An Active Neutrality: The WW2 Experiences of Switzerland, Portugal, and Turkey
Mar 12, 2019
Kangaroo Squadron: The Tip of the American Spear in the WW2 Pacific Theatre
Mar 07, 2019
Common Knowledge About The Middle Ages That Is Incorrect, Part 5: Crusades In The Renaissance
Mar 05, 2019
Common Knowledge About The Middle Ages That Is Incorrect, Part 4: The Medieval Technological Explosion
Feb 28, 2019
Common Knowledge About The Middle Ages That Is Incorrect, Part 3: Witch Burnings
Feb 26, 2019
Common Knowledge About The Middle Ages That Is Incorrect, Part 2: Were Indulgences a Get-out-of-Hell-Free Card Or Something Else?
Feb 21, 2019
Common Knowledge About The Middle Ages That Is Incorrect, Part 1: Why the Middle Ages, Not the Renaissance, Created the Modern World
Feb 19, 2019
Civil War Barons: The Tycoons, Entrepreneurs, and Inventors and Visionaries Who Forged Victory and Shaped a Nation
Feb 14, 2019
Women Have Been Running For President Since 1872. Here Are 4 Of Their Stories
Feb 12, 2019
War Animals: How 55 Birds, Dogs, and Horses Saved Thousands of Lives in World War Two
Feb 07, 2019
Hunting the President: Threats, Plots and Assassination Attempts, Part 5: Barack Obama
Feb 05, 2019
Hunting the President: Threats, Plots and Assassination Attempts, Part 4: Bill Clinton
Jan 31, 2019
Hunting the President: Threats, Plots and Assassination Attempts, Part 3: Ronald Reagan
Jan 29, 2019
Hunting the President: Threats, Plots and Assassination Attempts, Part 2: JFK
Jan 24, 2019
Hunting the President: Threats, Plots and Assassination Attempts, Part 1: FDR
Jan 22, 2019
Understanding the Rise of Islam Through Military History
Jan 17, 2019
Fugitive Slaves in America, From the Revolution to the Civil War
Jan 15, 2019
Moral Panics and Mass Hysteria: The Dancing Plague, Salem Witch Trials, and The Tulip Market Bubble
Jan 10, 2019
How a Researcher Discovered That Her Grandparents Were in the Nazi SS
Jan 08, 2019
Teaser: Ottoman Lives Part 7—The Outlaw
Jan 05, 2019
James Holman Traveled Over 250,000 Miles in the Early 1800s. He Was Also Completely Blind.
Jan 03, 2019
The History of Cannabis and Its Use By Humans
Jan 01, 2019
Bonus Q&A on the Civil War Series with Scott & James
Dec 27, 2018
What Would the Real St. Nicholas Drink? Here's What an Ancient History Professor Thinks
Dec 24, 2018
How Ancient Europeans Circumnavigated Africa, Explored Iceland, and Sent Goods all the Way to Japan
Dec 20, 2018
What if George Custer Had Survived the Battle of Little Bighorn?
Dec 18, 2018
Teaser: Ottoman Lives Part 6—The Holy Man
Dec 15, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 22: How the Civil War Lives on Today
Dec 13, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 21: What Became of the Men Who Wore the Blue and the Grey
Dec 11, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 20: The Naval War
Dec 06, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 19: African Americans in Uniform
Dec 04, 2018
Teaser: Ottoman Lives Part 5—The Peasant
Dec 01, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 18: The Overland Campaign
Nov 29, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 17: Sherman's March to the Sea
Nov 27, 2018
Turkey is Both a Bird and a Country. Which Came First?
Nov 22, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 16: The Battle of Atlanta
Nov 20, 2018
Teaser: Ottoman Lives, Part 4—The Concubine
Nov 17, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 15: Chattanooga
Nov 15, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 14: Chickamauga
Nov 13, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 13: The Battle of Gettysburg
Nov 08, 2018
September 1918: War, Plague, and The World Series
Nov 06, 2018
Teaser: Ottoman Lives, Part 3—The Eunuch
Nov 03, 2018
6 Historical Figures Who Deserve Their Own Movie—History Unplugged Meets 1001 Stories
Nov 01, 2018
The Story of Bravo, The Greatest Rescue Mission in Navy SEAL History
Oct 30, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 12: (Vicksburg 2 of 2)
Oct 25, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 11: Vicksburg (1 of 2)
Oct 23, 2018
Teaser: Ottoman Lives, Part 2—The Sultan
Oct 20, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 10: Battle of Chancellorsville
Oct 18, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 9: The Battle of Fredericksburg
Oct 16, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 8: Sidetrack Episode on Emancipation
Oct 11, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 7: The Battle of Antietam
Oct 09, 2018
Teaser: Ottoman Lives, Part 1: The Janissary
Oct 06, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 6: The Seven Days' Battle
Oct 04, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 5: The 1862 Peninsula Campaign
Oct 02, 2018
History of Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 4: The Battle of Shiloh
Sep 27, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 3: Border States and the War in the West
Sep 25, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 2: First Battle of Bull Run
Sep 20, 2018
History of the Civil War in 10 Battles, Part 1: Background to the Civil War
Sep 18, 2018
Special Announcement: A History of the Civil War in 10 Battles Begins Next Week
Sep 14, 2018
How a 1522 Battled Transformed Russia from a Minor Duchy into Earth's Largest Empire
Sep 13, 2018
The Most Famous Founding Father You’ve Never Heard of Was Hamilton's Arch-Nemesis and a Deficit Hawk
Sep 11, 2018
Lost Civilizations, Part 3: European Visitors to the New World Before Columbus
Sep 06, 2018
Lost Civilizations, Part 2: The Egyptian Pyramid Builders, the Nabateans, and the Aksumites.
Sep 04, 2018
Lost Civilizations: Ancient Societies that Vanished Without a Trace, Part 1
Aug 30, 2018
The Most Powerful Women in the Middle Ages, Part 3: Elizabeth of Tudor and Ottoman Queen Mother Kösem Sultan
Aug 28, 2018
Teaser: Intro to Audie Murphy Series
Aug 25, 2018
The Most Powerful Women in the Middle Ages, Part 2: Catherine of Sienna and Isabella of Castile
Aug 23, 2018
The Most Powerful Women in the Middle Ages, Part 1: Queens, Empresses, and Viking Slayers
Aug 21, 2018
How the Vicksburg Siege May Have Turned the Tide of the Civil War—Samuel Mitcham
Aug 16, 2018
The Story of Malaria, The Killer of Half of Humanity
Aug 14, 2018
An Archeologist Talks About the Discovery of a Civil War Surgeon's Burial Pit at Manassas Field
Aug 09, 2018
Why U.S. Political Elections Have Always Been Chaotic—David Severa from the Early and Often Podcast
Aug 07, 2018
The History of Slavery, Part 5: The Road to Abolition
Aug 02, 2018
The History of Slavery, Part 4: African Slavery in the New World, 1500-1865
Jul 31, 2018
The History of Slavery, Part 3: Christian Slaves and Muslim Masters—Barbary Pirates in the Mediterranean, 1500-1800
Jul 26, 2018
The History of Slavery, Part 2: The Medieval Slave Trade to Arabia
Jul 24, 2018
The History of Slavery, Part 1: Shackled and Chained in the Ancient World
Jul 19, 2018
Prohibition: How it Happened, Why it Failed, and How it Still Affects America Today
Jul 17, 2018
What Did People Eat in the Middle Ages?
Jul 12, 2018
Almost Everything in American Politics has Happened Before, Even Donald Trump—Bruce Carlson from My History Can Beat Up Your Politics
Jul 10, 2018
The Quest to Make Information Free Forever: Copyright Battles From Venetian Printers in the Renaissance to 21st Century Hackers
Jul 05, 2018
How a Rivalry Between Two Cherokee Chiefs Led to the Trail of Tears and the Collapse of Their Nation
Jul 03, 2018
If It Weren't For Two Iowans, Billions Would Have Died of Starvation or Been Left in a Technological Dark Age
Jun 28, 2018
Introducing the History Unplugged Membership Program
Jun 27, 2018
Life After Auschwitz: How European Jews Attempted to Assimilate in America After Unspeakable Tragedy
Jun 26, 2018
Patton and Churchill's Experiences Before and During World War Two
Jun 21, 2018
Special Announcement: Presidential Fight Club Is Now Its Own Podcast
Jun 20, 2018
An Infantry Officer's Fight Through Nazi Europe, From D-Day to VE Day
Jun 19, 2018
Everything You Need to Know About D-Day: H-Hour, Weapons Info, and First-Hand Accounts via Soldiers, Beachmasters, and the French Resistance
Jun 14, 2018
Benjamin Franklin: Diplomat, Polymath, and Member of 18th Century Jet Set—Elizabeth Covart of the Ben Franklin's World Podcast
Jun 12, 2018
From Farm Fields to Classrooms: Horace Mann's War for Universal and Compulsory Education for Children
Jun 07, 2018
Meet Joan: The Female Pope—Stephen Guerra of the History of the Papacy Podcast
Jun 05, 2018
The Most Productive People in History, Part 2: Thomas Aquinas to Thomas Edison
May 31, 2018
The Most Productive People in History, Part 1: From Archimedes to Ben Franklin
May 29, 2018
The Union's Secret Rebels: The Story of Gettysburg's Five Rebellious Double Crossers Who Returned as Foreign Invaders
May 24, 2018
How to Reach Allied Territory When Your Plane Is Shot Down in Nazi-Occupied France
May 22, 2018
Anthology: How Switzerland Remained Neutral In Two World Wars
May 17, 2018
Grammar Girl (Mignon Fogarty) on the Strange History of the English Language
May 15, 2018
History's Most Insane Rulers: From Emperor Caligula to Muammar Gaddafi
May 10, 2018
Meet Pico, The 23-Year-Old Wunderkind Who Kicked Off the Renaissance
May 08, 2018
Richard Burton: The Victorian Explorer Who Discovered the Kama Sutra, Made a Secret Pilgrimage to Mecca, and Knew 29 Languages
May 03, 2018
Panic on the Pacific: How America Prepared for a Japanese West Coast Invasion after Pearl Harbor
May 01, 2018
The Hypothetical Economy of a Present-Day Confederate States of America, Alternate Theories to the Titanic Sinking, and Other Counterfactual
Apr 26, 2018
The 4 Successful (And Hundreds of Unsuccessful) Assassination Attempts of U.S. Presidents—Mel Ayton
Apr 24, 2018
Prostitution Throughout History: Sumerian Temple Priestesses, Ottoman Brothel Workers, and Call-Girls for the Medieval Clergy
Apr 19, 2018
The Ladykiller who Killed Lincoln: The Scandalous Love Life of John Wilkes Booth
Apr 17, 2018
Ulysses S. Grant Was (Mostly) Responsible For Winning the Civil War. Robert E. Lee Was Responsible For Losing It.
Apr 12, 2018
How Long Have Foreign Governments Attempted to Meddle in U.S Elections? Answers to This And 3 Other Questions
Apr 05, 2018
The Life and Times of Aristotle, and How His Philosophy Conquered the World—Lantern Jack from the Ancient Greece Declassified Podcast
Apr 03, 2018
World War Two Spycraft: Stealing Nuclear Secrets, Blowing Up Nazi Factories, and Infiltrating Japanese High Command
Mar 29, 2018
A Retired Policeman Tells us the Story of The Most Daring Jailbreak in the Underground Railroad's History
Mar 27, 2018
What are Arguments For and Against Bombing Japan, Why Don't Militias Matter in American, and What is Close-Air Support?
Mar 22, 2018
Daily Lives of Middle Eastern Women in the School, the Home, the Harem, and Everywhere Else—Marie Grace Brown
Mar 20, 2018
How Archeologists Decide What We Remember—Chris Webster, Archeology Podcast Network
Mar 13, 2018
When Weather Wipes Out Civilization -- Four Cases of Climate Killing Empires
Mar 08, 2018
George Washington's Guide to Greatness, As Told by His Great Nephew —Austin Washington
Mar 06, 2018
Medieval Health Care: Bloodletting, Primitive Surgery, and How Surprisingly Good Doctors Could Be Despite Knowing Almost Nothing
Mar 01, 2018
A First-Hand Account of the Battle of Ramadi, Iraq – Maj. Scott Huesing
Feb 27, 2018
Mesopotamian Civilization (2): Everyday Life of Merchants, Temple Priests, and Prostitutes
Feb 22, 2018
One Nation Under (the Influence of) Alcohol: Drinking During the Civil War—Mark Will-Weber
Feb 20, 2018
Mesopotamian Civilization: Gilgamesh, Sargon, and Why 1 GB of Information on Cuneiform Tablets Weights as Much as a 747
Feb 15, 2018
Race to the Top of the World: Richard Byrd and the First Flight to the North Pole—Sheldon Bart
Feb 13, 2018
Positive Legacies of the Mongolian Empire: International Trade, Religious Tolerance, Career Opportunities, and Horse Milk
Feb 08, 2018
America's Utopian Communities: From Plymouth Colony's Failed Experiments in Collective Farming to 60s Hippie Communes—Timothy Miller
Feb 06, 2018
The Reasons the Mongolian Army Was Unstoppable
Feb 02, 2018
Horse and Bow- A Mongol's Two Best Friends
Feb 01, 2018
The Rise of Genghis- From Temujin to the Great Khan
Jan 31, 2018
The Mongols Killed So Many People They Lowered the Global Temperature
Jan 30, 2018
Chester A. Arthur's Presidency Was a Colossal Accident...And a Huge Success
Jan 29, 2018
The Vietnam War Was About...Stealing Asia's Tin?
Jan 26, 2018
About 70-90 Percent of a Society Needs to Die Before It Completely Collapses
Jan 25, 2018
Why The Black Plague is Partially (But Not Completely) Responsible For the Renaissance?
Jan 24, 2018
Did Mussollini Really Make the Trains Run on Time?
Jan 23, 2018
How Teddy Roosevelt Became The Man He Was in the Badlands—William Hazelgrove of “Forging a President”
Jan 22, 2018
The Origin of the High Five
Jan 18, 2018
Nobody in the Middle Ages Thought the Earth Was Flat
Jan 17, 2018
Which Leader Had the Best Shot at World Domination?
Jan 16, 2018
Pinetti, the 18th-Century Illusionist and Forerunner of Chris Angel and David Copperfield—Brian Earl from the Illusion Podcast
Jan 15, 2018
The Origin of the Military Salute
Jan 12, 2018
Would Somebody from 1000 BC Transported to 1000 AD Notice the Difference?
Jan 11, 2018
The English Channel—The 26-Mile Strait That Has Stopped Armies For Millenia
Jan 10, 2018
The Richest Man in History Was the 14th c. King of Mali
Jan 09, 2018
Canines in Combat: How the 8125th Sentry Dog Detachment Saved Countless Lives in the Korean War—Rachel Reed
Jan 08, 2018
Europe's Military Quantum Leap (1350-1650)—Patrick Wyman From Tides of History
Jan 01, 2018
Christmas Special: Fr. Longenecker on Why The 3 Wise Men Were Real...But They Weren't From the Orient or Kings (Rebroadcast)
Dec 25, 2017
Bringing Abraham and Mary Todd to Life in Steven Spielberg's “Lincoln”—Historical Consultant Catherine Clinton
Dec 18, 2017
Meet Nathaniel Clark Smith, the Melchizedek of Jazz—Bill McKemy
Dec 11, 2017
The Story of Human Language, From Proto Indo-European to Ebonics English—John McWhorter
Dec 04, 2017
The Causes of World War 2
Dec 01, 2017
The Causes of World War 1
Nov 30, 2017
Is There Any Hard Evidence Hannibal Took Elephants Over the Alps?
Nov 29, 2017
The Greek Military Owned The Ancient World. Why Did They Roll Over For the Romans?
Nov 28, 2017
Why Food Tells Us More About a Culture Than Anything Else—Ken Alba
Nov 27, 2017
The Electoral College Isn't an Outdated 18th-Century Relic; It Keeps America From Falling Apart—Tara Ross
Nov 24, 2017
Arabic Numerals Took Over 600 Years To Spread Across the West
Nov 23, 2017
A Short History of the War of the Roses
Nov 22, 2017
Richard Francis Burton—The Man Who Knew the Most Languages in History
Nov 21, 2017
The Scopes Monkey Trial, HL Mencken, and Religion in Public Life—Darryl Hart
Nov 20, 2017
The Reformation Happened 500 Years Ago, But It's More Timely Than Ever—Benjamin Wiker
Nov 17, 2017
How Did You Call the Police Before the Phone Was Invented?
Nov 16, 2017
All the Presidents Who Owned Slaves and How They Treated Them
Nov 15, 2017
Who Were Worse—The Spanish Conquistadors or the Aztecs?
Nov 14, 2017
The Lives of Slaves, Heretics, Cave-Dwellers, and Other People Ancient History Never Tells You About—Robert Garland
Nov 13, 2017
What Did Entertainment Do To The Romans?
Nov 10, 2017
Syriac-The Best Language for Conquering The Ancient World
Nov 09, 2017
The Most Valuable Lost Treasure That Still Exists
Nov 08, 2017
Did Vikings Have Tattoos?
Nov 07, 2017
Call of Duty: WW2's Historical Advisor Marty Morgan on Bringing the War to Life
Nov 06, 2017
The Codpiece—The Worst Fashion Trend in History
Nov 03, 2017
Why Almost No Medieval Peasant Cottages Survive Today
Nov 02, 2017
How a Nikita Khruschev Mistranslation Threatened Nuclear War
Nov 01, 2017
British Girl, Nazi German POW—A Love Story
Oct 31, 2017
Assassin's Creed's Resident Historian Maxime Durand on Mixing Fact with Fiction
Oct 30, 2017
Cruel and Unusual (Medieval) Punishment
Oct 27, 2017
The Easter Uprising of 1916
Oct 26, 2017
Misattributed Quotes—No, Mark Twain Didn't Say That
Oct 25, 2017
How to Build a 13th-Century Castle From Scratch
Oct 24, 2017
Telling Japan’s Story in The Last Samurai, Letters From Iwo Jima, and Medal of Honor—Dan King
Oct 23, 2017
Teddy Roosevelt’s Journey Through Uncharted Amazonian Jungle
Oct 20, 2017
How Teddy Roosevelt Gave a 90-minute Speech After Being Shot
Oct 19, 2017
When Teddy Roosevelt Arrested Three Boat Thieves
Oct 18, 2017
Carrie Nation—The Hatch-Wielding Prohibitionist
Oct 17, 2017
Discovering Embarrassing Family Secrets and Famous Third Cousins with Genealogist Crista Cowan From Ancestry.com
Oct 16, 2017
Why Does American Give Automatic Birthright Citizenship?
Oct 13, 2017
What Was It Like To Be Enrolled at the University of Constantinople?
Oct 12, 2017
John Birch-The First Death in the Cold War
Oct 11, 2017
George Washington Wasn’t the First President. He Was the Ninth
Oct 10, 2017
Anthony Esolen on Translating Dante’s Divine Comedy and Dan Brown’s Supercilious Stupidity
Oct 09, 2017
Christopher Columbus Wasn’t as Good—Or as Terrible—As You Think
Oct 06, 2017
How the 1565 Siege of Malta Led to the Golden Age of Piracy
Oct 05, 2017
Europeans in the Far East Before Marco Polo
Oct 04, 2017
The Lost Technology of Damascus Steel
Oct 03, 2017
Alexander Hamilton’s Broadway Musical is Great, but Brion McClanahan Thinks He Screwed Up America
Oct 02, 2017
Timur the Tatar’s Revenge on Bayezit—When an Emperor Literally Made a Sultan His Footstool
Sep 28, 2017
A Revolutionary-Era Soldier Fights a Modern One Hand-to-Hand. Who Wins?
Sep 27, 2017
The Origin of the Middle Finger Insult
Sep 26, 2017
Why the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and the Norman Conquest of England Changed Everything—Jennifer Paxton
Sep 25, 2017
The Daily Schedule of a Samurai
Sep 22, 2017
Why Did British Men Wear Wigs in the 1700s?
Sep 21, 2017
Who Had the Worst Flatulence in History?
Sep 20, 2017
Constantinople’s Walls—The Strongest Fortress Ever Built
Sep 19, 2017
How Religion Has Influenced Politics Across History, From Ancient Sumeria to the 21st Century—Paul Rahe
Sep 18, 2017
Why The Potato Led to the Rise of Modern Europe
Sep 15, 2017
When Churchill Experimented with Chemical Weapons—Giles Milton of the Unknown History Podcast
Sep 14, 2017
Dan Carlin of Hardcore History on Why the German Military Was Better in WW1 Than WW2
Sep 13, 2017
The History of Pig Latin (ig-pay atin-lay)
Sep 12, 2017
Wait, Nixon Was Innocent?—Geoff Shepard
Sep 11, 2017
How Was Alexander Able to Supply His Army Deep Into Asia?
Sep 08, 2017
Daily Life During the Civil War for Non-Combatants
Sep 07, 2017
Why Gutenberg Didn’t Kick Off the Reformation
Sep 06, 2017
What if Japan Hadn’t Surrendered After Nagasaki?
Sep 05, 2017
Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, and the Barbarian Empires of the Steppe—Kenneth Harl
Sep 04, 2017
Why the Galileo Affair is Completely Misunderstood
Sep 01, 2017
Did Medieval Women Really Wear Chastity Belts?
Aug 31, 2017
Why is Louis Such a Popular Name for French Kings?
Aug 30, 2017
Did People in the Past Get 8 Hours of Sleep a Night?
Aug 29, 2017
The Real-Life Pirates of the Caribbean—Matt Albers from The Pirate History Podcast
Aug 28, 2017
Would You Rather Be An Average Person Today or a Billionaire 100 Years Ago?
Aug 25, 2017
Why Wasn’t There a Scientific Revolution Under the Romans?
Aug 24, 2017
What if the Nazis Had Won World War Two?
Aug 23, 2017
If I Were Sent Back in Time to the Roman Empire, How Would I Take Over?
Aug 22, 2017
A Vietnam POW’s Story of 6 Years in the Hanoi Hilton — Amy Shively Hawk
Aug 21, 2017
What if Byzantium Had Never Fallen?
Aug 18, 2017
What if China Had Discovered the New World?
Aug 17, 2017
Could One Marine Corps MEU Destroy the Entire Roman Army?
Aug 16, 2017
The Bronze Age Collapse of 1177 BC: The Most Catastrophic Event in History
Aug 15, 2017
Is There a Roman City in Present-Day China?
Aug 11, 2017
Why The Irish May Have Really Saved Civilization
Aug 10, 2017
Did Rome And China Know of Each Other?
Aug 09, 2017
Americana: The Brazilian City Where the Confederacy Lives On
Aug 08, 2017
Curtis Lemay: World War II’s Greatest Hero or Worst War Criminal?—Warren Kozak
Aug 07, 2017
If the Moon Landings Weren’t Fake, Why Haven’t We Been Back?
Aug 04, 2017
An Interview With Jerry Yellin, the 93-Year-Old Vet Who Flew WW2’s Last Combat Mission
Aug 03, 2017
What Were Rome’s Persian Borderlands Like?
Aug 02, 2017
German POWs in the US During WW2
Aug 01, 2017
How Emperor Justinian Changed the World—Robin Pierson from The History of Byzantium Podcast
Jul 31, 2017
How Texas Almost Became German
Jul 28, 2017
Did America Switch from Tea to Coffee Due to the Boston Tea Party?
Jul 27, 2017
Did a 6th-Century Irishman Really Reach America?
Jul 26, 2017
Emperor Norton I of the United States
Jul 25, 2017
Dorsey Armstrong on the Legend of King Arthur: From Noble Knight to Guy Ritchie’s 'Excalibro'
Jul 24, 2017
What Can We Learn from the Kurds About Nationalism and Nation Building?
Jul 21, 2017
Had Native Americans Been Resistant to Old World Diseases How Different Would the New World Have Been?
Jul 20, 2017
What Is the Biggest Forgery in History?
Jul 19, 2017
How Did the Ottoman Imperial Harem Operate?
Jul 18, 2017
Where Did Sea Monsters From the Edge of Medieval Maps Come From?
Jul 14, 2017
What Are Some Inventions That Are Much Older Than We Think?
Jul 13, 2017
Who Was the Most Powerful Woman in the Middle Ages? 2/2
Jul 12, 2017
Who Was The Most Powerful Woman in the Middle Ages? 1/2
Jul 11, 2017
How One Man Ruled 1920s Kansas City Like a Caesar—Jason Roe
Jul 10, 2017
Was There a Real-Life Dr. Frankenstein?
Jul 07, 2017
Who is the Bravest Person Who Ever Lived?
Jul 06, 2017
Does China Really Have a 5,000-Year-Old History?
Jul 05, 2017
Why Is July 4 Celebrated The Way It Is (Fireworks n’ Hot Dogs)?
Jul 04, 2017
Is There Any Language In Use Today That Could Be Used 1,000 Years Ago?
Jun 30, 2017
When Did The Roman Empire Really End?
Jun 29, 2017
Why Did Hitler Hate the Jews?
Jun 28, 2017
Was There an Objective Reason for the European Colonization of Africa?
Jun 27, 2017
Understanding Putin Through the History of Russian Invasions — Mark Schauss from the Russian Rulers in History Podcast
Jun 26, 2017
Did People Get Depressed in Ancient Times?
Jun 23, 2017
Were Ancient People More Advanced Than Us?
Jun 22, 2017
Why Was Africa Never as Developed as The Rest of the World?
Jun 21, 2017
Did King Arthur and Merlin Truly Exist?
Jun 20, 2017
What the Saints Drank and Monks Brewed—Michael Foley
Jun 19, 2017
Who Built the Pyramids? Aliens?
Jun 16, 2017
Can You Explain the 1915 Armenian Genocide?
Jun 15, 2017
How Important Was the Spice Trade to Medieval Europe?
Jun 14, 2017
What Happened to Places Like Catalonia After Rome’s Fall?
Jun 13, 2017
Was Hitler a Christian, Atheist, or Something Else? — Richard Weikart
Jun 12, 2017
Who Was WW2 Spy Zig-Zag?
Jun 09, 2017
What Is The World’s Oldest University?
Jun 08, 2017
Tell Me About the Varangians (The Vikings of Russia)
Jun 07, 2017
Can We Really Know Anything in History Or Is It All Fake News?
Jun 06, 2017
Every President’s Go-to Drink, From Washington’s Whisky to Obama’s Homebrew—Mark Will-Weber
Jun 05, 2017
What Were French Trappers Doing in 1700s America?
Jun 02, 2017
Did the Inventor of the Guillotine Die By Guillotine?
Jun 01, 2017
What is the Bloody Mary Myth Based On?
May 31, 2017
Was Leif Erikson First to Visit the New World?
May 30, 2017
Tevi Troy on Pop Culture in the White House: From Washington’s Library to Trump’s Twitter Account
May 29, 2017
When Did People Start Using Last Names?
May 26, 2017
Did Conquering Armies Really Salt the Earth of Their Enemies?
May 25, 2017
What if JFK Had Lost the 1960 Election?
May 24, 2017
Justin from the Generation Why Podcast: What Assassination Had the Most Impact on History?
May 23, 2017
Why Your Favorite Presidents (Lincoln, Washington) Actually Screwed Up America—Brion McClanahan
May 19, 2017
How a Horse Became a Sergeant in the Korean War — Robin Hutton
May 19, 2017
When Camels Roamed the American Southwest—The U.S. Camel Corps (1856-1866)
May 11, 2017