Meet My God

By Ruthenna Porterfield

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A weekday devotional podcast. Get to know God better through the greatest story ever told. Listen to Bible passages and story recaps. Hear where you fit in. Then click on the passages and experience God's love in a whole new way!

Episode Date
Done With God...for now
Aug 02, 2024
Will God Do It?
Aug 01, 2024
Trust Through Everything
Jul 01, 2024
Believe Enough To Obey
Jun 28, 2024
Enjoy Worship
Jun 27, 2024
What God Sees
Jun 26, 2024
Prepare For The Promise
Jun 25, 2024
Be Mad. It's OK
Jun 24, 2024
You Have To Ask
Jun 21, 2024
The Cost of Worship
Jun 20, 2024
Living In Darkness
Jun 19, 2024
The Endless Cycle
Jun 18, 2024
Still Mercy
Jun 17, 2024
Partial Obedience
Jun 14, 2024
You Get Another Chance?
Jun 13, 2024
God Answers Why
Jun 12, 2024
How To Read the Bible
Jun 11, 2024
People Say Anything
Jun 10, 2024
God's Hand in the Weather
Jun 07, 2024
How You Choose Your Fate
Jun 06, 2024
Mercy The World Will Know
Jun 05, 2024
A Hopeless Cycle
Jun 04, 2024
God Distinguishes You
Jun 03, 2024
Dealing With Details
May 31, 2024
Grace's Great Gift
May 30, 2024
Making Deals With God
May 29, 2024
Leaders Who Don't Care
May 28, 2024
Nations Remember God
May 27, 2024
Take The Help
May 24, 2024
People With Hard Hearts
May 23, 2024
Just Like He Said
May 22, 2024
It's Never Enough
May 21, 2024
Age Ain't Nothing But A Number
May 20, 2024
Spiritual Multi-tasking
May 17, 2024
You Are Qualified
May 16, 2024
Bible History and Perscpective
May 15, 2024
Why...It's a logical question
May 14, 2024
A Broken Spirit
May 13, 2024
God Remembers His Promises
May 10, 2024
When It Doesn't Look Like Our Good
May 09, 2024
Evil Leader Demands
May 08, 2024
Talk About God and See What Happens
May 07, 2024
When He Tells You, Believe Him
May 06, 2024
Your God-Assigned Team
May 03, 2024
Studying Scripture
May 02, 2024
What God Will Do For Love
May 01, 2024
A Question for the Ages
Apr 30, 2024
Going Home Again
Apr 29, 2024
If God Said Do It, You Have Enough
Apr 26, 2024
Perfect Imperfection
Apr 25, 2024
Divine Answers to Human Questions
Apr 24, 2024
Just Take It
Apr 23, 2024
Pointless Details
Apr 22, 2024
How You'll Be Remembered
Apr 19, 2024
The Good Professor
Apr 18, 2024
He Heard You
Apr 17, 2024
Simple Acts of Worship
Apr 16, 2024
Move Closer
Apr 15, 2024
God Has Not Forgot
Apr 12, 2024
Handling A Bully
Apr 11, 2024
Someone Is Watching
Apr 10, 2024
An Identity Crisis
Apr 09, 2024
Let Go and Let God
Apr 08, 2024
Watch God Move
Apr 05, 2024
Deadly Decisions
Apr 04, 2024
Why Am I Being Attacked?
Apr 03, 2024
Lead With Wisdom
Apr 02, 2024
A New Generation
Apr 01, 2024
Wait, Rest, Receive
Apr 07, 2023
Insight, In Time
Apr 06, 2023
It's About Who You Know
Apr 05, 2023
You Have Two Options
Apr 04, 2023
My Angel
Apr 03, 2023
A Dangerous Gift
Mar 31, 2023
The Right Time
Mar 30, 2023
The Persuasive Leader
Mar 29, 2023
Is Proving A Point Worth It?
Mar 28, 2023
Don't Get Burned
Mar 27, 2023
The Weakness of Human Power
Mar 24, 2023
Just One Touch
Mar 23, 2023
Know That God Is Moving
Mar 22, 2023
Vision Can Be Lonely
Mar 21, 2023
God Speaks In The Middle
Mar 20, 2023
A Loving Answer
Mar 17, 2023
Asking The Father
Mar 16, 2023
A Just God Punishes
Mar 15, 2023
Mar 14, 2023
Read and Pray
Mar 13, 2023
Gifts Can Be Heavy
Mar 10, 2023
When The Future Looks Dark
Mar 09, 2023
Fainting At The Future
Mar 08, 2023
Wondering When It Will End
Mar 07, 2023
How Power Can Lead To Rebellion
Mar 06, 2023
Not A Ram In The Bush
Mar 03, 2023
Prophetic Dreams
Mar 02, 2023
When Your Dreams Scare You
Mar 01, 2023
The Bible as a Fantasy Novel?
Feb 28, 2023
This One's For The Dreamers
Feb 27, 2023
Verses For Worship
Feb 24, 2023
Jealousy Is A Poison That Spreads
Feb 23, 2023
God's Authority and Earthly Authority
Feb 22, 2023
Your Mistake Does Not Prevent God's Plan
Feb 21, 2023
God Selects Our Leaders.
Feb 20, 2023
Make Time For The One You Love
Feb 17, 2023
A Jealous Plot
Feb 16, 2023
Your Gifts Attract Promotion and Envy
Feb 15, 2023
The High Price of Foolishness
Feb 14, 2023
Learn From The Ones Before You
Feb 13, 2023
When People Hear About Your Gifts
Feb 10, 2023
The Woman Behind The Man
Feb 09, 2023
Don't Play With God's Stuff.
Feb 08, 2023
A Big Mistake While Drinking
Feb 07, 2023
An After Hitting Bottom Praise
Feb 06, 2023
Grace vs Jealousy
Feb 03, 2023
You'll Get It. Keep Reading.
Feb 02, 2023
Reading Different Bible Translations
Feb 01, 2023
Your Name and Identity
Jan 31, 2023
Crazy Praise
Jan 30, 2023
How Do You Respond To A Miracle
Jan 27, 2023
Remember Who You Are
Jan 26, 2023
Doubting God's Power
Jan 25, 2023
Don't Let Yourself Be Played
Jan 24, 2023
When You're Between Blessings
Jan 23, 2023
The Reason For Your Gifts
Jan 20, 2023
What To Do When You Don't Understand The Bible
Jan 19, 2023
God Does Nothing Halfway
Jan 18, 2023
How To Handle Your Gift
Jan 17, 2023
Faith To Move Past Fear
Jan 16, 2023
How To Worship With The Word
Jan 13, 2023
Check Your Friends
Jan 12, 2023
Tap Into Your Power
Jan 11, 2023
Who, What Are You Going To For Answers?
Jan 10, 2023
Is Your Relationship Worth The Sacrifice?
Jan 09, 2023
Favor In Bad Situations
Jan 06, 2023
Separate Yourself From The Pack
Jan 05, 2023
House Slaves and The Bible
Jan 04, 2023
When God Starts The Problems
Jan 03, 2023
A New Season! A Good Work!
Jan 02, 2023
Wait Your Turn
Jul 01, 2022
Greater In You Ensures Victory
Jun 30, 2022
Satan Is The Opponent
Jun 29, 2022
What Do I Do Next?
Jun 28, 2022
Give God The Glory...Or Else
Jun 27, 2022
Don't Miss Your Miracle
Jun 24, 2022
Miracles Are Tied To Obedience
Jun 23, 2022
Let's Talk About People Pleasers
Jun 22, 2022
What Are Christians Known For?
Jun 21, 2022
Good People Look Like This
Jun 20, 2022
Change Minds With Your Story
Jun 17, 2022
Change Hearts With Your Story
Jun 16, 2022
What God Says About Division
Jun 15, 2022
What Makes Someone Great?
Jun 14, 2022
Two Paths, One Purpose
Jun 13, 2022
Are You Willing To Learn Something New?
Jun 10, 2022
What Else Does He Want Me To Do?
Jun 09, 2022
Are You Feeling Defeated?
Jun 08, 2022
Have You Moved On The Promise?
Jun 07, 2022
How Do I Get To My Destiny?
Jun 06, 2022
Keep It To Yourself
Jun 03, 2022
Did They Really Change?
Jun 02, 2022
How Evil Can Change
Jun 01, 2022
The Power Of One Conversation
May 31, 2022
Am I Going The Right Way?
May 30, 2022
Changing Your Heart
May 27, 2022
Getting Past Fear
May 26, 2022
A New Character's Old Persona
May 25, 2022
Regretful Response
May 24, 2022
What Fills You?
May 23, 2022
Virtues of the Victorious
May 20, 2022
You Can't Do It All- Part 2
May 19, 2022
You Can't Do It All- Part 1
May 18, 2022
A Different Perspective
May 17, 2022
A Trendy Philosophy
May 16, 2022
I'm Still Scared...Part 2
May 13, 2022
Do You Really Want This Life?
May 12, 2022
Trust and Truth
May 11, 2022
A Practical Solution
May 10, 2022
I'm Still Scared. Now What?
May 09, 2022
You Can Stand On God's Plan
May 06, 2022
Prejudice vs The Power of God
May 05, 2022
Who Gets The Credit?
May 04, 2022
How To Defend Yourself
May 03, 2022
Focus On The Mission
May 02, 2022
Check The Record
Apr 29, 2022
Why Are You Shocked?
Apr 28, 2022
The Cure For Big Mistakes
Apr 27, 2022
How Can I Help?
Apr 26, 2022
Taking It Back To The Old School
Apr 25, 2022
The Power of the Truth
Apr 22, 2022
This One's For You Too!
Apr 21, 2022
After A Betrayal
Apr 20, 2022
Choose How To Wait
Apr 19, 2022
Waiting With Questions
Apr 18, 2022
The End From The Beginning
Mar 11, 2022
Your Bad Deed In God's Plan
Mar 10, 2022
Passing Down Blessings or Behaviors
Mar 09, 2022
No Secret Sin
Mar 08, 2022
Can You Fix What You Messed Up?
Mar 07, 2022
Your Dream Is Not Dead
Mar 04, 2022
A Good Boss
Mar 03, 2022
How To Let It Go
Mar 02, 2022
Fighting For Your Family
Mar 01, 2022
The Brother Who Stands Up
Feb 28, 2022
Leave Revenge To The Master
Feb 25, 2022
There Is Something You Can Do
Feb 24, 2022
Moving Past The Bad Season
Feb 23, 2022
Filling The Void
Feb 22, 2022
Pouring From An Empty Vessel
Feb 21, 2022
When God Is With You
Feb 18, 2022
Doing Favors For People
Feb 17, 2022
God's Domino Effect
Feb 16, 2022
Speak Up!
Feb 15, 2022
The Favorite
Feb 14, 2022
Feb 11, 2022
How To Make Things Right
Feb 10, 2022
Looking For Love
Feb 09, 2022
Sibling Rivalry
Feb 08, 2022
A Mother's Love
Feb 07, 2022
Prayer When Others Mistreat You
Feb 04, 2022
What Goes Around Comes Around
Feb 03, 2022
Keep It Moving
Feb 02, 2022
Someone Sees You
Feb 01, 2022
Enduring Abuse
Jan 31, 2022
Choosing Lies Equals Choosing Fear
Jan 28, 2022
When Do I Worship?
Jan 27, 2022
Along For The Ride
Jan 26, 2022
How To Avoid Your Worst Fear?
Jan 25, 2022
A Gift of Gratitude
Jan 24, 2022
Getting Through The Storm Part 2
Jan 21, 2022
Getting Through The Storm
Jan 20, 2022
How long does he have to watch this?
Jan 19, 2022
Where do I get these feelings?
Jan 18, 2022
Who was the oldest man who ever lived?
Jan 17, 2022
How do I get in the presence of God?
Jan 14, 2022
What's so great about the presence of God?
Jan 13, 2022
Consider This Your Warning
Jan 12, 2022
Don't Make Things Worse
Jan 11, 2022
Our Power Over Sin and Consequences
Jan 10, 2022
God's Ultimate Gift to Creation
Jan 07, 2022
God Provides Through His Creation
Jan 06, 2022
God Is In Control
Jan 05, 2022
A Creation Song
Jan 04, 2022
From The Beginning
Jan 03, 2022
New Year's Resolution
Dec 27, 2021
Let's Talk About It!
Aug 27, 2020