Monetizing Digital Products

By QuickLearn Quests

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Selling Digital Products is a podcast about my journey moving from selling physical products, to selling digital products.

In essence, I am learning how to monetize digital assets on YouTube, Podcasts, Etsy, Affiliate links and Amazon Reviews.

I am pursuing this part-time and simultaneously, because I want to figure out what I like, and what the results are while making consistent, manageable effort. This is a marathon, not a race.

My goal is to create 100 digital assets in each category so that I can see how long it takes them to build, what kind of income I make, and whether the juice is worth the squeeze.

I do come to this journey with experience in ecommerce and in building digital products. I have been buliding courses and videos since 2006, but I am not making anything high end.

I have no experience monetizing a youtube channel or podcast.

I have plenty of experience writing reviews, but getting into the Amazon Review program was a marathon. I am in now, but it has been a journey.

As a trianing professional I have created quite a bit of documentation in my day. I have created a few digital templates and have them for sale on Etsy.

Does this sound like something you are interested in watching from the bleachers? If so, join me on my podcast or my YouTube channel. I will be sure to share the tea, no matter how exciting (or mundane) it may be at the beginning.

Episode Date
Monetize YouTube - from the beginning
Mar 07, 2024
What the hell happened to Carrie's Closet.
Mar 05, 2024