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At Christ Community Church (C3 Memphis) we are seeking to form followers in the way of Jesus so the fame and deeds of God are repeated in our time. We meet on Sunday mornings at 10:15AM. For more information you can go to

Episode Date
Don't Move The Furniture | 2 Kings 16:10-18 | Patrick Coleman
Sep 01, 2024
Culture Of Celebration | Psalm 145 | Coleton Segars
Aug 26, 2024
Culture Formed By The Gospel | Romans 1:16 | Coleton Segars
Aug 20, 2024
Vision Talk | Habakkuk 3:2, Matthew 28.18-20 | Coleton Segars
Aug 12, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 2:23-28 | Interpretation of The Sabbath
Aug 06, 2024
Greg Jackson | Help My Unbelief | Mark 9:14-29
Jul 29, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 2:18-22 | New Wineskins
Jul 22, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 2:13-17 | Jesus Calls Levi
Jul 15, 2024
Tommy Danner | Mark 2:13-17
Jul 08, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 2:1-12 | Jesus and the Paralytic
Jun 30, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 1:40-45 | Jesus Cleanses the Leper
Jun 23, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 1:35-39 | The Practice of Silence & Solitude
Jun 18, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 1:21-34 | The Authority Of Jesus
Jun 10, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 1:16-20 | Jesus Wants Followers, Not Christians
Jun 03, 2024
The Practice of Secrecy | Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 | Coleton Segars
May 27, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 1:14-15 | Coleton Segars
May 20, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 1:9-13 | Coleton Segars
May 12, 2024
Rainey Segars | The Wages Of Sin | Romans 6:19-23
May 06, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 1:6-8 | Three Descriptors Of Jesus
Apr 30, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 1:5, 1 John 1:9 | The Practice of Confession
Apr 23, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 1:1-5 | The Practice Of Repentence | Coleton Segars
Apr 15, 2024
He Is Good | Mark 1:1 | Coleton Segars
Apr 11, 2024
Here For Him | Easter | Luke 24:1-43 | Coleton Segars
Apr 02, 2024
Here for Him | Your Role In The Church | 1 Corinthians 12:4-27 | Coleton Segars
Mar 26, 2024
Here For Him | Elders & Deacons | Coleton Segars
Mar 19, 2024
Here For Him | Communion | Coleton Segars
Mar 12, 2024
Here For Him | The Practice Of Giving In The Church | Coleton Segars
Feb 25, 2024
Here For Him | Why The Church Gathers | Rainey Segars
Feb 24, 2024
Here For Him | Why The Church Seeks To Bless | Coleton Segars
Feb 12, 2024
Here For Him | Meals Together | Coleton Segars
Feb 06, 2024
Here For Him - Worship - Coleton Segars
Jan 14, 2024
Here For Him - The Church - Coleton Segars
Jan 09, 2024
Spend Time With Jesus in 2024 - John 15:4-5 - Coleton Segars
Dec 31, 2023
Advent - John 3:16-17 - Coleton Segars
Dec 25, 2023
Advent - Luke 2:1-20 - Coleton Segars
Dec 18, 2023
Advent - James 5 - Rainey Segars
Dec 11, 2023
Advent - Matthew 1:18-25 and Matthew 2 - Coleton Segars
Dec 04, 2023
Four Passages I Want To Shape Our Church - Luke 11:11-13 - Coleton Segars
Nov 29, 2023
Four Passages I Want To Shape Our Church - Acts 2:42-47 - Coleton Segars.mp3
Nov 19, 2023
Four Passages I Want To Shape Our Church - Habakkuk 3:2 - Coleton Segars
Nov 12, 2023
Four Passages I Want to Shape Our Church - Matthew 11:28:30 - Coleton Segars
Nov 06, 2023
God’s Blessing Upon The C3 Family
Oct 29, 2023
The Incredible Value Of Harmony
Oct 23, 2023
The Provision Of God
Oct 15, 2023
Where Heaven And Earth Overlap
Oct 09, 2023
Forgiveness Always Demands A Cost
Sep 25, 2023
What Does It Mean That God Has Provided An Azor For Us?
Sep 17, 2023
A Compelling Witness of Jesus - Mark 5 - Coleton Segars
Sep 13, 2023
How Does One Enter The Kingdom Of God - Part 2
Sep 04, 2023
How Does One Enter The Kingdom Of God?
Aug 27, 2023
The Importance Of Learning From Our Mistakes
Aug 22, 2023
Why the Storm? - Mark 4 - Coleton Segars
Aug 13, 2023
How Should We Respond When We Fail Big Time?
Aug 07, 2023
Do the People I Love Most Know Who I Love Most?
Aug 07, 2023
Yahweh Is A God Of Truth
Aug 07, 2023
God’s Abundant Faithfulness
Jun 26, 2023
C3 Sunday Service - June 18, 2023
Jun 19, 2023
God’s Covenant Love
Jun 19, 2023
Yahweh Is Slow To Anger
Jun 19, 2023
God Is Slow To Anger
May 28, 2023
The Graciousness Of God
May 25, 2023
The Compassion Of God
May 18, 2023
What Do The Two Most Repeated Verses In The Bible Tell Us About God
May 18, 2023
How Does God Introduce Himself to Us for The First Time?
May 18, 2023
C3 Sunday Service at The Bowden’s
Apr 24, 2023
Do I Really Believe I’m Forgiven?
Apr 24, 2023
Easter Service - Who Is Like The Lord God Almighty
Apr 10, 2023
How Should We Respond To Failure?
Apr 05, 2023
Judas Gives Jesus The Kiss Of Death
Mar 29, 2023
Our Faith And Spiritual Growth Are A Community Affair
Mar 29, 2023
The Importance Of Remembering
Mar 12, 2023
Jesus Wants To Be Our Teacher And Guide
Mar 08, 2023
The Authority Of Jesus
Feb 26, 2023
How Can We Restore Trust To Our Broken Relationships
Feb 20, 2023
Covenant Relationships
Feb 12, 2023
Relationships Flourish Where Grace Is Present And Grace Is Present Where Humility Is Chosen
Feb 06, 2023
What Would My Life Look Like If I Believed Nothing Can Thwart Gods Plans for My Life
Jan 30, 2023
Does My Soul Have A True Refuge In The Storms Of Life
Jan 22, 2023
The Last Shall Be First And The First Shall Be Last
Jan 22, 2023
First Week At Shady Grove
Jan 22, 2023
My Response To God’s Voice Is A Really Big Deal
Dec 19, 2022
The Dark Side Of The Christmas Story
Dec 14, 2022
How Can We Make This Holiday Season Different And Better?
Dec 04, 2022
Let’s Not Miss The Blessings Of God
Nov 27, 2022
How Can We Avoid The Tragic Mistake Of Esau?
Nov 23, 2022
The Omnipotent Power Of Yahweh
Nov 15, 2022
Fighting Fire With Fire Is A Bad Plan
Nov 07, 2022
Special Guest Speaker: Koos Basoon
Oct 31, 2022
Don’t Waste Your Life
Oct 23, 2022
God Is Compassionate And Slow To Anger
Oct 23, 2022
The Compassion And Wrath Of God
Oct 09, 2022
The Compassion And Judgement Of God
Oct 09, 2022
When Death Leads To Life
Sep 26, 2022
When God’s Plans And My Plans Collide
Sep 12, 2022
Getting The Most From Our Study Of God’s Word
Sep 12, 2022
How Should We Approach The Study Of God’s Word?
Sep 12, 2022
Are We To Approach The Bible Literally or Figuratively.
Sep 12, 2022
Three Things We Learn About Jesus From His Interaction With Rich, Young Ruler
Sep 12, 2022
Avoiding The Destruction Of Bitterness
Sep 12, 2022
Uncertain Days Do Not Equal A Bad And Uncertain Future
Sep 12, 2022
God Longs To Be Our Refuge
Sep 12, 2022
Why Should We Be Involved In Mission Work
Sep 12, 2022
How Well Do I Know The God Of The Bible?
Sep 12, 2022
What Is Biblical Courage And How Can We Learn To Be Courageous?
Jul 04, 2022
Do I Have People In My Life Who Truly Care For My Soul?
Jul 04, 2022
What Am I To Do When My Life Feels Truly Out Of Control?
Jul 04, 2022
How Do You Define Freedom?
Jul 04, 2022
What Are The New Things That Are Promised To Those Who Are Waiting For The Return Of The Lord Jesus Christ
Jun 06, 2022
What Are The New Things God Has Promised Us?
May 30, 2022
God Doesn’t Need Our Help
May 17, 2022
Stop Acting Like A Mule
May 17, 2022
We Must Avoid Rash Decisions
May 02, 2022
What Does It Mean To Be A Just Person?
Apr 26, 2022
Easter Sunday
Apr 18, 2022
The Blessing Of God - Part 2
Apr 11, 2022
The Blessings Of God
Apr 04, 2022
Dangerous Voices
Mar 27, 2022
Where Heaven And Earth Overlap
Mar 27, 2022
Giving Attention To The Requests Of The Significant People In Our Lives Who Are Seeking Connection
Mar 09, 2022
Relationships Flourish Where There Is Shared Power
Feb 27, 2022
Relational Loyalty
Feb 23, 2022
The Challenge Of Trusting God
Feb 15, 2022
Tools To Defeat Anxiety
Feb 07, 2022
What Does The Life Of A Bible Hero Look Like
Feb 03, 2022
You Must Be Born Again
Feb 03, 2022
The Need For A New Birth, New Heart, And New Life
Feb 03, 2022
Using God’s Word To Fight Deception
Feb 03, 2022
How Do You Learn To Trust God
Feb 03, 2022
Laying Down Your Right To Be Right
Feb 03, 2022
To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifce
Feb 03, 2022
What‘s God Doing In My Suffering?
Nov 15, 2021
The Glory Of God
Nov 15, 2021
Living A Life Of Compassion
Nov 15, 2021
God‘s Power
Nov 15, 2021
What Am I To Do When God Has Abandoned Me?
Nov 15, 2021
Jesus‘s View Of The Old Testament
Nov 15, 2021
God Is Not A Respecter Of Persons
Oct 04, 2021
The Power To Forgive
Sep 27, 2021
The Big Picture Point Jesus Is Declaring
Sep 19, 2021
The Treasure Of People Who Speak The Truth To Us
Sep 08, 2021
Paul‘s Experience In Philippi
Sep 08, 2021
The Greatest Need And Greatest Battle In Our Lives
Sep 08, 2021
Jul 23, 2021
When God Is Distant
Jul 23, 2021
Our God Loves To Turn Chaos And Darkness Into Purpose And Light
Jul 23, 2021
Jul 23, 2021
The Fear Of The Lord
Jul 23, 2021
The Impact Of Our Unforgiveness On Our Lives And Loved Ones
Jul 23, 2021
How Do I Approach God?
Jul 23, 2021
The Power Of Thankfulness
May 30, 2021
Discovering Biblical Patterns
May 29, 2021
How Do We Love God With All Of Our Muchness
May 28, 2021
How Do We Love God With Our Soul
May 28, 2021
May 28, 2021
May 28, 2021
Apr 18, 2021
The Shema
Apr 18, 2021
Happy Easter!
Apr 18, 2021
Hope - Palm Sunday
Apr 18, 2021
Pondering The Love Of God
Apr 18, 2021
God's Joy Will Come In The Morning
Apr 18, 2021
The Idea Of God's Shalom
Apr 18, 2021
What's God Trying To Teach Us Through The Lives Of Others?
Feb 28, 2021
The Challenge Of Trusting God
Feb 28, 2021
Jesus Offers Us Rest For Our Souls
Feb 21, 2021
Do I Realize God Is Speaking To Me About My Son
Feb 21, 2021
New Words From An Old Dear Friend
Jan 31, 2021
Does Everything Depend On Me
Jan 24, 2021
Relationships Are Not For The Fearful
Jan 17, 2021
The Greatest Challenge To Relationships
Jan 10, 2021
Being Grateful To Live In God's Presence Forever
Jan 03, 2021
Special Guest Speaker - Coleton Segars
Dec 28, 2020
A Birthday Present For Jesus
Dec 20, 2020
All Is Well And Better Is Coming
Dec 13, 2020
Our Security In Christ
Dec 06, 2020
The Danger of Ingratitude
Nov 29, 2020
Our Faith Relationship With God
Nov 22, 2020
Jesus' First Miracle
Nov 15, 2020
The Table
Nov 15, 2020
God Doesn't Waste Anything
Nov 15, 2020
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Nov 15, 2020
God Does Not Have Favorites
Nov 15, 2020
Thriving In Our Most Important Relationships
Nov 15, 2020
God's Promises
Nov 15, 2020
Doing What Is Right And Good
Nov 15, 2020
What The Church Should Be Involved In
Sep 23, 2020
When Jesus Offends Us
Sep 23, 2020
Let The Godly Sing For Joy To The World
Sep 10, 2020
Facing The Giants In Our Lives
Sep 02, 2020
A Psalm Of David
Sep 02, 2020
Moving The Ark To Jerusalem
Sep 02, 2020
David's Kindness To Mephibosheth
Sep 02, 2020
The Generous Grace Of Our Lord
Sep 02, 2020
Gathering In Jesus' Name
Sep 02, 2020
The Widow's Olive Oil
Sep 02, 2020
The Call Of Abram - Genesis 12:1-9
Sep 02, 2020
Favoritism Forbidden
Sep 02, 2020
Stephen's Speech To The Sanhedrin
Sep 02, 2020
Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet
Sep 02, 2020
Israel Rebels Against Rehoboam
Sep 02, 2020