Imagine This

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 Dec 11, 2018


Imagine This is a science podcast for the young and curious. Have you ever wondered how bees make honey? Or how do fish breathe underwater? Or, very importantly, where your poo goes when you flush it down the toilet? Imagine This is a series of puzzling science questions from inquisitive young minds. Our host, Dr Niraj Lal, chats to kids and Australia's leading academics, taking you on imaginative adventures to learn about the world around us and find the answers together.  This podcast is suited to kids aged 4 and up, though all members of the family are sure to learn something! 

Episode Date
What is phone reception and why do my parents lose it?
Aug 20, 2024
Why do we get older?
Aug 13, 2024
Why is the sea salty?
Aug 06, 2024
What are rocks made of?
Jul 30, 2024
How do chickens make eggs?
Jul 23, 2024
How are rainbows made?
Dec 19, 2023
Who was the first person in the world?
Dec 19, 2023
How do snails get their shells?
Dec 19, 2023
How is fabric made?
Dec 19, 2023
Why do we have to brush our teeth?
Dec 19, 2023
How did the universe start?
Jun 20, 2023
How did animals become pets?
Jun 20, 2023
How do lights light up?
Jun 20, 2023
How are seeds made?
Jun 20, 2023
Why do we have to sleep?
Jun 20, 2023
How is plastic made?
Dec 06, 2022
How do birds fly?
Dec 06, 2022
Why aren't there big animals like dinosaurs anymore?
Dec 06, 2022
Why do the tides go in and out?
Dec 06, 2022
How does my skin heal?
Dec 06, 2022
Introducing... Noisy by Nature!
Nov 07, 2022
BONUS: Marine Biology in the Imaginarium
Sep 20, 2022
Introducing... Dino Dome!
Jul 27, 2022
How do caterpillars turn into butterflies?
Jun 14, 2022
Why do farts come out of your bum?
Jun 14, 2022
How does the sun light up the world?
Jun 14, 2022
How did people come up with words?
Jun 14, 2022
How is water made clean to drink?
Jun 14, 2022
Introducing... Little Yarns!
May 04, 2022
BONUS: Weather in the Imaginarium
Apr 05, 2022
Why do animals have spots, stripes, and scales?
Dec 07, 2021
How are lightning and thunder made?
Dec 07, 2021
What is a cool fire?
Dec 07, 2021
How is paper made from trees?
Dec 07, 2021
Where do our voices come from?
Dec 07, 2021
BONUS: Welcome to The Imaginarium!
Nov 10, 2021
How do bees make honey?
Apr 06, 2021
How are germs made and what are they made of?
Apr 06, 2021
How do fish breathe underwater?
Apr 06, 2021
Why does my mouth like sugar but my body doesn't?
Apr 06, 2021
Why are jokes funny?
Apr 06, 2021