The Anchor Sunday Sermons Podcast

By theanchorrhc

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The Anchor is a Sunday sermon podcast ministry from Rock Harbor Church in Bakersfield, California.

Episode Date
Resisting the Corruption of the Established Order | Genesis 38:1-30
Sep 15, 2024
Dealing With Betrayal Genesis 37:25-36
Sep 01, 2024
Service Now Leads To Rulership Later | Matthew 25:14-30
Aug 26, 2024
The Removal Of The Ideal Genesis 35:9-35
Aug 26, 2024
Overcoming Resentment Genesis 37:1-11
Aug 04, 2024
Why Do the Wicked Prosper - Genesis 35:8-29; 36:1-42
Aug 04, 2024
Getting Out Of Spiritual Complacency - Genesis 35:1-5
Jul 26, 2024
Wars, Elijah, and Red Heifers... Oh My! [Israel Update]
Jun 24, 2024
Passive Leadership Results in Defilement Part 2 | Genesis 34: 1-31
Jun 02, 2024
Passive Leadership Results in Defilement | Genesis 34:1-31
May 26, 2024
The Birth Pangs of Israel
May 21, 2024
Don't Reconcile This Way!  Genesis 33:1-20
May 12, 2024
He Who Wrestles With God And Prevails - Part 3 (Genesis 32:22-32)
May 06, 2024
He Who Wrestles with God and Prevails - Part 2: Genesis 32:22-32
May 01, 2024
He Who Wrestles With God And Prevails Genesis 32:22-32
Apr 22, 2024
Appeasement Doesn't Work
Apr 19, 2024
Sometimes Reconciliation Is Not Possible
Apr 08, 2024
Resurrection Responsibility
Mar 31, 2024
Palm Sunday: The Utopian Fantasy Confronted
Mar 24, 2024
Don't Sink to Their Level Genesis 30:25-43
Mar 20, 2024
When Worldly Standards Become Absolutes - Genesis 30:14-24
Mar 10, 2024
How to Prevent Living a Lie - Genesis 29:30-35; 30:1-24
Mar 04, 2024
Preventing Deception - Genesis - 29:15-35
Feb 25, 2024
The Law of Reaping and Sowing - Genesis 29:1-30
Feb 25, 2024
Sacrificing Our Desires for the Truth Genesis 27:18-46
Jan 21, 2024
The Doctrine of Rewards Episode 7
Jan 18, 2024
Avoiding Life’s Crashes: Navigating Circumstances with Integrity Genesis 27:1-40
Dec 31, 2023
Dec 24, 2023
Keeping our Edge: Maintaining Our Effectiveness - 2 Kings 6:1-7
Dec 22, 2023
Preventing Enemies From Filling up Our Wells - Genesis 26:12-32
Dec 19, 2023
Guest Speaker ”Rory Franklin” What do you do when God takes you to court?
Dec 10, 2023
Guest Speaker David Howell - The 5 Lies of Israel
Dec 07, 2023
Guest Speaker - David Howell - Pray For China
Dec 07, 2023
Maintaining Hope in Perilous Times Habakkuk 1:1-17
Dec 04, 2023
Ensuring the Participation in God’s Agenda and the Blessings That Accompany It - Genesis 26:1-11
Nov 26, 2023
Valuing Our Birthright to Prevent Despising It - Genesis 25:28-34
Nov 12, 2023
Breaking Free From Family Dysfunction & Israel’s Struggle Against Esau’s Descendant
Nov 07, 2023
Abraham’s Separation of the Jews and Their Land From the Arab Peoples  Genesis 25:1-18
Oct 29, 2023
Discerning the Will of God - Genesis 24:1-67
Oct 24, 2023
The Arab States in Prophecy - Psalm 83
Oct 15, 2023
Living Beyond This Life - Genesis 23:1-20
Oct 08, 2023
The Akedah | Total Surrender: Genesis 22:1-19
Sep 17, 2023
Sacrifice As A Way of Life - Genesis 22:1-2
Sep 10, 2023
A Spiritually Urgent Attitude Is Needed to Protect the Good - Genesis 21:14-20
Sep 03, 2023
The Anchor - The Call - Joshua 1:1-9
Aug 28, 2023
Seeing the Threat Genesis 21:1-12
Aug 20, 2023
Old Habits & New Habits - Genesis 19:30-38
Aug 13, 2023
Lot and the Boomerang Effect Genesis 19:30-38
Aug 06, 2023
Lot: You Can Take the Man Out of Sodom, but You Cant Take the Sodom Out of the Man - Genesis 19:12-29
Jul 31, 2023
Genesis 19 When There Is no Way Back for a Society
Jul 09, 2023
The Preservation of the Remnant - Genesis 18:16-33
Jun 25, 2023
With God All Things are possible - Genesis 18:1-15
Jun 18, 2023
Circumcision of the Heart - Genesis 17:1-27
Jun 04, 2023
The Root of the Israeli-Arab Conflict
May 28, 2023
Why Do We Create So Many Problems - Part 2
May 21, 2023
Ezekiel’s Dry Bone Vision: The Restoration of Israel - Ezekiel 37:1-14
May 14, 2023
Here To Eternity - Guest Speaker - Bill Salus
May 14, 2023
Why Do We Create So Many Problems for Ourselves?  Genesis 16:1-16
Apr 30, 2023
The Need For Melchizedek - Genesis 14:17-24
Apr 23, 2023
Our Search and Rescue Mission Genesis 14:1-24
Apr 16, 2023
The Resurrection: Faith Comes By Hearing - John 20:1-18
Apr 09, 2023
Against all odds; The Nation of Israel Genesis 13:14-18; 15:1-21
Apr 02, 2023
Society’s Steps Towards Sodom Part 2 Genesis 13:10-12; 14:11-12; 19:1
Mar 26, 2023
Society’s Steps Towards Sodom Genesis 13:10-12; 14:11-12, 19:1
Mar 19, 2023
The Fork on the Road Moment Genesis 13: 1-18
Mar 12, 2023
Guest Speaker Lee Brainard
Mar 07, 2023
Evening Service - How Spiritual Blindness Happens - John 9:1-41
Feb 27, 2023
The Danger of Self-Preservation - Genesis 12:12-20
Feb 27, 2023
The Hurdles in Life can be Beneficial - Genesis 12:4-9
Feb 19, 2023
The Protection Provided for the Call Genesis 12:1-3
Feb 12, 2023
Part 2 - The Call to Meaning in Life Genesis 11:27-32 + 12:1-3
Feb 05, 2023
The Call to Meaning in Life Genesis 11:27-32 12:1-3
Jan 29, 2023
The Clean Up During The 75 Day Interval - Daniel 12:11-13
Jan 22, 2023
Overcoming By Faith - Joshua 9:1-27 - Associate Pastor Frank Montoya
Jan 17, 2023
Breaking is Necessary Daniel 12:1-13
Jan 09, 2023
Why does the LORD allow the Antichrist’s rule  [Daniel 11:1-45]
Jan 01, 2023
Is there anymore room for Him
Dec 25, 2022
The Angelic Conflict: The War Behind the War - Daniel 10:10-21
Dec 18, 2022
Israel’s Covenant with the Antichrist - Daniel 9:24-27
Dec 15, 2022
The Anchor Sunday Sermon 12-4-22 - Disney Deception and the Occult - Guest Speaker Eric Barger
Dec 06, 2022
Daniels 70 Weeks - Daniel 9:20-26
Nov 27, 2022
Crossing Over In Faith - Joshua 3:1-17 - Associate Pastor Frank Montoya
Nov 27, 2022
The Rapture VS The Second Coming - Associate Pastor David Howell
Nov 27, 2022
How a Nation Removes Itself from the Road to Hell - Daniel 9:1-19
Nov 07, 2022
The Last Three Phases of the Beast Government - Daniel 7:20, 23-24
Aug 22, 2022
Taking Our Stand Against Evil - Esther 4:10-16
Aug 17, 2022
The Interpretation of the Beast Empire
Aug 11, 2022
The Book Of Daniel Episode 12: The Little Horn (Anti-Christ)
Jun 20, 2022
Mother’s Day Message 2022
May 11, 2022
The Book Of Daniel Episode 11: Taming Lions!
May 11, 2022
Apr 30, 2022
The Book Of Daniel Episode 10: The Test of Loyalty to the Lord
Apr 18, 2022
The Book Of Daniel Episode 9: A Sign of the Times Person
Mar 28, 2022
The Book Of Daniel Episode 8: Why A Nation Dies
Mar 28, 2022
The Book Of Daniel Episode 7: God’s Rule: Accept or Resist
Mar 20, 2022
The Book Of Daniel Episode 6: Accepting What God Gives
Mar 15, 2022
GUEST SPEAKER: Eric Barger of ’Take A Stand’ Ministries on PROPHECY
Feb 28, 2022
The Book Of Daniel Episode 5: Dealing with a Narcissist
Feb 17, 2022
The Book Of Daniel Episode 4: Standing In The Fire
Feb 17, 2022
The Book Of Daniel Episode 3 : The Times Of The Gentiles Part 2
Feb 01, 2022
The Book Of Daniel Episode 2 : The Times Of The Gentiles
Jan 24, 2022
The Book Of Daniel Episode 1 : The Solution to Fear
Jan 05, 2022
The Book Of Exodus Episode 69: A Lesson On Moses & Vindication
Dec 16, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 68: Chapter 34 ”From Glory To Glory”
Dec 09, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 67: Chapter 34 ”Unholy Alliances”
Dec 05, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 66: Chapter 33 ”Show Me Your Glory O‘ God”
Nov 28, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 65: Chapter 33 ”Without Jesus We Have NOTHING”
Nov 15, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 64: Chapter 32 ”Compromise DIVIDES US”
Nov 15, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 63: Chapter 32 ”The Consequences of Compromise”
Nov 06, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 62: Chapter 32 ”If A Fast Food Chain Can RESIST, THEN YOU CAN TOO”
Oct 31, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 61: Chapter 32 ”Will You Stand Tall, Or Will You COMPROMISE?”
Oct 11, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 60: The 10th Commandment ”THOU SHALT NOT COVET”
Oct 11, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 59: The 9th Commandment PART 2 ”LYING DESTROYS US”
Oct 02, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 58: The 9th Commandment ”SACRED TRUTH”
Sep 19, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 57: The 8th Commandment ”PRIVATE PROPERTY”
Sep 12, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 56: The 7th Commandment ”SACRED MARRIAGE” PART 2
Sep 06, 2021
The Book Of Exodus Episode 55: The 7th Commandment ”SACRED MARRIAGE”
Aug 29, 2021
The Anchor Sunday Sermons - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 54 ”THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT”
Aug 22, 2021
The Anchor Sunday Sermons - Special Episode - OFF HAND PODCAST feat. Pastor Brandon Holthaus
Aug 18, 2021
The Anchor Sunday Sermons - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 53 ”THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT”PART 2
Aug 16, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 52 ”THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT”
Aug 07, 2021
The Anchor - Special - The Jan Markell Show (feat. Pastor Brandon Holthaus)
Jul 24, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 51 "THE FOUNDATION FOR FREEDOM IS THE BIBLE"
Jul 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 50 “THE TEN COMMANDMENTS” THE THIRD COMMANDMENT
Jun 27, 2021
Jun 27, 2021
Special Guest: Missionary Jon Davidsen of Chosen People Ministries
May 26, 2021
May 22, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 47 “THE TEN COMMANDMENTS PART 2: THE FIRST COMMANDMENT”
May 17, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 46 “THE TEN COMMANDMENTS PART 1”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 45 “WE HAVE TO LOOK OUT FOR OUR NEIGHBORS”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 44 “THE TEST OF WAITING THROUGH THE STORM”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 43 “GOD'S PROVISION IS LIFE”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 42 “THE MANA OF CHRIST”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 41 "BECOMING A SURVIVOR NOT A VICTIM”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 40 “THE TEST OF OUR AFFLICTIONS”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 39 “THE LORD WILL PROVIDE FOR US”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 38 “PARTING THE RED SEA”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 37 “THE RIGHT PATH”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 36 “THE LORD FIGHTS FOR US”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 35 “KEEPING FOCUSED DURING HARD TIMES”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 34 “THE LORD'S DELIVERANCE”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 33 “WITNESS ALONG YOUR PATH”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 32 “THE LORD'S GUIDANCE INTO THE UNKNOWN”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 31 “HOW WILL THE LORD GUIDE US”
May 10, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 30 “THE UNHINGED WORLD”
May 09, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 29 “HOW A NATION SHOULD FUNCTION”
May 09, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 28 “THE BEDROCK OF SOCIETY”
May 09, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 27 “WHEN WE SEE THE BLOOD”
May 09, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 26 “WHEN THE LINE IS CROSSED”
May 09, 2021
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 25 “Pharaoh's Cancel Culture”
Sep 17, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 24 “When Narratives Blind"
Sep 17, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 23 “Discerning The Agenda Behind The Lies”
Sep 17, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 22 “Dealing With Hard Hearted People"
Sep 17, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 21 “Overcoming Hindrances”
Aug 22, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 20 "Disregarding Warnings"
Aug 22, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 19 “Heed The Warning”
Aug 06, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 18 “YHWH: The Source of Life”
Jul 10, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 17 “The Spiritual Battle Begins”
Jul 03, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 16 “Staying on the Path Part 2”
Jul 03, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 15 “Staying on the Path”
Jun 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 14 “The Testing Of Our Faith”
Jun 15, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 13 “Handling Difficult People”
Jun 15, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 12 “Getting Our House in Order Part 2”
Jun 15, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 11 “Getting Our House in Order Part 1”
Jun 15, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 10 "Overcoming Doubts"
May 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 9 "The Lord's Assurance, His Provision Part 2"
May 07, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 8 "The Lord's Assurance, His Provision"
May 03, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 7 "The Lord's Assurance"
Apr 22, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 6 "How The Desert Grows Us"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 5 "What A Crisis Reveals"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 4 "God Makes A Path"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 3 "Faith Confronts Opposition"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 2 "When Is It Time To Resist? Part 2"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Exodus: Episode 1 "When Is It Time To Resist? Part 1"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - Resurrection Sunday Special 2020
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Ecclesiastes: Episode 4 "What Time Is It For You? Part 4"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Ecclesiastes: Episode 3 "What Time Is It For You? Part 3"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Ecclesiastes: Episode 2 "What Time Is It For You? Part 2"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Ecclesiastes: Episode 1 "What Time Is It For You? Part 1"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 37 "The Future Predicted In The Past Part 3"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 36 "The Future Predicted In The Past Part 2"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 35 "The Future Predicted In The Past Part 1"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 34 "The Past Interprets The Future Part 2"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 33 "The Past Interprets The Future Part 1"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 32 "The Sin Of Our Ancestors Affects Us All"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 31 "The Reality Of What God Promises"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 30 "The Main Goal Of Sanctification"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 29 "The Ideal Versus The Real"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 28 "Entering Into The New Life"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 27 "Finding The Place Of Peace"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 26 "Finding The Motivation To Obey"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 25 "The Sin Of The Watchers Part 2"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 24 "The Sin Of The Watchers Part 1"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 23 "Passing On A Torch Of Faith"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 22 "The Influence Of Your Family Part 2"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 21 "The Influence Of Your Family Part 1"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 20 "Preventing Wandering"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 19 "The Root Of Destructive Anger Part 2"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 18 "The Root Of Destructive Anger Part 1"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 17 "Embracing The Fall"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 16 "The Judgement Of Lucifer"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 15 "Own It"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 14 "Acting Independent From God Part 2"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 13 "Acting Independent From God Part 1"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 12 "The Tactics Of Satan"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 11 "The Proper Parental And Marital Bond"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 10 "Marriage Provides For Society"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 9 "The Test Of Restriction"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 8 "Dominion Mandate"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 7 "Responsibility Of The Imagers Part 2"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 6 "Responsibility Of The Imagers Part 1"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 5 "Filling The Void"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 4 "Order Out Of Chaos Part 2"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 3 "Order Out Of Chaos Part 1"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 2 "The Reason For Creation"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Genesis: Episode 1 "Origins"
Apr 18, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 62 "The Call To ACTION"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 61 "The Source Of Life"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 60 "Humanities True Desire (Heaven) Part 2"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 59 "Humanities True Desire (Heaven) Part 1"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 58 "Hope From A Good God Part 2"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 57 "Hope From A Good God Part 1"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 56 "When It's Time To Separate"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 55 "The Demands Of The New Reality"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 54 "The Second Coming Part 2"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 53 "The Second Coming Part 1"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 52 "Seeing The Goodness Of God"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 51 "The Destruction Of Babylon Part 2"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 50 "The Destruction Of Babylon Part 1"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 49 "Evil Destroys Itself"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 48 "The Satanic Structure"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 47 "Creating A Central Religion Part 2"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 46 "Creating A Central Religion Part 1"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 45 "The Freedom To Destroy Ourselves"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 44 "The Good Begins When The Bad Ends"
Mar 13, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 43 "When Things Become Unfixable"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 42 "It's Going To Get Worse Before It Gets Better"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 41 "Operating From Victory"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 40 "It Must Be Said"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 39 "Discerning The Counterfeit Part 3"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 38 "Discerning The Counterfeit Part 2"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 37 "Discerning The Counterfeit Part 1"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 36 "Our Place Of Refuge"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 35 "Knowing Where The Battle Is"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 34 "The Announcement"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 33 "God's Provision For Our Mission Part 2"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 32 "God's Provision For Our Mission Part 1"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 31 "The Substitutes Used For True Spirituality"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 30 "The Bittersweetness Of Pain"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 29 "Loving The Wrong Things"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 28 "The Lord's Answer To Prayer"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 27 "Grace And Mercy In The Storm"
Mar 12, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 26 "The Unwillingness To Change"
Mar 05, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 25 "Circumstances"
Mar 05, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 24 "God Who Gives You What You Want Part 3"
Mar 05, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 23 "God Who Gives You What You Want Part 2"
Mar 05, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 22 "God Who Gives You What You Want Part 1"
Mar 05, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 21 "God Who Gives Us Our Identity"
Mar 05, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 20 "God Who Suffers With Us"
Mar 05, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 19 "Where Is God Part 3"
Mar 05, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 18 "Where Is God Part 2"
Mar 05, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 17 "Where Is God Part 1"
Mar 05, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 16 "The Rapture Part 2"
Mar 05, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 15 "The Rapture Part 1"
Mar 05, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 14 "Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church Part 3"
Mar 02, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 13 "Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church Part 2"
Mar 02, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 12 "Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church Part 1"
Mar 02, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 11 "Philadelphia: The Faithful Church Part 2"
Mar 02, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 10 "Philadelphia: The Faithful Church Part 1"
Mar 02, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 9 "Sardis: The Dead Church Part 2"
Mar 02, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 8 "Sardis: The Dead Church Part 1"
Mar 02, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 7 "Thyatira: The Corrupt Church Part 2"
Mar 02, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 6 "Thyatira: The Corrupt Church Part 1"
Feb 29, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 5 ”Smyrna: The Persecuted Church”
Feb 29, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 4 "Ephesus: Loveless"
Feb 29, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 3 ”The Reality Of Accountability”
Feb 29, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 2 ”God Of Grace And Peace”
Feb 29, 2020
The Anchor - The Book Of Revelation: Episode 1 ”Staying Prophetically Alert”
Feb 28, 2020