Conversations With Coleman

By This Is 42

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Episodes: 181


Conversations with Coleman is home to honest conversations with leading intellectuals on polarised issues in the realm of race, politics and culture in the West.

Episode Date
Live in Melbourne w/Josh Szeps
Sep 07, 2024
The Life of a Black Conservative w/Glenn Loury
Aug 09, 2024
The Future of Woke w/Eric Kaufmann [PLUS AUSTRALIA SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT]
Jul 24, 2024
The Folly of Progressivism with Nellie Bowles
Jun 20, 2024
From Foster Care to Cambridge with Rob Henderson
Jun 03, 2024
Is Therapy Bad for You? with Abigail Shrier
Mar 01, 2024
Feminism Under The Microscope with Mary Harrington
Dec 23, 2023
Why? The Purpose of the Universe with Philip Goff
Dec 20, 2023
All Things China with Cindy Yu
Dec 13, 2023
Psychedelic Libertarianism with Nick Gillespie
Nov 25, 2023
Race, Brexit, and Islamism with Munira Mirza
Nov 21, 2023
Lessons from Afghanistan with Rory Stewart
Nov 09, 2023
Debating the Israel-Palestine Conflict with Yousef Munayyer
Oct 28, 2023
My Last Word on TED
Oct 21, 2023
A Nuanced View On Israel and Palestine with Andrew Gold
Oct 14, 2023
"Why the Religious Will Inherit the Earth" with Eric Kaufmann
Oct 13, 2023
"The Identity Trap" with Yascha Mounk
Oct 07, 2023
Why Is TED Scared of Color Blindness?
Sep 28, 2023
“Racism, Election Theft, and Self-Help” with Scott Adams and Noam Dworman
Sep 22, 2023
"The Rise of the Radical Left" with Christopher Rufo
Sep 15, 2023
"Diversity: From Rome to Rwanda” with Jens Heycke
Sep 01, 2023
"Can Immigrants Assimilate?” with Garett Jones
Aug 29, 2023
The Myth of Left and Right with Hyrum Lewis and Verlan Lewis
Aug 18, 2023
“Does Color-Blindness Perpetuate Racism?” A Debate w/Jamelle Bouie
Aug 11, 2023
"Panpsychism: A Theory Whose Time Has Come" with Phillip Goff
Aug 04, 2023
Will AI Destroy Us? - AI Virtual Roundtable
Jul 28, 2023
The Deep State: Fact or Fiction with Lee Fang
Jul 21, 2023
Psychedelic Medicine with Jeannie Fontana
Jul 14, 2023
From Boomers to Zoomers with Jean Twenge
Jul 07, 2023
Is the American Dream Dead? with John Wood Jr.
Jun 30, 2023
Animal Rights, Abortion, and Lying with Peter Singer
Jun 23, 2023
"The Legacy of BLM, continued" with Thomas Chatterton Williams
Jun 16, 2023
In Defense of China with Keyu Jin
Jun 09, 2023
Genes, Race, and History with Razib Khan
Jun 02, 2023
Reparations and the Legacy of BLM with The GoodFellows
Jun 02, 2023
Evolution, Intergenerational Trauma, and Gender with Jerry Coyne
May 26, 2023
Is Whiteness Killing Us? with Dr. Jonathan Metzl
May 19, 2023
Is Psychology a Fake Science? with Paul Bloom
May 12, 2023
Multiverse of Madness with David Deutsch
May 09, 2023
Debating Race and Incarceration with Vincent Lloyd
May 05, 2023
Science and Spirituality with Robert Wright
Apr 28, 2023
The Genius Behind Titania McGrath with Andrew Doyle
Apr 21, 2023
Dating, Gender, & Virtue Signaling with Sarah Haider & Meghan Daum
Apr 14, 2023
DEBATE: Is The Democratic Party Too Far Left?
Apr 07, 2023
Racism, UFOs, and Cultural Appropriation with Neil deGrasse Tyson
Apr 01, 2023
The Strange Death of Journalism with Batya Ungar-Sargon
Mar 25, 2023
Mind-Reading Tech is Here with Nita Farahany
Mar 17, 2023
Alcoholism, Self-Sabotage, and Wokeness with Africa Brooke
Mar 10, 2023
Woke Capital with Marc Andreessen
Mar 04, 2023
Ron DeSantis' War on Wokeness with Kmele Foster, Chloé Valdary and David Bernstein
Feb 24, 2023
Trans Rights vs. Women's Rights with Kathleen Stock
Feb 17, 2023
The History and Ethics of the Israel-Palestine Conflict with Dr. Benny Morris
Feb 10, 2023
Race & Inequality Across the Pond with Inaya Folarin Iman
Feb 03, 2023
Defeating the Race Baiters with Freddie Sayers
Feb 02, 2023
Is the Royal Family Racist? with Andrew Gold
Jan 26, 2023
Jihad Rehab: A Tale of Cancellation with Meg Smaker
Jan 20, 2023
Actually Color Blindness Isn't Racist | Essay
Jan 17, 2023
Best of Season 3 - Highlight Reel
Dec 24, 2022
The Problem of Democracy with Shadi Hamid (S3 Ep.41)
Dec 17, 2022
Elites And Experts with David Sacks (S3 Ep.40)
Dec 10, 2022
Can We Trust AI? with Rama Chellappa (S3 Ep.39)
Dec 03, 2022
Snitches Get Stitches with Alexandra Natapoff (S3 Ep.38)
Nov 20, 2022
The Death of The American Coalition with Tim Shenk (S3 Ep.37)
Nov 11, 2022
The Art Of Storytelling with Christopher Paolini (S3 Ep.36)
Oct 28, 2022
Drowning In Debt With Josh Mitchell (S3 Ep.35)
Oct 21, 2022
The Art Of Meditation with Samaneri Jayasāra (S3 Ep.34)
Oct 14, 2022
Music, Movies, And Innovation With Ted Gioia (S3 Ep.33)
Oct 07, 2022
Understanding the Iranian Protests with Maryam Namazie (S3 Ep.32)
Oct 01, 2022
Of Boys And Men with Richard Reeves (S3 Ep.31)
Sep 23, 2022
Marxism, Intelligence, And The Thing with Freddie DeBoer (S3 Ep.30)
Sep 09, 2022
Humanity in a Thousand Years with Will MacAskill (S3 Ep.29)
Sep 04, 2022
Quillette, IDW, and Conspiracy with Claire Lehmann (S3 Ep.28)
Aug 26, 2022
America's Failed Criminal Justice Experiment with Rafael Mangual (S3 Ep.27)
Aug 22, 2022
Beyond The Lines of Color and Race with Ian Rowe (S3 Ep.26)
Aug 12, 2022
Black, White and Everything In Between With David Bernstein (S3 Ep.25)
Aug 08, 2022
WikiLeaks and Whistleblowing: An Exposé That Shook The World with Julian Assange (S3 Ep.24)
Jul 31, 2022
Ask Me Anything with Coleman Hughes | Special Episode
Jul 22, 2022
The Pride Generation with Katie Herzog (S3 Ep.23)
Jul 17, 2022
BLM: The Revolution Will Not Be Criticized with Zac Kriegman (S3 Ep.22)
Jul 08, 2022
The Death of Conversation with Jonathan Haidt (S3 Ep.21)
Jun 25, 2022
Can Musicians Think Freely? with Winston Marshall (S3 Ep.20)
Jun 18, 2022
Voter Suppression: Fact Or Fiction? with Sam Koppelman (S3 Ep.19)
Jun 10, 2022
Overcoming the Odds with Roland Fryer (S3 Ep.18)
Jun 05, 2022
The Fracturing of the American Mind featuring Jonathan Haidt and Guests (S3 Ep.17)
May 27, 2022
Democracy and Diversity with Yascha Mounk (S3 Ep.16)
May 20, 2022
Inside the Mind of Tim Urban (S3 Ep.15)
May 14, 2022
The Facebook Whistleblower with Frances Haugen (S3 Ep.14)
May 07, 2022
Human Mind: Into The Unknown with Richard Dawkins (S3 Ep.13)
Apr 30, 2022
Moving America Forward with Andrew Yang (Special Episode)
Apr 28, 2022
Are We Living in a Simulation with David Chalmers (S3 Ep.12)
Apr 24, 2022
The History of Free Speech with Jacob Mchangama (S3 Ep.11)
Apr 16, 2022
Race, Class, and Culture with Briahna Joy Gray (S3 Ep.10)
Apr 08, 2022
The War in Ukraine with Cathy Young (S3 Ep.9)
Apr 02, 2022
The Case for Overpopulation with Matthew Yglesias (S3 Ep.8)
Mar 26, 2022
The Failures of the NY Times with Ashley Rindsberg (S3 Ep.7)
Mar 18, 2022
The Birth and Death of Political Comedy with Jeff Maurer (S3 Ep.6)
Mar 11, 2022
COVID: The Conversation We’ve Been Waiting For with Dr. Zubin Damania (S3 Ep.5)
Mar 04, 2022
Is Matt Taibbi a Right-Winger? (S3 Ep.4)
Feb 25, 2022
Propaganda, Misinformation, and Woke Math with Renee DiResta (S3 Ep.3)
Feb 19, 2022
A New Way of Teaching in Disruptive Times with Rob Reich (S3 Ep.2)
Feb 11, 2022
Parenting in the 21st Century with Emily Oster (S3 Ep.1)
Feb 04, 2022
Reflection on 2021 [Special Episode]
Jan 29, 2022
The Climate Cure with Tim Flannery [S2 Ep.42]
Dec 17, 2021
The Health Dilemma of Trans Children with Michelle Telfer [S2 Ep.41]
Dec 11, 2021
Woke Racism with John McWhorter [S2 Ep.40]
Dec 03, 2021
Race and the Media with Nicquel Terry Ellis [S2 Ep.39]
Nov 27, 2021
The War on Parents with Bonnie Snyder [S2 Ep.38]
Nov 21, 2021
The Many Faces of Rationality with Steven Pinker [S2 Ep.37]
Nov 12, 2021
Pandemics and Politics with Nicholas Christakis [S2 Ep.36]
Nov 05, 2021
A Life Without Problems with Ryan Holiday [S2 Ep.35]
Oct 29, 2021
Parasites of the Mind with Andy Norman [S2 Ep.34]
Oct 22, 2021
From the bottom up with Kmele Foster [S2 Ep.33]
Oct 15, 2021
The Tale of a Radical with Jesse Morton [S2 Ep.32]
Oct 08, 2021
Economics 102 with Prof Abhijit Banerjee [S2 Ep.31]
Oct 01, 2021
The Transgender Revolution with Helen Joyce [S2 Ep.30]
Sep 24, 2021
The Virus that Conquered the World with Prof Peter Doherty [S2 Ep.29]
Sep 17, 2021
Chaos Abroad, Nonsense At Home with Amy Chua [S2 Ep.28]
Sep 11, 2021
Critical Race Theory with Christopher Rufo [S2 Ep.27]
Sep 04, 2021
Coleman Hughes responds to your texts (Bonus Episode)
Aug 28, 2021
Gun Control with David Hogg [S2 Ep.26]
Aug 21, 2021
The Rise and Fall of China with Michael Beckley [S2 Ep.25]
Aug 14, 2021
Bonus Episode: Braver Angels Event with Coleman Hughes, Rakim Brooks and John Wood Jr.
Aug 07, 2021
Cancel Culture & Political Dysfunction with Ezra Klein [S2 Ep.24]
Jul 30, 2021
The Erosion of Women's Rights with Ayaan Hirsi Ali [S2 Ep.23]
Jul 23, 2021
Power and Hypocrisy with Glenn Greenwald [S2 Ep.22]
Jul 16, 2021
Bonus Q&A with Coleman Hughes
Jul 09, 2021
The Perils of Race Science with Charles Murray [S2 Ep.21]
Jul 03, 2021
The Evolution of Culture with Joseph Henrich [S2 Ep.20]
Jun 26, 2021
American Policing in Crisis with Anthony Barksdale [S2 Ep.19]
Jun 18, 2021
The Myth of Climate Apocalypse with Michael Shellenberger [S2 Ep.18]
Jun 12, 2021
Straight Talk On Racism with Wilfred Reilly [S2 Ep.17]
Jun 03, 2021
The Power of Gods with Daniel Schmachtenberger [S2 Ep.16]
May 27, 2021
From Darkness to Light with Scott Barry Kaufman [S2 Ep.15]
May 21, 2021
Giving The Devil His Due with Michael Shermer [S2 Ep.14]
May 14, 2021
How to Think with Julia Galef [S2 Ep.13]
May 07, 2021
Race and Identity with Brittany King S2 [Bonus Episode]
Apr 29, 2021
Destroying Primeworld with Jesse Singal [S2 Ep.12]
Apr 23, 2021
'Social Dilemma' with Tristan Harris [S2 Ep.11]
Apr 16, 2021
Rethinking Identity with Desi-Rae [S2 Ep.10]
Apr 09, 2021
Thriving in the Taboo with Aella [S2 Ep.9]
Apr 02, 2021
The Tribal Instinct with Amy Chua [S2 Ep.8]
Mar 26, 2021
The Case for Color-blindness S2 [Bonus Episode]
Mar 19, 2021
Coleman Hughes responds to his Biggest Criticisms - S2 Bonus [Partial episode]
Mar 12, 2021
Awakening The Mind with Sam Harris [S2 Ep.7]
Mar 05, 2021
Growing Beyond the Divide with Tom Bilyeu [S2 Ep.6]
Feb 26, 2021
'What killed Michael Brown?' Shelby & Eli Steele [S2 Ep.5]
Feb 19, 2021
Policing: A Cop's-Eye View - Dr. Michael Sanchez [S2 Ep.4]
Feb 12, 2021
The Evolution of Altruism Michael McCullough [S2 Ep.3]
Feb 05, 2021
50 Years on the Left with Noam Chomsky [S2 Ep.2]
Jan 29, 2021
When Leaders Go Mad Christopher Ferguson [S2 Ep.1]
Jan 22, 2021
The Intersectional Crackup with Douglas Murray (Ep.20)
Dec 17, 2020
The Tides of American Politics with David Shor (Ep.19)
Dec 03, 2020
The End of Trump with Andrew Sullivan (Ep.18)
Nov 13, 2020
The Case for Open Borders with Bryan Caplan - Bonus Partial
Nov 12, 2020
Why I'm Voting For Biden - Bonus
Oct 29, 2020
The Devil May Care with Megyn Kelly (Ep.17)
Oct 29, 2020
My Open Letter To Ibram X. Kendi - Bonus
Oct 20, 2020
Trump, COVID-19, and Cold War II with Niall Ferguson Ep. 16
Oct 15, 2020
The Problem of Race: Glenn Loury and Coleman Hughes - Bonus Episode
Oct 02, 2020
The Intellectual Roots of Wokeness with James Lindsay and Peter Boghossian (Ep.15)
Oct 01, 2020
The Limits of Identity with Ayishat Akanbi (Ep.14)
Sep 17, 2020
Q&A with Coleman Hughes - Bonus
Sep 03, 2020
Approaching the Third Rail with Bret Weinstein (Ep.13)
Aug 20, 2020
Thinking About Morality with Peter Singer (Ep.12)
Aug 06, 2020
Is Black Lives Matter Right? - Bonus
Jul 21, 2020
Life, Death, and Meaning with Brian Greene (Ep. 11)
Jul 16, 2020
The Arc of Racial Progress with Neil deGrasse Tyson (Ep.10)
Jul 02, 2020
Q&A with Coleman Hughes - Bonus
Jun 25, 2020
Crime, Violence, and Progress With Steven Pinker (Ep.9)
Jun 18, 2020
Unlearning Race with Thomas Chatterton Williams - Bonus Partial
May 28, 2020
Living In Paradox With Chloe Valdary (Ep.8)
May 14, 2020
The Case For Color Blindness - Bonus Partial
Apr 15, 2020
Why Are Young Men Vulnerable To Violence? | Jamil Jivani (Ep.7)
Apr 09, 2020
Deadly And Dangerous Prison Conditions | John Pfaff (Ep. 6)
Mar 26, 2020
Could Robots Become Conscious? | Annaka Harris (Ep. 5)
Mar 12, 2020
The 1619 Project and the Legacy of Slavery - Bonus Partial Episode 1
Feb 28, 2020
Where Do Morals Come From? | Sean M. Carroll (Ep.4)
Feb 20, 2020
Should America Pay Reparations For Slavery? | Katherine Franke (Ep.3)
Feb 06, 2020
Has Anti-Racism Become A New Religion? | John McWhorter (Ep.2)
Jan 16, 2020
Will The Push For Reparations Get Trump Reelected? | Sam Harris (Ep.1)
Dec 11, 2019
Introducing Conversations With Coleman | Official Podcast Trailer
Nov 25, 2019