The Anatomy of Tenderness

By Léonie and Sophie Caldecott

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Our culture has over-used (and mis-applied) the word “love” so much that it has lost a lot of its power and meaning. “Tenderness”, though, with the breadth of its nuanced connotations—from fiercely protective parental love, the intimacy of a lover’s touch, the presence of a friend in a time of crisis, an altruistic moment between strangers—offers us a fresh lens through which to approach caring for ourselves, each other, and the planet. When we talk about tenderness, we’re not talking about watering down the truth or disregarding justice. We’re not talking about being “nice”, turning a blind eye to suffering because we’re afraid to talk about hard things—quite the opposite. Armed with tenderness, we’re able to face the challenges of life and the most important issues of our time with strength and compassion, hope and realism. In The Anatomy of Tenderness podcast, mother and daughter writers Léonie and Sophie Caldecott examine the idea of tenderness in conversation with each other and with a host of friends and guests. Together we’ll unpack what it means, how we can cultivate it in ourselves, and how it could change the world. In the trailer, Léonie and Sophie discuss why this podcast has been in the works for over 4 years, the fears that kept us stuck, why we feel it’s a podcast that we need now more than ever, what “tenderness” means to us, and what kinds of themes we’ll be exploring in The Anatomy of Tenderness. Huge thanks to Sara Fackrell for the beautiful visual design and cover art for this project, and to Upcycled sounds and Rosie Caldecott for the music on this track.

Episode Date
Episode 4: We're writing this story together
Dec 06, 2024
Episode 3: Letting go of perfection
Nov 06, 2024
Episode 2: Incarnation
Dec 05, 2023
Episode 1: Curiosity
Aug 07, 2023
Welcome to The Anatomy of Tenderness
Jul 07, 2023