By Jack Clark

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Image by Jack Clark

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Episodes: 150


Kick right-wing butt! Listen to this podcast for a month and you will be able to kick the butt of any right-winger in a debate. I guarantee it! Subjects will include: Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, George Bush, conservative pro-Iraq war draft dodgers, right-wing Christians doing the opposite of what Jesus said in Matthew 25, Ann Coulter, Alan Colmes, Rush Limbaugh, wealth distribution, Al Franken, Republicans, Democrats, Bill Maher. Upcoming will be interviews with live debate.

Episode Date
Live Tweeting the Debate Tonight!
Oct 03, 2012
Rebroadcast of 32 - Listen to Martin Luther King, Jr. Speak To Us About the War on Terrorism
Jan 18, 2011
Rebroadcast of 163 - Deficits & Debt: Right-Wing Spends Wildly And Slashes Taxes (For The Rich), Then Screams We Can't Afford A Social Safety Net
Oct 22, 2010
168 - Busting More Right-Wing Lies About The Arizona Immigration Statute / The Struggle Continues For Economic Justice
Jun 11, 2010
167 - They're Still At It: Arizona Immigration Law Is Part Of A Decades-Old Right-Wing Campaign To Attack Minorities For Political Gain
May 21, 2010
166 - Right-Wing Ramps Up Its Efforts To Protect The Vulnerable, On-The-Edge-Of-Collapse Wealthy From The All-Powerful Progressives Out To Get Them
Apr 23, 2010
165 - Health Care Vote Post-Game Show: The Right-Wing Is Down, But Not Out (And Lying Even More Than Usual, If That's Possible)
Apr 02, 2010
164 - Full Clip: Bullet Points For Stimulus & Health Care Water Cooler Wars / Global Economic Justice Advances: Martin Luther King Would Be Pleased
Mar 12, 2010
163 - Budget Deficits & The National Debt: Right-Wingers Spend Wildly And Slash Taxes (For The Rich), Then Scream We Can't Afford A Social Safety Net
Feb 19, 2010
162 - No Amount Of Earthquake Relief Can Cleanse Us: The U.S. Is Up To Its Eyeballs In Haitian Blood
Jan 29, 2010
161 - 2009 In Review: So Much Potential Unfulfilled, And The Right Still As Toxic As Ever
Jan 08, 2010
160 - How To Put Right-Wing Christians On The Defensive With The "Equivalent Alternative Solution" Challenge
Dec 18, 2009
159 - The "Southern Strategy": From Nixon To Reagan To Limbaugh, The GOP Has Used Racism To Further Its Political Agenda / Health Care QuickBlast
Nov 27, 2009
158 - "We have to tolerate inequality to achieve greater prosperity and opportunity for all": The Right-Wing Mind's Strained Relation To Reality
Nov 06, 2009
157 - More Health Care Stats: Ammo For The Water Cooler Wars / Progressive Economics = Christian Economics? / The Real ACORN Scandal Is On The Right
Oct 15, 2009
156 - Supreme Court May Toss Out Laws Limiting Corporate Campaign Contributions / Jack Discusses Health Care On Air America / Honduran Coup Update
Sep 24, 2009
155 - Part Three: Still More Of Answering The Right's Deadly Lies In The Health Care Debate
Sep 03, 2009
154 - Part Two: More Of Answering The Right's Deadly Lies In The Health Care Debate
Aug 13, 2009
153 - Global Overview: As The Third World Continues To Fight Against Western Economic Exploitation, Obama's A Mixed Bag, The Right Still 100% Wrong
Jul 23, 2009
152 - Answering The Right's Deadly Lies In The Health Care Debate
Jul 02, 2009
151 - Everything But The Kitchen Sink: The Right Goes All Out To Smear And Destroy Obama's Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor
Jun 11, 2009
150 - A Smorgasbord of Right-Wing Follies To Delight Your Intellectual Palate...And Frustrate Your Friendly Local Right-Winger
May 29, 2009
149 - Cutting Through Right-Wing Spin About Who's To Blame For The Financial Crisis
May 15, 2009
148 - Privatization Kills: Troops Electrocuted In Iraq, Cheney's Former Company To Blame / Debunking Right-Wing Lies About U.S. Corporate Tax Rates
Apr 30, 2009
147 - More Lies Than Ever Before: The Right-Wing Renews Its Assault On The Estate Tax
Apr 16, 2009
146 - Labor Dept. Under Right-Wing Control Allowed Wage Theft From Workers / Red Cross Declares "Torture" And Spain Targets Bushians For Prosecution
Apr 02, 2009
145 - The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights: Progressive Values Globally Endorsed / Debunking The Right's Lies About A Social Security "Crisis"
Mar 19, 2009
144 - Obama's Tax Plan: The Good, The Bad And The Right-Wing (Including Hannity's Biggest Lie Ever)
Mar 05, 2009
Political Cartoon For Podcast #144
Mar 05, 2009
143 - Beyond The New Deal: Challenge A Right-Winger With FDR's Second Bill Of Rights / Hannity Truth Patrol: Do Tax Cuts Increase Government Revenue?
Feb 19, 2009
142 - Rule Of Law: A Criminal Investigation Of The Bush Administration's Torture Program Is Legally Required
Feb 05, 2009
141 - The Earth Is Flat, The Moon's Made Of Green Cheese, And The New Deal Was A Terrible Failure: Debunking The Latest Right-Wing Propaganda
Jan 22, 2009
140 - Conversation Starters: Five Questions To Ask Your Friendly Local Right-Winger
Jan 08, 2009
139 - 2008 In Review: The Right Is Relentless, But Ultimately Unsuccessful
Dec 26, 2008
138 - Social Darwinism: The Doctrine That Lets The Right-Winger Sleep At Night / Paraguay Rejects Right, Elects As President The "Bishop Of The Poor"
Dec 11, 2008
137 - The Right's Big Lie About Upcoming Labor Legislation / A Primer On How The West Uses Right-Wing Ideology To Economically Exploit The Third World
Nov 29, 2008
136 - Right-Wing Spins '08 Results / Shameful Health Care Statistics / Bush's Last Minute Regulatory Massacre / Ensuring A Progressive '09 And Beyond
Nov 13, 2008
135 - Final Big Lie Of Campaign '08: The Socialism Charge / Protecting Your Vote
Oct 30, 2008
134 - The Economic Pie Grows Faster And Is More Fairly Divided Under Democratic Presidents / QuickBlasts: Ayers, Rezko, ACORN, Surge, McCain's Temper
Oct 16, 2008
133 - Obama's America vs. McCain's America: Ten Reasons Undecideds Should Choose Obama
Oct 02, 2008
132 - Right-Wing Deception Is Exemplified By Sarah Palin And John McCain: A Case Study In Earmarks
Sep 18, 2008
131 - Hannity May Lie, But The Actual Economic Data Tells The True Story
Sep 04, 2008
130 - Bush Justice Department Admits To Pervasive Lawbreaking / Listener Email On Hannity, '08 Race / Helping A Fellow Progressive
Aug 21, 2008
129 - Right-Wing Ideology Produces A U.S. Health Care System That Is Worst In The Developed World / Cruel Bush Immigration Raids: A National Disgrace
Aug 07, 2008
128 - McCain Becomes Incoherent Trying To Excuse Growing Economic Inequality / More Shady Deals & Lies As The Right-Wing Closes In On Iraq's Oil
Jul 24, 2008
127 - A Torrent Of Additional Evidence Of Right-Wing Torture-Mongering / Dick Morris Lies About Democratic Tax Plans
Jul 10, 2008
126 - Past As Prologue: Multinationals Take Another Step To Steal Iraq's Oil / Demoralize A Right-Winger: Tell Them The Truth About US Public Opinion
Jun 26, 2008
125 - Yet More Evidence That Right-Wing Health Care Policies Are Deadly / Progressive Victories: Economic Justice For Farmworkers!
Jun 12, 2008
124 - Just A Bunch Of Right-Wingers Sitting Around Talking... About How Best To Torture People! If This Was A Movie Script, No One Would Believe It
May 29, 2008
123 - Have They No Shame? McCain Misleads, Hannity Explicitly Lies About Taxes (Sorry Sean And John, The American Public Isn't Buying It)
May 15, 2008
122 - With The Heparin Drug Deaths, As With All Other Things: Kill My Pet, Kill My Kid, Even Kill Me, But Just Don't Mess With My Right-Wing Ideology
May 01, 2008
121 - Global Fight Against The Right: US House OK's Jubilee Act, Mexican Lawmakers Conduct Sit-In To Protest Oil Law, Starving People Riot Worldwide
Apr 17, 2008
120 - Right-Wing Ideology And Policies Are The Main Culprits Behind The Subprime And Credit Meltdowns
Apr 03, 2008
Political Cartoon For Podcast #120
Apr 03, 2008
119 - Right-Wing EPA Policies Will Kill Thousands / Hannity Lies About Michelle Obama / Father Of Conservative Economics Puts 2008 Right To Shame
Mar 20, 2008
118 - Blasting, Ever So Gently, Wayward Progressives: Why Nader Supporters Should Rethink Their Position
Mar 06, 2008
"Ralf Na'dir" Cartoon For Podcast #118
Mar 06, 2008
117 - Desperate Haitians Eat Dirt: A Legacy Of Right-Wing Greed / Listen To Neil Boortz Make O'Reilly Seem Statesmanlike / '08 Strategy Suggestions
Feb 21, 2008
116 - Federal Home Loan Racism / Bush, Hannity Tax Lies / American Revolutionary War...Commie? / Good News On Electronic Voting / Listener Email
Feb 07, 2008
115 - Blasting The Right Basics: Countering Five Pervasive Right-Wing Falsehoods
Jan 24, 2008
114 - Economic Mobility: A Reality-Based Part Of The American Dream, Or A Myth Now Used By The Right-Wing To Justify Economic Injustice?
Jan 10, 2008
113 - Year End Review: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Of 2007
Dec 27, 2007
112 - As At Home, So Abroad: Right-Wing Policies Increase Human Misery, Suffering, Pain And Death In The Third World
Dec 13, 2007
111 - Once And For All: Calling Out Right-Wing Christians On Their Kill-Jesus Ideology And Behavior
Nov 29, 2007
110 - The Right-Wing Goal Of Transferring Wealth From Everyone Else To The Already-Rich, And What FDR Had To Say About It
Nov 15, 2007
Live Debate 01 - Jack Vs. Jenn From
Nov 08, 2007
109 - Bush's "Enhanced Interrogations" Have A Nazi Pedigree / Jack Clark's Real Name
Nov 01, 2007
Live Show Rebroadcast 04: Guest, Mark Potok, Southern Poverty Law Center, Premier Anti-Hate Group Organization
Oct 25, 2007
108 - Reason To Cheer, Part III: Increasingly Left-Leaning Youth Will Turn The Country Increasingly Progressive
Oct 18, 2007
Live Show Rebroadcast 03: Guest, Jock Chamberlain, "International Investment Banker To Progressive Journalist"
Oct 11, 2007
107 - Headlines Scream: Right-Wing Policies Kill / GOP California '08 Dirty Trick Falters / Fox News Iran Warmongering / Third World Debt Action Alert
Oct 04, 2007
Live Show Rebroadcast 02: Guest, Chuck Kaufman
Sep 27, 2007
106 - Reason To Cheer, Part II: If Americans Hold Progressive Views, Why Don't They Describe Themselves As Progressives? Here's Why…
Sep 20, 2007
Live Show Rebroadcast: Guest, Cory Burnell, Founder of Christian Exodus
Sep 13, 2007
105 - Reason To Cheer, Part I: Americans Support Progressive Policies On Most Every Issue, And Our Progressive Majority Is Growing Larger And Larger
Sep 06, 2007
104 - Busting The Right's Lies: Universal Health Coverage Doesn't Mean Long Waits For Care / Robert Bork, Nominee For The Hypocrites Hall Of Shame
Aug 24, 2007
103 - Conservative Group Calls For Presidential Candidates To Sign Pledge To Reverse Bush Constitutional Abuses
Aug 10, 2007
102 - The Science Be Damned: Gag Orders And Censorship Are The Right-Wing Prescription For Your Health
Jul 26, 2007
101 - Hugo Chavez And The Television Station: Fact Vs. Fiction
Jul 13, 2007
100 - Immigration Reform's Path To Citizenship: It's Not Amnesty, It's Keeping Our Part Of The Bargain
Jun 28, 2007
99 - More GOP Racism: "Vote Caging" To Prevent African-Americans From Exercising Their Right To Vote
Jun 21, 2007
98 - "Enhanced Interrogations": Right-Wingers Eagerly Embrace Soviet Torture Methods
Jun 14, 2007
97 - Listeners Sound Off About How Right-Wing Road Safety Policies Endanger Us All
Jun 07, 2007
96 - Right-Wing Charity: Sufficient Atonement For Their Sins?
May 31, 2007
95 - Latin American Right-Wing Reaps What It Sows: No-Nonsense Land Reform In Venezuela
May 24, 2007
94 - Progressive Victory! Maryland Enacts First Living Wage Requirement For State Government Contracts
May 17, 2007
93 - Food Workers' Lungs Destroyed: Another Case Study In How Right-Wing Policies Increase Human Misery, Suffering, Pain And Death
May 10, 2007
92 - Right-Wing Nightmare: Americans Favor Heavily Taxing The Rich To Redistribute Wealth
May 03, 2007
91 - Denying Reality: Bill O'Reilly Blames Anti-US World Public Opinion On....Rosie O'Donnell!
Apr 26, 2007
90 - Shameless Right-Wing Greed: How Vulture Funds Prey On Impoverished Third World Nations
Apr 19, 2007
89 - Right-Wingers Can Be Proud: 2005 Saw The Greatest Income Inequality Since The Great Depression / Listen To McCain's Descent Into Delusion
Apr 12, 2007
88 - Listen To A Progressive Third World Leader Tell Us In His Own Words The Truth Our Mass Media Ignores
Apr 05, 2007
87 - Bush's Budget Paints A Picture Of Right-Wing Greed & Cruelty / A Listener Weighs In On The Human Dimension Of The Gay Marriage Debate
Mar 29, 2007
86 - Iraq's New Oil Law: Proof That Bush's War IS Blood For Oil
Mar 22, 2007
85 - War On Terrorism Truths: More Of BTR's Interview With Bush-Bashing Conservative Scholar / Email: A Listener Starts Converting A Right-Winger!
Mar 15, 2007
84 - A Major Defeat For Right-Wing Ideology: American Public Strongly Supports Government Guarantee Of Health Care For All
Mar 08, 2007
83- Lying Or Just Plain Ignorant? Bill O'Reilly Misleads His Audience, Part 2: Poverty
Mar 01, 2007
82 - Third World Land Reform Would Allow Hungry People To Feed Themselves: Another Social Justice Measure The Right-Wing Tries To Kill
Feb 23, 2007
81 - Cons Try To Con Us About Con Law: Bush/Cheney Claim About Unfettered Presidential War Powers Is Totally Bogus
Feb 15, 2007
80 - Right-Wing Heaven: Bush IRS Twists Rules To Let Corporations Get Away With Tax Evasion
Feb 09, 2007
79 - Lying Or Just Plain Ignorant? Bill O'Reilly Misleads His Audience, Part I: Iraq / Bush Health Care Plan Is A Typical Right-Wing Scam
Feb 02, 2007
78 - Case Study, Ecuador: Listen To Martin Luther King And Learn How To Get On The Correct Side Of The World Revolution
Jan 26, 2007
77 - Worsening Income And Wealth Inequality That Might Even Make A Right-Winger Blush (If They Were Capable Of Feeling Shame)
Jan 19, 2007
76 - Market As Deity: Reflections On The Right-Wing's Golden Calf
Jan 12, 2007
75 - Highway Deaths Continue Because Right-Wing Policies (As Usual) Fail
Jan 04, 2007
74 - Year-End Review Of Some Right-Wing Gifts To America In 2006: Poverty / Class Warfare / War Profiteering / Mining Deaths / Cancer / Lung Disease
Dec 28, 2006
73 - Have You Heard? We're In World War III! Right-Wing Propaganda Campaigns Fail Because The Right's Actions Don't Live Up To Its Rhetoric
Dec 22, 2006
72 - The Upcoming Minimum Wage Battle: How To Counter Right-Wing Propaganda
Dec 14, 2006
71 - Even After A Thumpin', Bush Continues Appointing Right-Wing Extremists / QuickBlast: Chavez Landslide Victory In Venezuela / More
Dec 07, 2006
70 - Was There Right-Wing Electronic Voting Fraud In The Midterms? Dispute In Florida's 13th Congressional District Provides The Answer
Nov 30, 2006
69 - Big Victory Against Right-Wing In Struggle To End Debt Slavery Of Third World Nations
Nov 23, 2006
68 - Major Defeat Suffered By The Right On International Economic Justice Front: Bolivia Prevails In Nationalization Of Its Natural Gas Industry
Nov 16, 2006
67 - Right-Wing Plots To Reverse Post-Enron Anti-Corporate Fraud Reforms, Even Without Control Of Congress
Nov 09, 2006
66 - Part 3 Of Critically Important But Largely Unreported Aspects Of The Iraq War: The U.S. Connection To Iraqi Death Squads / Updates & Comments
Nov 02, 2006
65 - A War On Religion? As With Most Right-Wing Claims, The Exact Opposite Is True / Issues Survey QuickBlast / Listener Comment On Vote Fraud
Oct 26, 2006
64 - Will Your Vote In The Crucial Midterm Election Be Erased -- Or Even Flipped -- By Right-Wing Electronic Voting Machine Fraud?
Oct 19, 2006
63 - Bush EPA Ignores Its Own Experts, Leaves Poison In The Air / Class Warfare: 400 Billionaires Vs. 57 Million American Families / Listener Email
Oct 12, 2006
62 - From The "Southern Strategy" To Voter ID Laws: Right-Wing Voter Suppression And Racism, 1968-2006 / Progressive Christian Leaders Speak Out
Oct 05, 2006
61 - Every Day, 30,000 Children Die: World's Worst Terrorism? / Listener Email: How Blast The Right Converted Him From Republican To Progressive
Sep 28, 2006
60 - All-Time High "Extreme Poverty" Rate / WMD Or No WMD, Cheney Wanted War / Listener Email: His Canadian Mine Worker Protection Puts U.S. To Shame
Sep 22, 2006
59 - Part II Of Critically Important But Largely Unreported Aspects Of The Iraq War: The Bremer Orders (The Attempted Economic Rape of Iraq)
Sep 14, 2006
58 - Critically Important But Largely Unreported Aspects Of The Iraq War, Part I: The Right-Wing "Project For A New American Century" (PNAC)
Sep 08, 2006
57 - Katrina: Right-Wing Incompetence And Worse / IRS Privatization Scam / Bush's War On Terrorism Failures
Aug 31, 2006
56 - Class Warfare, International-Style: The Right-Wing's Assault Against The World's Poor
Aug 24, 2006
55 - WMD Found In Iraq! Anatomy Of A Fox News Propaganda Campaign
Aug 17, 2006
54 - Death-By-A-Thousand-Cuts Class Warfare / Right-Wing Listener Claims Miners Suffocating Is No Big Deal
Aug 10, 2006
53 - Battling Phony Right-Wing Christians: What Every Progressive Needs To Know About True Christian Economics
Aug 03, 2006
52 - Right-Wing Wages War On State Environmental And Health Safeguards
Jul 27, 2006
51 - Super-Rich REDUCE Charitable Giving As Their Wealth Increases / Karl Rove, Champion Of Social Justice?
Jul 22, 2006
50 - Denying Oxygen To Trapped Miners & Cutting Off Medicine To The Elderly: Two More Ways Right-Wingers Increase Human Misery, Pain And Death
Jul 13, 2006
49 - Venezuela As Prism: Bush, Chavez, Jesus & Oil
Jul 06, 2006
48 - Poll Reveals Americans Reject Right-Wing Agenda / A Listener's Family Story Of A Right-Winger In Denial
Jun 29, 2006
47 - Coulter vs. The Jersey Girls: Ann's Real Agenda & Her Underlying Psychological Disorder
Jun 22, 2006
46 - Attack On The Estate Tax: Right-Wing Lies And Greed In Plain Sight
Jun 15, 2006
45 - Right-Wing Policies Kill America's Coal Miners
Jun 08, 2006
44 - O'Reilly Lets Rumsfeld Lie: To Help Him Avoid War Crimes Charges? / Right-Wing Neglect And Worse Of 9/11 Victims / Listener Comments On Bolivia
Jun 01, 2006
43 - Reverse Robin Hood: Bush's Latest Regressive Tax Cut / O'Reilly's Own Words Condemn Fox News
May 25, 2006
42 - Bolivia Infuriates AND Petrifies The Right By Nationalizing Its Natural Gas Industry / A Listener's Rant About Right-Wingers
May 18, 2006
41 - Americans DO Want Tax Increases...On The Wealthy! / US Inaction On Murder Campaign Against Gays In Iraq / Listener Comment on Tom DeLay Evildoing
May 11, 2006
40 - Iraq: More Expensive Than Vietnam, And The Right-Wing Gladly Reaps The Benefits / How To Respond To Right-Wing Insults
May 04, 2006
39 - Debunking Right-Wing Propaganda: The U.S. Economy Is Not Strong And NOT Benefiting All Americans / A Listener's Take On The Immigration Debate
Apr 27, 2006
38 - The Right At Its Democracy-Trashing, Greedy Worst: Lesser-Known Episodes In Tom DeLay's Career / Undocumented Immigrants Have The Right To Stay
Apr 20, 2006
37 - Bush's Uncle A War Profiteer / Hannity Silences Colmes / Stopping 2006 GOP Vote Fraud / Listener Comments / More
Apr 13, 2006
36 - Fighting Back Against Right-Wing Violence & Multinational Corporate Domination: Three Latin American Leaders Draw A Line In The Sand
Apr 06, 2006
35 - Three More Ways Right-Wingers Increase Human Misery, Pain and Death / Audio: O'Reilly Threatens Listener & New York Times
Mar 30, 2006
34 - The Right-Wing's Worst Nightmare: A Tax On Extreme Wealth
Mar 23, 2006
33 - How Right-Wingers Try To Hide The Harmful Results of Their Policies / Words of Anti-Militarism From A Surprising Source / King vs. Robertson
Mar 16, 2006
32 - Listen to Martin Luther King, Jr. Speak To Us About the War on Terrorism
Mar 09, 2006
31 - Judge Slams Bush EPA's Post-9/11 Actions As "Conscience-Shocking" / Poll: Troops In Iraq Say "Bring Us Home!"
Mar 02, 2006
30 - Right-Wing War Profiteering Escalates / A Listener Calls In To Enter "Single Worst Bush Action" Contest / Another Big O'Reilly Lie Exposed / More
Feb 23, 2006