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Got Questions? The Bible has Answers! We'll help you find them! Audio versions of frequently asked questions.

Episode Date
How can I overcome an addiction to internet porn? Can addiction to pornography be defeated?
Oct 09, 2024
What is the biblical perspective on multiculturalism?
Oct 04, 2024
Does the Bible support eugenics?
Oct 04, 2024
What can we learn from what the Bible says about Jesus and women?
Oct 04, 2024
What does the Bible say about ethnocentrism?
Oct 04, 2024
Can the elect be deceived (Matthew 24:24)?
Oct 04, 2024
Should Christians try to delay or hasten the arrival of the end times?
Oct 04, 2024
Who wrote the book of Luke? Who was the author of Luke?
Aug 09, 2024
Who was Sennacherib in the Bible?
Aug 09, 2024
Who are the fourteen holy helpers of Catholicism?
Aug 09, 2024
What is the fellowship of His sufferings (Philippians 3:10)?
Aug 09, 2024
What was the significance of gatekeepers in the Bible?
Aug 09, 2024
Should a Christian have gay friends?
Aug 09, 2024
Is it biblically allowable for a pastor to be gay?
Aug 09, 2024
My spouse came out as gay. What should I do?
Aug 09, 2024
What is a garment of praise (Isaiah 61:3)?
Aug 09, 2024
What does the Bible have to say about gay adoption?
Aug 09, 2024
What is the origin and meaning of gargoyles?
Aug 09, 2024
What is gaslighting?
Aug 09, 2024
Who was Friedrich Schleiermacher?
Jul 18, 2024
Where is heaven? What is the location of heaven?
Jul 18, 2024
Who was Gad in the Bible?
Jul 18, 2024
What does it mean to gain the whole world but lose your soul?
Jul 18, 2024
How can a friend stick closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24)?
Jul 18, 2024
Is belief in the Great Architect of the Universe (GAOTU) the same thing as belief in the God of the Bible?
Jul 18, 2024
What is the Lord’s prayer and should we pray it?
Jul 18, 2024
What is the significance of Galilee in the Bible?
Jul 18, 2024
Who were the Galileans in the Bible?
Jul 18, 2024
What is Plantinga’s free will defense, and how does it address the problem of evil?
Jul 18, 2024
Who was Francis Schaeffer?
Jul 18, 2024
Will we have free will in heaven?
Jul 18, 2024
Will the Holy Spirit be present during the tribulation?
Jul 18, 2024
What happened to Ishmael in the Bible?
Jul 18, 2024
Why did Jesus wait thirty years before He started His ministry?
Jul 18, 2024
Is the idea of a state church biblical?
Jul 18, 2024
What does it mean that God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34)?
Jul 18, 2024
What is a freethinker?
Jul 18, 2024
What is gall in the Bible?
Jul 18, 2024
What is the cup of salvation in Psalm 116:13?
Jul 18, 2024
Who was Gad the seer?
Jul 18, 2024
What is a free will offering / freewill offering?
Jul 18, 2024
Who are the Franciscans?
Jul 18, 2024
What is the meaning of “from glory to glory” in 2 Corinthians 3:18?
Jul 18, 2024
What is an extortioner in the Bible?
Jul 18, 2024
If Jesus was God, why did He say, “The Father is greater than I” in John 14:28?
Jul 18, 2024
What is a pastor emeritus?
Jun 28, 2024
What are the Four Noble Truths?
Jun 28, 2024
What is the fourfold witness?
Jun 28, 2024
What is coherentism / contextualism? What is foundationalism?
Jun 28, 2024
What does it mean that to the pure all things are pure (Titus 1:15)?
Jun 24, 2024
Who were the three men who visited Abraham in Genesis 18?
Jun 24, 2024
What does it mean to be struck down but not destroyed (2 Corinthians 4:9)?
Jun 24, 2024
What does it mean to serve one another through love (Galatians 5:13)?
Jun 24, 2024
What are the oracles of God?
Jun 24, 2024
How could the psalmist say, “I have never seen the righteous forsaken” in Psalm 37:25?
Jun 24, 2024
What did Jesus mean when He said, “He who is not with Me is against Me” (Matthew 12:30)?
Jun 24, 2024
What does it mean that God is the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3)?
Jun 24, 2024
When was before the foundation of the world?
Jun 24, 2024
Are the Ten Commandments taken from the forty-two precepts of Ma'at?
Jun 24, 2024
Should a Christian read fortune cookies?
Jun 24, 2024
What does it mean to have a form of godliness but deny its power in 2 Timothy 3:5?
Jun 24, 2024
What does it mean for something to be foreordained?
Jun 24, 2024
What is foreknowledge in the Bible?
Jun 24, 2024
Was the forbidden fruit an apple?
Jun 24, 2024
What does it mean that Esther was appointed “for such a time as this”?
Jun 24, 2024
Why is it sin to him who knows to do good and does not do it (James 4:17)?
Jun 24, 2024
Why did God send the flood when He knew sin would continue after the flood?
Jun 24, 2024
What are the five love languages?
Jun 24, 2024
Should the Old Testament instead be called the First Testament?
Jun 24, 2024
Is it biblical to call the wife of a pastor, elder, or bishop the First Lady of the church?
Jun 24, 2024
What is the first earth age? Is the concept of a first earth age biblical?
Jun 24, 2024
Should a couple be financially stable before getting married?
Jun 24, 2024
What is fervent prayer (James 5:16)?
Jun 24, 2024
Who is Felix in the Bible?
Jun 24, 2024
What does the Bible say about feeling overwhelmed?
Jun 24, 2024
What is the significance of a footstool in the Bible?
Jun 24, 2024
Is it true that fear is a liar?
May 17, 2024
Is there any reason to fear going into a cemetery?
May 17, 2024
What does it mean that God is the Father of lights?
May 17, 2024
What are some of the most famous sayings of Jesus?
May 17, 2024
How do I live my life for God?
May 10, 2024
What does it mean to flee from temptation?
May 10, 2024
What does the Bible say about feeding the hungry?
May 10, 2024
What is the meaning of federal headship?
May 10, 2024
How is the fear of man a snare?
May 10, 2024
Who wrote the book of Romans?
May 03, 2024
What is the one shepherd and one flock that Jesus talks about?
May 03, 2024
What is the meaning of gleaning in the Bible?
May 03, 2024
What does the Bible say about family planning?
May 03, 2024
What does the Bible say about family conflict?
May 03, 2024
What does the Bible say about false prophets?
May 03, 2024
Why did Jesus reference Chorazin and Bethsaida in Matthew 11:21?
May 03, 2024
Who were the Ephrathites?
May 03, 2024
Should Mark 16:9-20 be in the Bible?
Apr 26, 2024
What does it mean that love is of God?
Apr 26, 2024
Was Jesus a Nazirite? Did Jesus take the Nazirite vow?
Apr 26, 2024
Is salvation by grace plus works a false gospel?
Apr 26, 2024
What is false doctrine?
Apr 26, 2024
What does it mean that there will be false christs in the end times?
Apr 26, 2024
What are false apostles?
Apr 26, 2024
What truly happened at the fall of man?
Apr 26, 2024
What does the Bible say about falling in love?
Apr 26, 2024
What is the relationship of faith, works, and security in salvation?
Apr 26, 2024
Faith vs. belief—what is the difference?
Apr 26, 2024
What does the motto “faith seeking understanding” mean?
Apr 26, 2024
What is faith promise giving, and is it biblical?
Apr 26, 2024
What is faith in God?
Apr 26, 2024
Is it wrong to participate in extreme sports?
Apr 26, 2024
What are some Bible verses about confidentiality?
Apr 26, 2024
Why does God demand, seek, or request that we worship Him?
Apr 12, 2024
Is there extra-biblical evidence of the ten plagues in Egypt?
Apr 12, 2024
What does it mean that faith, hope, and love remain (1 Corinthians 13:13)?
Apr 12, 2024
What is the significance of Ezekiel’s temple?
Apr 12, 2024
Why is Ezekiel called son of man if it is a title for Jesus?
Apr 12, 2024
What does the Bible say about extrasensory perception?
Apr 12, 2024
What is experientialism?
Apr 12, 2024
What is excommunication in the Bible?
Apr 12, 2024
What is evolutionism?
Apr 12, 2024
What are evil spirits?
Apr 12, 2024
What does it mean that everything is meaningless?
Apr 12, 2024
What is the everlasting gospel?
Apr 12, 2024
What is the meaning of “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah 9:6?
Apr 12, 2024
What does it mean that even the demons believe?
Apr 12, 2024
What is evangelical Catholicism?
Apr 12, 2024
What is the Reformed Church in America (RCA)?
Apr 05, 2024
What does it mean that we are the temple of God?
Apr 05, 2024
What does it mean that “you are a rock of offense”?
Apr 05, 2024
What is easy believism?
Mar 29, 2024
What did Jesus mean when He told people, “Your faith has made you well”?
Mar 29, 2024
Why do women have such a small role in the Bible?
Mar 29, 2024
Why does God ask questions if He is omniscient?
Mar 29, 2024
What are the different types of love mentioned in the Bible?
Mar 29, 2024
Who was Eusebius of Caesarea?
Mar 29, 2024
Who are Euodia and Syntyche in the Bible?
Mar 29, 2024
What does the Bible say about etiquette / manners?
Mar 29, 2024
Are mono-ethnic churches, churches that focus on a specific race or ethnic group, following a biblical model?
Mar 29, 2024
What does it mean that we have eternity in our hearts?
Mar 29, 2024
What is the eternal procession of the Holy Spirit?
Mar 29, 2024
What is Esoteric Christianity?
Mar 29, 2024
What is escapism?
Mar 29, 2024
Who was Esau in the Bible?
Mar 29, 2024
Who was Erastus in the Bible?
Mar 29, 2024
What is the Epistle of Barnabas?
Mar 29, 2024
What is the meaning of Ephesians 2:8–9?
Mar 29, 2024
What is the meaning of epektasis?
Mar 29, 2024
What similarities are there between the Enuma Elish and the Genesis creation account?
Mar 29, 2024
What does the Bible say about apologizing?
Mar 29, 2024
What does it mean that Jesus created all things visible and invisible?
Mar 29, 2024
What are the most common denominations of Christianity?
Mar 15, 2024
What did Jesus mean when He spoke of living water?
Mar 15, 2024
What are some of the signs of genuine saving faith?
Mar 15, 2024
What is the Epimenides Paradox?
Mar 15, 2024
What is entire sanctification?
Mar 15, 2024
What are enhypostasis and anhypostasis?
Mar 15, 2024
I am engaged to and living with an unbeliever.
Mar 15, 2024
What does it mean that he who endures to the end will be saved?
Mar 15, 2024
What is the end times timeline?
Mar 15, 2024
What does the Bible mean when it refers to the end of the age?
Mar 15, 2024
How can Christian parents deal with empty-nest syndrome?
Mar 15, 2024
What is an empath?
Mar 15, 2024
What is the Charismatic movement?
Mar 08, 2024
How can I achieve victory in Jesus?
Mar 08, 2024
Who was Teresa of Avila?
Mar 08, 2024
What is sensationalism?
Mar 08, 2024
What is a prayer circle?
Mar 08, 2024
Is not reading the Bible a sin?
Mar 08, 2024
What does it mean that Jesus took our place?
Mar 08, 2024
Why did Jesus entrust Mary to the apostle John instead of to His brothers?
Mar 08, 2024
Are the holy angels perfect, or do they sometimes fail God?
Mar 08, 2024
What is the meaning of the foxes in Song of Solomon 2:15?
Mar 08, 2024
Could an EMP attack be a part of the end times?
Mar 08, 2024
How can I receive emotional healing?
Mar 08, 2024
What is emotional freedom technique (EFT)?
Mar 08, 2024
What does the Bible say about emotional abuse?
Mar 08, 2024
What were the emerods God afflicted the Philistines with in 1 Samuel 5?
Mar 08, 2024
Is EMDR therapy something a Christian can consider?
Mar 08, 2024
Is it a sin to elope?
Mar 08, 2024
Who was Ellen G. White?
Mar 08, 2024
What is an Elks Lodge?
Mar 08, 2024
Who was Elkanah in the Bible?
Mar 08, 2024
Who was Elimelech in the Bible?
Mar 08, 2024
How did Elijah send a letter to King Jehoram, if Elijah had already been taken to heaven?
Mar 08, 2024
Who was Eliezer in the Bible?
Mar 08, 2024
What are elemental spirits?
Mar 08, 2024
Who was Eleazar in the Bible?
Mar 08, 2024
How long was Jesus' ministry?
Feb 09, 2024
What is the Christian view of smoking? Is smoking a sin?
Feb 09, 2024
What does the Bible say about complaining?
Feb 09, 2024
Should Christians celebrate Christmas?
Feb 09, 2024
How should a Christian view global warming?
Feb 09, 2024
What exactly is a 'holy kiss'?
Feb 09, 2024
Why is the humanity of Jesus important?
Feb 09, 2024
What does it mean that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords?
Feb 09, 2024
What is Progressive Christianity, and is it biblical?
Feb 09, 2024
If an unmarried couple has sex, are they married in God’s eyes?
Feb 09, 2024
Who was Ephraim in the Bible?
Feb 09, 2024
Who were Eldad and Medad?
Feb 09, 2024
Does Egyptology confirm or deny the biblical record?
Feb 09, 2024
What does the Bible say about egotism / egoism?
Feb 09, 2024
What does the Bible say about pornography?
Feb 09, 2024
What is the importance of the parting of the Red Sea?
Feb 02, 2024
What is mid-Acts dispensationalism?
Dec 01, 2023
What is Opus Dei?
Dec 01, 2023
What does the Bible say about suicide?
Dec 01, 2023
Should a Christian take erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra and Cialis?
Dec 01, 2023
What was the Edict of Milan?
Dec 01, 2023
Who is the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople?
Dec 01, 2023
What were the ecumenical councils?
Dec 01, 2023
Is an eclipse a sign of the end times?
Dec 01, 2023
What is an Easter Vigil?
Dec 01, 2023
Should a Christian observe Earth Day?
Dec 01, 2023
What is Dynamic Monarchianism?
Dec 01, 2023
How was the plague causing the death of the firstborn of Egypt just in the eyes of God?
Dec 01, 2023
What is the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)?
Nov 21, 2023
Does Jesus love me?
Nov 21, 2023
What does the Bible say about eclecticism?
Nov 21, 2023
What is Ebionism / Ebionitism?
Nov 21, 2023
Is “eat, drink, and be merry” a biblical concept?
Nov 21, 2023
What is the significance of the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem?
Nov 21, 2023
What is dynamic equivalence in Bible translation?
Nov 21, 2023
What does the Bible say about dyeing hair?
Nov 21, 2023
What is the Druze religion?
Nov 21, 2023
Is it wrong to have drums in church?
Nov 21, 2023
Who was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Nov 21, 2023
What is doxastic voluntarism?
Nov 21, 2023
How should Christian parents respond to having a child with Down syndrome?
Nov 21, 2023
What does it mean to have a double tongue?
Nov 21, 2023
What is the principle of double effect?
Nov 21, 2023
What is Donatism?
Nov 21, 2023
What does the Bible say about donating blood?
Nov 21, 2023
Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?
Nov 21, 2023
Does prayer change God’s mind?
Nov 21, 2023
Does Jesus pray for us?
Nov 21, 2023
Does hell exist?
Nov 21, 2023
Does heaven exist?
Nov 21, 2023
Does God know our thoughts?
Nov 21, 2023
Does God hear my prayers?
Nov 21, 2023
Does God truly have free will?
Nov 21, 2023
Does God have a soul?
Nov 21, 2023
Does God have a plan for me?
Nov 21, 2023
Does God hate me?
Nov 21, 2023
Does God cry?
Nov 21, 2023
What does it mean to be doers of the Word?
Nov 21, 2023
Who was Doeg the Edomite?
Nov 21, 2023
What are doctrines of demons?
Nov 21, 2023
What is apocatastasis, and is it biblical?
Oct 20, 2023
What is the dispensation of Human Government?
Oct 20, 2023
How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?
Oct 20, 2023
In the Song of Solomon, why is it said that we shouldn’t awaken love until it pleases?
Oct 20, 2023
Do Jews believe in hell?
Oct 20, 2023
Do gay people go to heaven?
Oct 20, 2023
Does God hate gays?
Oct 20, 2023
Do demons exist?
Oct 20, 2023
Who are the doctors of the church?
Oct 20, 2023
What is Docetism?
Oct 20, 2023
Do angels exist? Is there any evidence for the existence of angels?
Oct 20, 2023
What is the Diwali festival in Hinduism?
Oct 20, 2023
What is divine simplicity?
Oct 20, 2023
What is the divine right of kings?
Oct 20, 2023
What is Divine Mercy Sunday?
Oct 20, 2023
What is divine impassibility?
Oct 20, 2023
What is ditheism? What is bitheism?
Oct 20, 2023
What does the Bible say about disrespectful children?
Oct 20, 2023
What is disfellowshipping?
Oct 20, 2023
Were there dinosaurs on Noah’s ark?
Oct 20, 2023
What is the difference between priests and Levites?
Oct 20, 2023
What is the difference between miracles and magic?
Oct 20, 2023
What is the difference between Israel and Palestine?
Oct 20, 2023
What is the difference between faith and hope?
Oct 20, 2023
What is the difference between envy and jealousy, biblically speaking?
Oct 20, 2023
What is the difference between Christianity and Islam?
Oct 20, 2023
Is the human soul mortal or immortal?
Oct 01, 2023
What does the Bible say about infant baptism?
Oct 01, 2023
What did Jesus mean when He said, “Other sheep I have which are not of this fold” (John 10:16)?
Sep 25, 2023
What is the difference between a disciple and apostle?
Sep 25, 2023
Who was Dietrich Bonhoeffer?
Sep 25, 2023
What was the Diet of Worms?
Sep 25, 2023
Did Moses see God?
Sep 25, 2023
Did Mary have other children?
Sep 25, 2023
Did Jesus lie to His brothers in John 7:8–10?
Sep 25, 2023
Did Jesus have children?
Sep 25, 2023
Did Jesus baptize anyone?
Sep 25, 2023
Did God sacrifice Himself to Himself to save us from Himself because of a rule He made Himself?
Sep 25, 2023
Did God divorce Israel?
Sep 25, 2023
What is the Diatessaron?
Sep 15, 2023
What is Dianetics?
Sep 15, 2023
What is dialectical theology?
Sep 15, 2023
What is dialectical materialism?
Sep 15, 2023
What is the meaning of diakonia in the Bible?
Sep 15, 2023
What does diadem mean in the Bible?
Sep 15, 2023
What is Deuteronomistic History?
Sep 15, 2023
Who is the destroying angel?
Sep 15, 2023
What does it mean that a biblical passage is descriptive rather than prescriptive?
Sep 15, 2023
What does it mean to deny yourself?
Sep 15, 2023
What is denominationalism?
Sep 15, 2023
What is demythologization?
Sep 15, 2023
Are there such things as aliens or UFOs?
Sep 01, 2023
Why was the worship of Baal and Asherah a constant struggle for the Israelites?
Sep 01, 2023
What is baptismal regeneration?
Sep 01, 2023
Why did God command the extermination of the Canaanites, women and children included?
Sep 01, 2023
What is monergism in relationship to salvation?
Sep 01, 2023
What does the Bible say about a Christian staying single?
Sep 01, 2023
What is spiritual metaphysics?
Sep 01, 2023
Was Jesus crucified on a Friday? If so, how did He spend three days in the tomb if He was resurrected on Sunday?
Sep 01, 2023
Did the witch of Endor really summon Samuel from the dead (1 Samuel 28:7-20)?
Sep 01, 2023
What does it mean that the name of the demon was Legion?
Sep 01, 2023
Is democracy a Christian form of government?
Sep 01, 2023
What is the Demiurge?
Sep 01, 2023
Who was Demetrius in the Bible?
Sep 01, 2023
Who was Demas in the Bible?
Sep 01, 2023
Why do we need to ask God to deliver us from evil?
Sep 01, 2023
What is a Delilah spirit?
Sep 01, 2023
What does it mean to delight yourself in the Lord (Psalm 37:4)?
Sep 01, 2023
What is deification in the Eastern Orthodox Church?
Sep 01, 2023
What is the definition of love?
Sep 01, 2023
What is the definition of grace?
Sep 01, 2023
What does it mean that deep calls to deep?
Sep 01, 2023
What is deductive Bible study?
Sep 01, 2023
Is it possible to make a deal with the devil?
Sep 01, 2023
What does the Bible say about dealing with regrets?
Sep 01, 2023
What is the importance of the Dead Sea in the Bible?
Sep 01, 2023
What does it mean that the dead know nothing?
Sep 01, 2023
How many children did King David have?
Sep 01, 2023
Why did David need Abishag to keep him warm when he had wives and concubines?
Sep 01, 2023
Who were the daughters of Zelophehad?
Sep 01, 2023
Who are the daughters of Jerusalem in Song of Solomon?
Sep 01, 2023
Who was Dathan in the Bible?
Sep 01, 2023
What does Psalm 137:9 mean when it says, “Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks”?
Sep 01, 2023
Who was Darius in the Bible?
Sep 01, 2023
Does the Bible mention David’s mother?
Aug 04, 2023
If Jesus was crucified on the Day of Preparation, why had He already eaten the Passover meal?
Aug 04, 2023
What does dayspring mean in the Bible?
Aug 04, 2023
What does it mean to be dead in trespasses and sins?
Aug 04, 2023
What does it mean to dress modestly?
Jul 31, 2023
If God is love, why does He condemn homosexuality?
Jul 31, 2023
What does the Bible say about shyness/being shy?
Jul 31, 2023
Who was D. L. Moody?
Jul 31, 2023
Who was Dan in the Bible?
Jul 31, 2023
What are the four beasts in Daniel chapter 7?
Jul 31, 2023
Was Daniel made a eunuch in Babylon?
Jul 31, 2023
What is the significance of Damascus in the Bible?
Jul 31, 2023
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Prodigal Son?
Jul 24, 2023
Who was Cyril of Jerusalem?
Jul 14, 2023
Who was Cyprian of Carthage?
Jul 14, 2023
Who were the Cushites?
Jul 14, 2023
What is cultural translation?
Jul 14, 2023
What is cultural Marxism?
Jul 14, 2023
What is cultural Christianity?
Jul 14, 2023
What is cultural appropriation?
Jul 14, 2023
What does the Bible say about cryonics?
Jul 14, 2023
Why did the crowds shout, “Crucify Him!” when Pilate wanted to release Jesus?
Jul 14, 2023
What is the history of crucifixion?
Jul 14, 2023
Does the Bible say anything about crop circles?
Jul 14, 2023
How can I overcome a crisis of faith?
Jul 14, 2023
What is corporate election?
Jul 14, 2023
Is corporate confession of sin biblical?
Jul 14, 2023
What does the Bible mean when it refers to the corners of the earth?
Jul 14, 2023
Who was Cornelius in the Bible?
Jul 14, 2023
What was the relationship between David and Jonathan?
Jun 30, 2023
What does it mean that wives are the “weaker vessel” (1 Peter 3:7)?
Jun 30, 2023
What does it mean that God is the Creator?
Jun 30, 2023
What is the creation mandate?
Jun 30, 2023
Why did David ask God to “create in me a clean heart” in Psalm 51:10?
Jun 30, 2023
What is a cowboy church?
Jun 30, 2023
What is the Coverdale Bible?
Jun 30, 2023
What does it mean to count it all joy?
Jun 30, 2023
What was the Counter-Reformation?
Jun 30, 2023
What happened at the Council of Florence?
Jun 30, 2023
What is the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship?
Jun 30, 2023
What is a holy convocation?
Jun 30, 2023
What does the Bible say about how to deal with controlling people?
Jun 30, 2023
What is the continuity vs. discontinuity debate in theology?
Jun 30, 2023
What does it mean that believers do not continue to sin?
Jun 30, 2023
What is Covenant Theology and is it biblical?
Jun 23, 2023
What does it mean to contend for the faith?
Jun 23, 2023
What is constructivism?
Jun 23, 2023
What is Conservative Judaism? What do Conservative Jews believe?
Jun 23, 2023
What is the Conservative Baptist Association?
Jun 23, 2023
What does the Bible say about conscientious objection?
Jun 23, 2023
Why should we confess our sins to one another?
Jun 23, 2023
When we confess our sins to God, how detailed do we need to be?
Jun 23, 2023
What is the meaning of concupiscence in the Bible?
Jun 23, 2023
What does the Bible say about rape?
Jun 16, 2023
Does Deuteronomy 22:28-29 command a rape victim to marry her rapist?
Jun 16, 2023
What does the Bible say about sex addiction?
Jun 16, 2023
Is it a sin to have a sexual fetish?
Jun 16, 2023
What was the conciliar movement?
Jun 16, 2023
Is there value in studying comparative religions?
Jun 16, 2023
What is Community Bible Study?
Jun 16, 2023
What are the communicable attributes of God?
Jun 16, 2023
Who was the commander of the army of the LORD in Joshua 5:14?
Jun 16, 2023
What does it mean to come out from among them?
Jun 16, 2023
What does the Bible say about a person who is in a coma / comatose?
Jun 16, 2023
What does the Bible say about collectivism?
Jun 16, 2023
What does the Bible say about BDSM?
Jun 09, 2023
What does the Bible say about faith?
Jun 09, 2023
Is cyber sex a sin?
Jun 09, 2023
Is it wrong for a married couple to have sex just for pleasure?
Jun 09, 2023
I am divorced. Can I remarry according to the Bible?
Jun 02, 2023
What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?
Jun 02, 2023
What is Yule, and what does it have to do with Christmas?
Jun 02, 2023
What does it mean to be co-heirs/joint-heirs with Christ?
Jun 02, 2023
What is the Codex Gigas?
Jun 02, 2023
What does the Bible say about coarse jesting?
Jun 02, 2023
What are cloven tongues?
Jun 02, 2023
The closed canon - what are the implications?
Jun 02, 2023
Who was Cleopas in the Bible?
Jun 02, 2023
Who was Clement of Alexandria?
Jun 02, 2023
Who was Clarence Larkin?
Jun 02, 2023
What is The City of God?
Jun 02, 2023
What is the Cistercian Order?
Jun 02, 2023
What are the different forms of church polity?
Jun 02, 2023
What is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?
Jun 02, 2023
What is the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), and what do they believe?
Jun 02, 2023
What is the Church of England?
Jun 02, 2023
What is the Church of Almighty God?
Jun 02, 2023
What is the biblical pattern of church leadership?
Jun 02, 2023
What is churchianity?
Jun 02, 2023
What does the Bible say about church hierarchy?
Jun 02, 2023
Why do governments allow churches to be tax-exempt?
Jun 02, 2023
What items should be included in a church constitution?
Jun 02, 2023
What is the importance or value of a church building?
Jun 02, 2023
If a person leaves church before the benediction, is the blessing lost?
Jun 02, 2023
What does the Bible say about dealing with chronic pain?
Jun 02, 2023
What is the meaning of Christotokos?
Jun 02, 2023
What is the difference between a Christocentric and a Christotelic hermeneutic?
Jun 02, 2023
Why do you need to guard your heart above all else (Proverbs 4:23)?
May 12, 2023
What is Christmastide?
May 12, 2023
Is Christmas related to Saturnalia?
May 12, 2023
Is Christmas a pagan holiday?
May 12, 2023
What is Christless Christianity?
May 12, 2023
Should a Christian participate in Zumba?
May 12, 2023
Should a Christian be a vigilante?
May 12, 2023
How should a Christian view vaccinations/vaccines?
May 12, 2023
Should a Christian take a vacation?
May 12, 2023
What is the value of attending a Christian university?
May 12, 2023
How should a Christian view tradition?
May 12, 2023
What is Christian tentmaking?
May 12, 2023
Is it wise for Christian teens to be dating?
May 12, 2023
What is Christian Socialism?
May 12, 2023
Why can’t all Christians agree on one Bible?
May 12, 2023
What is Christianophobia?
May 12, 2023
What are the core beliefs of Christianity?
May 12, 2023
Should a Christian enter a sweepstakes?
May 05, 2023
Should a Christian have swag / swagger?
May 05, 2023
How should a Christian view sportsmanship?
May 05, 2023
Should a Christian pay into Social Security and/or accept Social Security payments?
May 05, 2023
Why are there Christian sects?
May 05, 2023
Is Sunday the Christian Sabbath?
May 05, 2023
Is Christian rock music appropriate?
May 05, 2023
Is it wrong for a Christian to have the goal of being rich and famous?
May 05, 2023
Are there different religions within the Christian faith?
May 05, 2023
How should Christians view refugees?
May 05, 2023
What is the Christian Reformed Church in North America?
May 05, 2023
How should a Christian view realism?
May 05, 2023
Should a Christian make a promise?
May 05, 2023
Should a Christian go to Prom / Homecoming?
May 05, 2023
Should a Christian be a prepper or in any way be involved with doomsday prepping?
May 05, 2023
What does the Bible say about anal sex? What is sodomy according to the Bible?
Apr 28, 2023
What does the Bible mean by "you are gods" / "ye are gods" in Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34?
Apr 28, 2023
Should a Christian prank?
Apr 28, 2023
What does the Bible say about how much power Christians possess?
Apr 28, 2023
Should a Christian wear perfume / cologne?
Apr 28, 2023
What is Christian pantheism?
Apr 28, 2023
Is it wrong for a Christian family to put a loved one into a nursing home?
Apr 28, 2023
What are Christian mystics?
Apr 28, 2023
Should a Christian mortgage a home?
Apr 28, 2023
Should a Christian be a monk?
Apr 28, 2023
What is Christian minimalism?
Apr 28, 2023
What is mindfulness?
Apr 28, 2023
Should a Christian join a militia?
Apr 28, 2023
How should a Christian woman deal with menopause?
Apr 28, 2023
Should Christians use mediation to settle disputes?
Apr 28, 2023
Can a Christian woman wear sexually provocative lingerie for her husband?
Apr 14, 2023
What should be our response when a Christian leader renounces the faith?
Apr 14, 2023
What biblical principles should be applied to a Christian marriage ceremony?
Apr 14, 2023
What value is there in Christian journaling?
Apr 14, 2023
What is Christian humanism?
Apr 14, 2023
Is listening to Christian heavy metal music wrong?
Apr 14, 2023
What is Christian freedom?
Apr 14, 2023
Should a Christian consider foster care?
Apr 14, 2023
What is the Christian flag, and what does it symbolize?
Apr 14, 2023
How should a Christian view fashion?
Apr 14, 2023
How should a Christian view fascism?
Apr 14, 2023
Is the divorce rate among Christians truly the same as among non-Christians?
Apr 14, 2023
What is Christian Devotional Meditation?
Apr 14, 2023
Should a Christian use a credit card?
Apr 14, 2023
What sort of condolences should a Christian give someone who is hurting after the death of a loved one?
Apr 14, 2023
Should we worship the Holy Spirit?
Apr 07, 2023
Should a Christian take anti-depressants or other mental health medicines?
Apr 07, 2023
How should a Christian view entrepreneurship?
Apr 07, 2023
How can a Christian avoid being a doormat for other people?
Apr 07, 2023
Should Christians be in cliques?
Apr 07, 2023
What is the independent Christian Church?
Apr 07, 2023
How should a Christian respond to chain letters?
Apr 07, 2023
How should a Christian treat his/her boss?
Apr 07, 2023
Should a Christian have a bachelor/bachelorette party?
Apr 07, 2023
Book of Daniel
Mar 31, 2023
Does Christ have two natures?
Mar 31, 2023
What does it mean that Christ in us is the hope of glory?
Mar 31, 2023
What is Christian atheism?
Mar 31, 2023
What is the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church?
Mar 31, 2023
What does it mean that Christians are adopted by God?
Mar 31, 2023
What is Christ’s Commission Fellowship?
Mar 31, 2023
What should a Christ-centered life look like?
Mar 31, 2023
What is chrismation, and is it biblical?
Mar 31, 2023
What are Chreasters?
Mar 31, 2023
What is chivalry? Does the Bible instruct men to be chivalrous?
Mar 31, 2023
Does China have a role in the end times?
Mar 31, 2023
What does the Bible say about children’s rights?
Mar 31, 2023
What were the Children’s Crusades?
Mar 31, 2023
Who are the children of Israel in the Bible?
Mar 31, 2023
Why did Jesus refer to the Pharisees as a “child of hell” in Matthew 23:15?
Mar 31, 2023
What is Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)?
Mar 31, 2023
How should parents who are divorcing/separating deal with child custody issues?
Mar 31, 2023
Is it wrong for a woman to get an epidural and/or other pain relievers during childbirth?
Mar 31, 2023
What is the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy?
Mar 31, 2023
Is there any truth to the chemtrail conspiracy?
Mar 31, 2023
Who are the Chemarim / Chemarims in Zephaniah 1:4?
Mar 31, 2023
Who wrote the Book of Hebrews? Who was the author of Hebrews?
Mar 24, 2023
Why did Noah curse Canaan instead of Ham?
Mar 24, 2023
Why does Isaiah 45:7 say that God created evil?
Mar 24, 2023
What is Lectio Divina?
Mar 24, 2023
Is it wrong to question God?
Mar 24, 2023
Who was Chedorlaomer / Kedorlaomer?
Mar 24, 2023
What does the Bible say about cheating in school?
Mar 24, 2023
Who was Charles Wesley?
Mar 24, 2023
Who was Charles Taze Russell?
Mar 24, 2023
What does the Bible say about extreme fighting?
Mar 17, 2023
Who was Charles Ryrie?
Mar 17, 2023
What impact did Charlemagne have on church history?
Mar 17, 2023
What is the meaning of chaff in the Bible?
Mar 17, 2023
Why should I get married?
Mar 17, 2023
Who was Charles Parham?
Mar 10, 2023
Who was Charles Haddon Spurgeon?
Mar 10, 2023
Who was Charles Finney?
Mar 10, 2023
What is the difference between dating and courting?
Mar 03, 2023
Why are all of our righteous acts considered filthy rags?
Mar 03, 2023
Will God continue to forgive you if you commit the same sin over and over again?
Mar 03, 2023
Does the Bible say that gambling is a sin?
Mar 03, 2023
What does the Bible say about oral sex?
Mar 03, 2023
What is a married couple allowed to do, sexually?
Mar 03, 2023
What is Chabad Lubavitch?
Mar 03, 2023
What is the Cepher Bible?
Mar 03, 2023
What is Celtic Christianity?
Mar 03, 2023
What are the cedars of Lebanon the Bible mentions?
Mar 03, 2023
Can a Christian consider using CBD oil?
Mar 03, 2023
What is the significance of the cave of Machpelah?
Mar 03, 2023
What was the Cave of Adullam?
Mar 03, 2023
What is the cause of Christ?
Mar 03, 2023
What does it mean that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills?
Mar 03, 2023
Is the Catholic Church a separate religion or a division of Christianity?
Mar 03, 2023
Who was Catherine of Siena?
Mar 03, 2023
What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants?
Feb 24, 2023
What is the difference between Christianity and Judaism?
Feb 24, 2023
What is the full armor of God?
Feb 24, 2023
What is the meaning of Jacob wrestling with God?
Feb 24, 2023
What was the significance of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples?
Feb 24, 2023
Is it ever not a sin to masturbate?
Feb 24, 2023
Masturbation - is it a sin according to the Bible?
Feb 24, 2023
What does it mean to “spare the rod, spoil the child”?
Feb 24, 2023
What did Jesus mean when He said, "Take up your cross and follow Me" (Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23)?
Feb 24, 2023
What happens after death?
Feb 24, 2023
What is Catharism?
Feb 24, 2023
What is the meaning of “Cast your bread upon the waters”?
Feb 24, 2023
Does a cashless society have anything to do with the end times?
Feb 24, 2023
Is there anything wrong with cartoon portrayals of biblical accounts?
Feb 24, 2023
Is carpe diem something a Christian should live by?
Feb 24, 2023
What was the Carolingian Dynasty?
Feb 24, 2023
Who were the Cappadocian Fathers?
Feb 24, 2023
What are capital sins?
Feb 24, 2023
What is Candlemas?
Feb 24, 2023
What is the Tribulation? How do we know the Tribulation will last seven years?
Feb 10, 2023
What is baptism for the dead?
Feb 10, 2023
What happened on each of the days of Creation?
Feb 10, 2023
What does the Bible say about dinosaurs?
Feb 10, 2023
Will we be able to see and know our friends and family members in Heaven?
Feb 10, 2023
Is speaking in tongues for today?
Feb 10, 2023
Does the Bible prophesy a one-world government and a one-world currency in the end times?
Feb 10, 2023
What is the difference between the soul and spirit of humanity?
Feb 10, 2023
Can faith change God’s plan?
Feb 10, 2023
Who are the Jehovah's Witnesses and what are their beliefs?
Feb 03, 2023
What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Feb 03, 2023
Where do I find the age of accountability in the Bible?
Feb 03, 2023
What does it mean to be a born again Christian?
Feb 03, 2023
Who was Cain's wife?
Feb 03, 2023
What is the glory of God?
Feb 03, 2023
Who / what were the Nephilim?
Feb 03, 2023
Why did God allow polygamy / bigamy in the Bible?
Feb 03, 2023
What day is the Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday? Do Christians have to observe the Sabbath day?
Feb 03, 2023
What is the book of Enoch and should it be in the Bible?
Feb 03, 2023
Can angels die? Can angels be hurt?
Feb 03, 2023
Why did John Calvin have Michael Servetus burned at the stake for heresy?
Feb 03, 2023
What does it mean to call upon the name of the Lord?
Feb 03, 2023
What is meant by “call those things which are not as though they were”?
Feb 03, 2023
How can I know if I am being called to serve as a missionary?
Feb 03, 2023
What is a Calebite?
Feb 03, 2023
Who is Caleb in the Bible?
Feb 03, 2023
What does the Bible say about being a busybody?
Feb 03, 2023
Who was Cain in the Bible?
Jan 27, 2023
Who was Caiaphas in the Bible?
Jan 27, 2023
What is the Caesar’s Messiah Conspiracy Theory?
Jan 27, 2023
What is the significance of burning coals in the Bible?
Jan 27, 2023
What is a bulwark in the Bible?
Jan 27, 2023
Who was C.S. Lewis?
Jan 23, 2023
Who was C. I. Scofield?
Jan 23, 2023
What does it mean that salvation is by grace through faith?
Jan 23, 2023
What is the Bulgarian Orthodox Church?
Jan 23, 2023
What does it mean that “a bruised reed He will not break”?
Jan 23, 2023
What is the Bruderhof (Church Communities UK)?
Jan 23, 2023
What is brotherly kindness?
Jan 23, 2023
What is the Brotherhood of Light?
Jan 23, 2023
What was the significance of the bronze laver?
Jan 23, 2023
Who was Brigham Young?
Jan 23, 2023
What is a bridegroom?
Jan 23, 2023
What is the Brethren Church?
Jan 23, 2023
What is Branhamism? Who was William Branham?
Jan 23, 2023
What are the origins of the various branches of Christianity?
Jan 23, 2023
What does the Bible say about brain trauma?
Jan 23, 2023
Why does the Bible speak against braided hair?
Jan 23, 2023
What does the Bible say about bowing or kneeling in prayer?
Jan 23, 2023
What does it mean that “you were bought with a price”?
Jan 23, 2023
What is the New American Standard Bible (NASB)?
Jan 13, 2023
Are we all born sinners?
Jan 13, 2023
Are all people born good?
Jan 13, 2023
Is everyone born an atheist?
Jan 13, 2023
What is the Book of Adam and Eve?
Jan 13, 2023
Why is there an entire book of the Bible dedicated to romantic love?
Jan 13, 2023
What are the bodily discharges mentioned in Leviticus 15, and why did they make a person unclean?
Jan 13, 2023
What is the Blue Letter Bible?
Jan 13, 2023
What are blue laws?
Jan 13, 2023
Why is Queen Mary I of England known as Bloody Mary?
Jan 13, 2023
Why didn’t Jesus return during the blood-red moon of 2015?
Jan 13, 2023
What does it mean that blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness?
Jan 13, 2023
Is it wrong to blame God?
Jan 13, 2023
Are black people cursed?
Jan 13, 2023
Does the Bible say anything about the existence of black holes?
Jan 13, 2023
What is the meaning of bitter water in the Bible?
Jan 13, 2023
Is there any spiritual significance to birthstones?
Jan 13, 2023
What is BioLogos?
Jan 13, 2023
What is Binitarianism?
Jan 13, 2023
What does it mean to bind the strong man?
Jan 13, 2023
Who was Billy Sunday?
Jan 13, 2023
What is a Biblicist? What is Biblicism?
Jan 13, 2023
What is Biblical Unitarianism?
Jan 13, 2023
What is a biblical view of sexuality?
Jan 13, 2023
What is the biblical view of mortality?
Jan 13, 2023
What is biblical literalism?
Jan 13, 2023
What are biblical examples of dream interpretation?
Jan 13, 2023
How should a Christian view the Black Lives Matter movement?
Jan 13, 2023
Can women serve as elders in the church?
Jan 01, 1970