RevNeal's Bible Study Podcasts

By Dr. Gregory S. Neal

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Audio Bible Studies Lead by a United Methodist Pastor and Scholar.

Episode Date
Luke 9
Apr 12, 2015
The Gospel of Luke 8:22-56
Apr 12, 2015
The Gospel of Luke 8:1-21
Apr 12, 2015
The Gospel of Luke 7:18-50
Apr 12, 2015
The Gospel of Luke 6:27--7:17
Apr 12, 2015
The Gospel of Luke 6:1-26
Apr 12, 2015
The Gospel of Luke 4:14--5:39
Apr 12, 2015
The Gospel of Luke 4:1-15
Feb 19, 2015
The Gospel of Luke 3
Feb 19, 2015
The Gospel of Luke 2
Feb 08, 2015
The Gospel of Luke 1:39-80
Jan 29, 2015
The Gospel of Luke 1:1-38
Jan 29, 2015
The Gospel of John 21:4--The End
Jan 29, 2015
The Gospel of John 20:19--21:11
Jan 29, 2015
The Gospel of John 19:31--20:23
Nov 25, 2011
The Gospel of John 19:16-42
Nov 25, 2011
The Gospel of John 19:1-25
Nov 25, 2011
The Gospel of John 18
Nov 25, 2011
The Gospel of John 17
Nov 25, 2011
The Gospel of John 16
Nov 25, 2011
The Gospel of John 15
Nov 25, 2011
The Gospel of John 14
Nov 25, 2011
The Gospel of John 13:1--14:7
Mar 11, 2011
The Gospel of John 12
Feb 13, 2011
The Gospel of John 11
Jan 28, 2011
The Gospel of John 10
Jan 28, 2011
The Gospel of John 9
Jan 13, 2011
The Gospel of John 8:12-25
Dec 31, 2010
The Gospel of John 7:1--8:11
Dec 31, 2010
The Gospel of John 6:47-71
Dec 31, 2010
The Gospel of John 6:1-34
Dec 31, 2010
The Gospel of John 6:32-59
Dec 31, 2010
The Gospel of John 5:19-47
Dec 31, 2010
The Gospel of John 4:31--5:18
Dec 31, 2010
The Gospel of John 3:17--4:42
Dec 31, 2010
The Gospel of John 2:23--3:17
Dec 31, 2010
The Gospel of John 1:49--2:23
Dec 31, 2010
The Gospel of John 1:19-49
Dec 31, 2010
The Gospel of John - Introduction, Textual Comments, The Prolog
Nov 20, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels -- The Resurrection of Jesus
Nov 13, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels -- Joseph of Arimathea and the Burial of Jesus
Nov 13, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels -- The Scourging, Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
Nov 13, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels -- Jesus Before Pilate and the Tragedy of Judas
Nov 13, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels -- The Trial of Jesus and Peter's Denial
Nov 10, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels -- The Garden of Gethsemane and the Arrest of Jesus
Nov 10, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels -- The Last Supper, Part 2
Nov 10, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels -- The Last Supper, Part 1
Nov 10, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels -- The Parables, Part 2 - In Both Matthew and Luke and in All 3
Nov 10, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels -- Parables- Part 1 - Selected Examples Unique to Matthew and Luke
Sep 05, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels: Selected Passages Unique to Mark
Aug 23, 2010
Synoptic Gospels: Seek, Nock; The Golden Rule; The Two Ways; Trees and Fruit; Lord, Lord; Self Deception; Matthew 7:7-27 with Luke Parallels
Aug 22, 2010
Synoptic Gospels: Q Dynamics, Anxiety, Judging, Pearls Before Pigs, and the Golden Rule Matthew 6:25--7:12 with Luke Parallels
Jul 22, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels: Fasting, Treasures, the Eye, and Two Masters Matthew 6:16-24 with Luke Parallels
Jul 22, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels: Giving and Prayer - Matthew 6:1-15 & Luke 11:2-4
Feb 13, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels: "But I Say To You!" - Matthew 5:21-48 with Luke Parallels
Jan 09, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels: Q Parallels with Mark Echos - Matthew 5:13-19 - Salt is Good, You are the Light of the World, The Law and its Completion
Jan 09, 2010
The Synoptic Gospels:The Beatitudes, Part 2 - Matthew 5:3-12 & Luke 6:20-26
Dec 18, 2009
The Synoptic Gospels:The Beatitudes, Part 1 - Matthew 5:3-12 & Luke 6:20-26
Dec 18, 2009
The Synoptic Gospels:The Healing of the Paralytic in Parallel- Mark 2:1-12 & Luke 5:17-26
Dec 06, 2009
The Synoptic Gospels: The Call of the Disciples Part 2 & The Healing of the Leper in Parallel- Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-26; Matthew 8:1-4
Oct 22, 2009
The Synoptic Gospels: The Call of the Disciples-Mark 1:16-20; Matthew 4:18-22; Luke 4:14--5:1-11
Oct 17, 2009
The Synoptic Gospels: The Temptations of Jesus- Mark 1:12-13; Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13
Oct 17, 2009
The Synoptic Gospels: The Baptism of Jesus- Mark 1:1-11; Matthew 3:1-17; Luke 3:1-22
Oct 17, 2009
The Synoptic Gospels: Jesus in the Temple- Luke 2:41-52 & The Genealogies- Matthew 1:2-17 & Luke 3:23-38
Oct 09, 2009
The Synoptic Gospels: The Nativity Stories- Matthew 1:25--2:19 & Luke 2:1-40
Sep 25, 2009
Synoptic Gospels: The Annunciations, Part 2 - Matthew 1:18-25 & Luke 1:39-80
Sep 16, 2009
Synoptic Gospels: The Annunciations, Part 1 - Luke 1:1-38
Sep 16, 2009
The Synoptic Gospels: Introduction
Sep 11, 2009
Romans 14:20--16:27 -- "The Stumbling Block Principle and the Letter Concluded"
Aug 24, 2009
Romans 12:9--14:23 -- "Paul's Use of the Sayings of Jesus and The Stumbling Block Principle"
Aug 24, 2009
Romans 12 -- "General Admonitions and Paul's Use of the Sayings of Jesus"
Aug 24, 2009
Romans 11:25--12:8 -- "The Nature of The Israel of God"
Aug 24, 2009
Romans 10:12--11:36 -- "Faith Comes From Hearing, and Hearing from the Word of Christ"
Aug 07, 2009
Romans 9:30-10:13 -- "Pauline Sanctification"
Jul 31, 2009
Romans 9:1-33 -- "Paul's concern for his own people"
Jul 30, 2009
Romans 9:1-13 -- "Jacob I loved, Essau I hated"
Jul 23, 2009
Romans 8:28-30 -- "All Things Work Together For Good"
Jul 11, 2009
Romans 8:18-30 -- Creation's Labor Pains and Faith
Jun 27, 2009
Romans 8:14-25 -- The Spirit of Adoption
May 08, 2009
Romans 8:9-18 -- Christology Questions & Pneumatology in Romans
May 08, 2009
Romans 7:14 -- 8:11 -- War Against the Sin Nature
May 03, 2009
Romans 7:1-25 -- "Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?"
May 03, 2009
Romans 6:22--7:14 -- Trusting in Jesus; the Means of Grace and Acts of Faith
Apr 04, 2009
Romans 6:9-23 -- Lordship and Sanctification
Mar 23, 2009
Romans 6:1-11 -- Considering Yourself Dead to Sin and the problem of backsliding
Mar 23, 2009
Romans 5:17-6:4 -- Abundance of Grace and Free Gift of Righteousness; Baptism into Christ
Mar 14, 2009
Romans 5:12-17 -- Sin, Sanctification, Grace, Punctiliar Time
Mar 14, 2009
Romans 5:1-11 -- "By Faith," a textual study; Standing by Grace
Dec 26, 2008
Romans 4:13--5:5 -- The Law and Antinomianism; Hope; Abraham and Faith
Nov 28, 2008
Romans 3:21--4:15 -- Jesus is our Hilasterion; Abraham and Faith
Nov 08, 2008
Romans 3:21-26 -- The Faith of Jesus Christ; Definition of Sin/Harmartia; Imputed & Imparted Righteousness
Nov 08, 2008
Romans 3:9-26 -- Rotting Sheep Meat; Faith in vs. Faith of; Justification by grace effective through faith
Oct 31, 2008
Romans 2:25--3:18 -- Circumcision in the Flesh vs. of the Heart; Atonement Typology
Oct 31, 2008
Romans 2:1-29 -- Judgement; Jewish Christians vs. Gentile Christians
Oct 11, 2008
Romans 1:28--2:16 -- Wickedness; No Excuse for Judging
Oct 11, 2008
Romans1:18-27 -- General Revelation; Paul's Understanding of Homosexuality
Oct 01, 2008
Romans1:16-23, 31 -- The Theme of Romans; Natural Revelation vs. Special Revelation; Idolatry
Sep 29, 2008
Romans 1:16-32 -- From Faith to Faith; The Penalty for idolatry
Sep 29, 2008
Romans1:7-17 -- Saints; Foundations of Roman Church; Meaning of Salvation; Meaning of Faith
Sep 29, 2008
Romans 1:1-7 -- Introduction and Textual Remarks
Sep 12, 2008